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So, I never watched him today, but from what I've heard he didn't do too well. That's totally understandable considering he's been out of action for a while. What's everyone's opinion of him? Has he made a good impression or a bad one? I'm not too sold on him to be honest. I can see what he brings, but his footballing ability is lacking at times.

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I think he is very good

A massive part of our rise to 3rd


He needs to get match sharpness. It showed today. He was well off the pace against the worst side in the league


He needs to cut out long passes.

When he is match fit , he is superb at sitting in front of the back 4


The stoke game and more so west ham are good games for him

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I thought it was quite odd that he was thrown straight in, but apparently Corky wasn't 100%, so that's fair.


But he was rusty, gave the ball away a hell of a lot....but Morgan was worse in that first half!


Cork is so class though, as soon as he came on in that 2nd half we got to grips with that midfield and passed our way around them. I'd love to find a way to accommodate Wanyama, Morgan, Cork and Davis in the same midfield...but with our set-up, that's not possible...so there will be some touhg decisions from time to time.


But Wanyama is class, during the first half of the season he was one of our better players and in some games was utterly unplayable. This is easily the best midfield we've had in my lifetime.

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He started taking his kit off before he left the pitch at ht, boots, pads etc so probably pre arranged swop with Corky who I must say was an improvement. Big Vic looked off the pace. He hustled and muscled a bit but his passing wasn't great today. Got booked as well.

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Was at game today. Personally thought the entire team was below par today 1st half and he wasn't particularly worse than others. Some people just like a scapegoat.

Cork coming on coupled with no doubt Potchettino's HT team talk helped us play a slicker faster passing football. I love the fact we have 3 excellent centre mids that have different attributes about them. I prefer the style Cork adds to the team personally but we definitely do need the physical attributes of Wanyama on other occasions.

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Was at game today. Personally thought the entire team was below par today 1st half and he wasn't particularly worse than others. Some people just like a scapegoat.

Cork coming on coupled with no doubt Potchettino's HT team talk helped us play a slicker faster passing football. I love the fact we have 3 excellent centre mids that have different attributes about them. I prefer the style Cork adds to the team personally but we definitely do need the physical attributes of Wanyama on other occasions.


First half our engine misfired. I believe this was because Cork was missing and Schneiderlin clearly missed Jack. Second half Jack was back and the engine puurrrrreeeeed!!!

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So, I never watched him today, but from what I've heard he didn't do too well. That's totally understandable considering he's been out of action for a while. What's everyone's opinion of him? Has he made a good impression or a bad one? I'm not too sold on him to be honest. I can see what he brings, but his footballing ability is lacking at times.


Opinion; he's f*cking brilliant. Awesome engine, tough tackling, solid and for his age, very good.


However today, he was w*nk. Just simply out of match practise.

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He started taking his kit off before he left the pitch at ht, boots, pads etc so probably pre arranged swop with Corky who I must say was an improvement. Big Vic looked off the pace. He hustled and muscled a bit but his passing wasn't great today. Got booked as well.


Very harshly though. It was obviously a foul but never worth a yellow. Neither was Morgan's.

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Part of the problem was in typical SWF style Wanyama got loads better when he was injured


His passing has been poor all season, but some seemed surprised about it today

trying to troll, what a surprise, although the real surprise is that you didn't add a negative regarding MP
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He is our destroyer - albeit clearly a bit rusty today. I know it is probably me looking through rose tinted spectacles, but I can't help thinking Pochettino always planned to take him off at halftime - soften them up in the 1st half then introduce Cork for the 2nd half push for 3 points. The reality is probably completely different but what's wrong with fanciful daydreaming after another 3-0 away win!

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Very poor today


Agreed. Looked very rusty, and tried too many ambitious passes.


A very good player though, who provides some much needed muscle for us, but has to work on his passing. Scares the **** out of me at times!


The reality for us is that we have 3 excellent defensive midfielders, any of whom would walk into most premier league squads.


Happy days!

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Part of the problem was in typical SWF style Wanyama got loads better when he was injured


His passing has been poor all season, but some seemed surprised about it today


Actually his crossfield balls have usually been on the money that is when he has time on the ball (they weren't today).


Where his passing has struggled is when he's been under pressure and can't change his body shape/angle quickly enough to use the inside of his foot.

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He struggles on the smaller pitches when it can get very congested in the middle. Great strength but Cork is much more nimble and composed and much better suited to games like today. Horses for courses and all that.

Better not play Big Vic at West Ham, Palace or Spuds in that case. But will be fine at the KC and the Etihad.

Look, I know he is BIG Vic, but this is complete twaddle. The Cottage is the same size as Anfield and Stamford Bridge.

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His passing has always been dodgy but he is a unit and gives the defence more cover than Cork. Cork seems to suit our possession style game more IMO. Perhaps we should play Cork from the off get 2 goals up and then shut up shop by bringing on Victor. I think maybe it's just a case of horses for courses depending on what team were playing as to which player starts.


As for today harsh on Jack to loose he place in the team after his recent form and hardly surprised Victor was poor today after a long lay off so I'm not going to put any blame on him.

