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Posting in the Lounge as this is a serious thread about a serious subject.


I was talking to a mate in the pub and he thinks he is starting to suffer from this. I wasnt sure what to say as he's only in his late 30s.


Does anyone have any experience of this on here? How old does it normally affect guys and do you have any advice? Thanks.


A mate eh? ;)


I've not been the same since my heart operation, I blame the tablets. I'm on beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. The beta-blockers are to stop me getting excited and the others are to keep my blood vessels dilated. If you, or your mate, are concerned then what's wrong with a trip to the doctor? There is one test to give an indication of whether it's physical or psychological. Most men get an erection in the early morning. If you take a strip of stamps (don't have to be first class:)) and wrap them around the base of the object in question and lightly gum them together then if you have had an 'event' during the night the perforations will have been torn.


Good luck :)


I was starting to have a problem about 5 years ago which I thought was natural aging and used Cialis a few times (which is as good as being 20 btw). But since I gave up smoking and then got diagnosed with under active thyroid (for which I now take thyroxine), problem has disappeared.


I expect your mate regrets deleting all those spam Viagra emails now. :)


Seriously though, I think it’s true to say that most men experience ED at some point in their lives; the overwhelming majority of these episodes are short-lived and will be psychologically driven – usually caused by stress. Unfortunately, if your mate is worried about having ED, then it’s likely he will talk himself into actually suffering from it.


I suffered an episode of ED about 5 years ago, and can confirm what Tim says about Cialis being very effective. In fact, after just one tablet, the sex was so good even the neighbours smoked a cigarette afterwards.


Of course, as WG says, there can be underlying physiological causes, so it’s probably best your mate has a chat with his GP.

I was starting to have a problem about 5 years ago which I thought was natural aging and used Cialis a few times (which is as good as being 20 btw). But since I gave up smoking and then got diagnosed with under active thyroid (for which I now take thyroxine), problem has disappeared.


Under-active thyroid can creep up on you over a couple of years. Your metabolism slows down so that your circulation suffers so things don't work as well as they should, also you feel the cold and put on weight.


My GP said that I'd be amazed at the difference the thyroxine would make and he was right. Worth getting it checked. Just a simple blood test.

Under-active thyroid can creep up on you over a couple of years. Your metabolism slows down so that your circulation suffers so things don't work as well as they should, also you feel the cold and put on weight.


My GP said that I'd be amazed at the difference the thyroxine would make and he was right. Worth getting it checked. Just a simple blood test.


Thats absolutely true. concentration and energy levels are so much better. The oddest symptom was that the outer third of my eyebrows disappeared! - now regrowing.

on a different point , did saville use viagra? for all his evil abuse attacks after all he was bloody old


Perhaps the evil thrill of abusing the vulnerable was all he needed what kept him doing it.

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