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The Southampton Whisper


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The latest issue of FourFourTwo has an article about terrace chants. It gives us a mention. ...

"Also around this time (1895) fans of some clubs developed chants known as 'whispers'- although they were more like war cries. One of the most famous was the Southampton Whisper, an ear-splitting yell of 'Yi! Yi! Yi!' "

Anyone ever heard of this? And who wants to be first to resurrect it on Saturday?

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Remember well the evolved version...


Yi yi yi yi

Martin is better than Yashin

Ron Davies is better than Eusebio

And....... will get a good thrashing!


Which dates me back to nearly as far as I can go...1895 is pushing it a little far! :)


I go back a little further for the slightly differerent version


Eye yi yi yi


Forsyth is better than Yashin

Ron Davies is better than Eusebio

And you're all in for a thrashin'


Frightening thing is, at least three of these players have departed this mortal coil!!

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