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Part of the problem was in typical SWF style Wanyama got loads better when he was injured


His passing has been poor all season, but some seemed surprised about it today

Don't very often agree with Glasgow Troll but to be fair VW's passing is often poor. The rest of his game usually more than makes up for it though, which is what the Glasgow Troll doesn't seem to realise.

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He didn't have a great game today but wasn't the car crash some are making it out to be. Reminded me of how he looked when he first came to Saints, a little off the pace.


The Cork move did come off. I think that they play very different roles. Cork plays a bit higher alongside Morgan where I think VW sits a little further back in front of the back four. Think they offer different qualities.

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He didn't have a great game today but wasn't the car crash some are making it out to be. Reminded me of how he looked when he first came to Saints, a little off the pace.


The Cork move did come off. I think that they play very different roles. Cork plays a bit higher alongside Morgan where I think VW sits a little further back in front of the back four. Think they offer different qualities.


I think this is exactly right. When wv plays it seems every single ball from gk or centre backs goes to wv who comes short. When he's not playing I notice les that this is a particular persons role.


I don't think this helps us as its a bit easier for the oppo to set up against the same play and we feel a little more rigid when set up like this. His first thought is often the pass backwards a little more than cork so all in all makes us feel a little more free flowing with jc.



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According to who scored . Com he has an 81.6 % pass completion rate and an avg of 51.1 passes. Nowhere near as poor as some like to make out.



I'm very dubious of the value of pass completion statistics. Do they treat a simple 2 yard tap back the same as a through ball. Wanyama today did a number of short passes back to Fonte but had several wayward moments when trying more complex passes.

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even prior to his injury he was a woeful passer of the ball. Unfortunately eight weeks off did nothing to improve his passing which was awful today.


He's a strong physical presence in the middle of the field, sure, but he is the worst passer ont he team by far and that's a problem in MP's system.


Jack Cork was excellent when he came on. He should start in future.

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According to who scored . Com he has an 81.6 % pass completion rate and an avg of 51.1 passes. Nowhere near as poor as some like to make out.



Still worse than Jack Corks 87.2% though and Cork has a better accurate long ball stat which kind off backs up the (seemingly) general opinion that of the two players for that position Cork is the better passer of the ball. Offensively Victor has been disposed far more times than Cork and has less successful dribbles. Defensively Victors stats are better than Corks. Which again pretty much points to the general feeling that Victor is better defensively but Jack Cork gives us more attacking edge. The trick for Poch is deciding which player works better against which opposition. Seems to me their is a place for both of them.

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It was plain to see that Wanyama had a poor game, but the simple overriding issue is that Cork and Schneiderlin are a better suited pairing. Plus when Cork gets harried he will likely be able to play himself out of trouble...VW invariably gets caught napping. He's got more to prove.

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trying to troll, what a surprise, although the real surprise is that you didn't add a negative regarding MP


Sorry mate but he was really poor today and your relating that fact to some sort of a negative towards a poster who speaks the truth does nothing to promote any other theory than we were poor with Wanyama playing when he evidently is either not good enough or rusty.... Trolling or what ever has nothing to do with it - just stick to the subject please.

In my opinion he is nowhere as good as Cork whoever we are playing but he may just start passing more accurately in the future . However, right now, he needs to improve....

Great team performance second half with Cork playing and Ricky slightly deeper well done Ponch for getting it right second half ....

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Cannot be fully fit. Great player, off the pace today.



Looked way overweight, slow and cumbersome, put all of our system under duress because he did nothing well. Still with the performance of the two other CMs on Tuesday evening they'd obviously left a few feathers behind so it was a tempting move to start him.

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agree, it'll take him a game or two to get some real form back. Bad news for Jack who has been outstanding in the last month or so.....


I hope he can work on getting his form back and not giving the ball away in training and not by playing. Cork has been outstanding in the last few games and should be our first choice IMO.

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I'm very dubious of the value of pass completion statistics. Do they treat a simple 2 yard tap back the same as a through ball. Wanyama today did a number of short passes back to Fonte but had several wayward moments when trying more complex passes.


Most 'experts' love to fall back on their 442 Statszone info these days. Dullards who can't interpret the game and make no distinction in quality and skill of pass but like to fall back on objective evidence. VW's distribution is unusually poor and more stark in a team like ours. Still a great signing though.

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A weakness will never become a strength, but it can become less of a weakness.


There's no point spending time trying to put in what God left out.


Etc etc.


The man is a beast and gives us a presence in CM that we have not had for years and years. We are blessed to have both Big Vic and Jack Cork, but against the better teams we will concede fewer goals and have more possession with Big Vic in the team. IMO.

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So, I never watched him today, but from what I've heard he didn't do too well. That's totally understandable considering he's been out of action for a while. What's everyone's opinion of him? Has he made a good impression or a bad one? I'm not too sold on him to be honest. I can see what he brings, but his footballing ability is lacking at times.


No, he was not very good.


OK, when back "in form", he is very good, but I feel very sorry for Cork. His form has been brilliant, IMHO, so, why drop a player playing well ?


Who'd be a Manager eh ?

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He's a fantastic defensive shield and his passing is nowhere as bad as those on here would have you believe.


I'd like to see Wanyama play infront of the back 4 with Cork\Schneiderlin\Davis in the middle and width provided by the full backs, that would be a seriously tough lineup for any opposition to handle.

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