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Squad assessment post deadline day


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So, after a few outgoings (only one of which affects the first team IMHO) and no in comings, how do we rate the squad as a whole, and where do we need to look to strengthen in the summer? My thoughts are:



happy with our first choice, but neither Davis nor gazzaniga are good enough backups. Need a number 2.

Centre backs

Need four as a squad, we have four but both yoshida and hooiveld are only good enough four the fourth (second back up) slot IMHO. Need to sell one and bring in a first choice standard player, leaving Fonte as first back up.

Full backs

Great at right back, only shaw at left back. No idea if targett is good enough, but happy to go with mopos belief that he is, together with Clyne as an option as well. Cork can add additional cover at right back too, so two cover options for both positions means we are fine. Of course, we could well lose shaw in the summer, if so we need a direct replacement ... Easier said than done.

Centre midfield

Easily our strongest area; Morgan, victor, Davis, jwp, cork, reed. Nothing needed here

Creative players

I've avoided saying wingers because we don't use them as such, but we are pretty thin here. Lallana, gaston, guly and Jrod, and possibly isgrove. Need at least one player here IMHO.


Only Sam and Richie now, both of which are ideally sub level, one at the end of their career, and one at the start. Unless Richie regains a serious amount of fitness and form, or Sam explodes onto the scene, we need a player here, I guess the player osvaldo was meant to be. Sam has a big 4 months ahead of him and I wish him luck.


So, my take is we need a keeper, a centre back, a creative player and a striker, as well as shaws replacement if he goes to Chelsea in the summer (which I think he will). If we got all of those, I think we would be a serious threat for top 6. However, without those we are still a good side (when all are fit) and a reasonable squad. Losing deadwood in January plus the loon hasn't made us relegation material, or done anything to prove kls intentions, but assuming the above four improvements would cost about 40 million plus wages, we will have some idea of her ambition or lack of it in the summer.

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Pretty much agree with the abov


I think as a squad we are looking as good as any other mid table team. You just need to look at some of the mone spent in January to see that you are paying way over the odds. By waiting for the summer we have a much better chance of assessing and getting the targets we want rather than panic buys.


As i said on another thread, the only player I would have been interested in was Zaha on loan with a view to permanant if he was good enough.

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how come a month or so ago, when we were struggling, it was that we had a weak squad


now, not so?


This is the thing with this forum, some people say one thing and others say something else, but yet everyone gets quoted the same...


All season we have had a squad which rivals the other mid table teams. I think we have a stronger starting 11 than the rest, but our squad is a similar level. Now to push on for next season we do the same as we did last summer and make 2 or 3 top signings mixed with our youth players and then our squad will be strengthened again

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I don't think many did, apart from the usual wums and bed wetters. There are certain areas where we are light, and injuries to key people would be felt far more, like gk. Unfortunately, that's precisely where we had an injury.

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So, after a few outgoings (only one of which affects the first team IMHO) and no in comings, how do we rate the squad as a whole, and where do we need to look to strengthen in the summer? My thoughts are:



happy with our first choice, but neither Davis nor gazzaniga are good enough backups. Need a number 2.

Centre backs

Need four as a squad, we have four but both yoshida and hooiveld are only good enough four the fourth (second back up) slot IMHO. Need to sell one and bring in a first choice standard player, leaving Fonte as first back up.

Full backs

Great at right back, only shaw at left back. No idea if targett is good enough, but happy to go with mopos belief that he is, together with Clyne as an option as well. Cork can add additional cover at right back too, so two cover options for both positions means we are fine. Of course, we could well lose shaw in the summer, if so we need a direct replacement ... Easier said than done.

Centre midfield

Easily our strongest area; Morgan, victor, Davis, jwp, cork, reed. Nothing needed here

Creative players

I've avoided saying wingers because we don't use them as such, but we are pretty thin here. Lallana, gaston, guly and Jrod, and possibly isgrove. Need at least one player here IMHO.


Only Sam and Richie now, both of which are ideally sub level, one at the end of their career, and one at the start. Unless Richie regains a serious amount of fitness and form, or Sam explodes onto the scene, we need a player here, I guess the player osvaldo was meant to be. Sam has a big 4 months ahead of him and I wish him luck.


So, my take is we need a keeper, a centre back, a creative player and a striker, as well as shaws replacement if he goes to Chelsea in the summer (which I think he will). If we got all of those, I think we would be a serious threat for top 6. However, without those we are still a good side (when all are fit) and a reasonable squad. Losing deadwood in January plus the loon hasn't made us relegation material, or done anything to prove kls intentions, but assuming the above four improvements would cost about 40 million plus wages, we will have some idea of her ambition or lack of it in the summer.


Shaw won't go in summer.

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Pretty much agree, the >£40m warchest can be funded through the sale of Shaw, Osvaldo and wages saved by letting 20 players go. Only in the next window will we know.


The prize money diffrence between finishing 10th and 7th is about £2m, economically not worth new signings when we have the academy option. As for the FA Cup, thats more luck than skill.

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Goalkeeper: Top class first choice, competition needed. Vital man in reserve but I expect he'll become a coach sooner rather than later.


Defence: One world class defender who takes us to another level. Without him it's shakier, but the emergence of Calum Chambers (which enables Clyne to play at left-back) gives us reasonable short-term cover in all positions. More organisation needed when Lovren and Boruc are not on the pitch to lead. Another centre-half needed in summer.


Central midfield: Top drawer, great cover, no complaints. Make sure those players keep the tempo high and we're fine.


Attacking midfield: Two quality and improving players with one spot waiting to be filled by someone of that quality. Could be Ramirez, could be Ward-Prowse in the future, could be a new signing. Davis is a terrific squad member but could be improved upon in the first XI. Good cover available, but legs and ideas tend to fade in the second half when we've had a tough first. Someone to put new life into that line of 3 off the bench required.


Strikers: Problem area for me. We have a great away-day striker in Rodriguez but cannot rely on Lambert and Gallagher to get us results when things aren't going our way. A major remodelling effort needed in summer, which could involve one or two players coming in. There may yet be a place for Emmanuel Mayuka to fit into the squad, though we'll have to see.

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Pretty much agree, the >£40m warchest can be funded through the sale of Shaw, Osvaldo and wages saved by letting 20 players go. Only in the next window will we know.


The prize money diffrence between finishing 10th and 7th is about £2m, economically not worth new signings when we have the academy option. As for the FA Cup, thats more luck than skill.


I think the difference between 7th and 10th is more like £8mill when you include the live TV fees. I still reckon if we are on the same plan that Cortese banged on about we would at least get in a loan to cover Osvaldo.


Imagine if we make it to the FA Cup final, pick up a few key injuries and end up having to play Guly up front.

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I think the difference between 7th and 10th is more like £8mill when you include the live TV fees. I still reckon if we are on the same plan that Cortese banged on about we would at least get in a loan to cover Osvaldo.


Imagine if we make it to the FA Cup final, pick up a few key injuries and end up having to play Guly up front.


Judging by the interview with MP on Tuesday it would be a fair guess that the one in one out referred to the Osvaldo situation. I doubt if the club did not try to bring in a replacement, but there was no need to be held to ransom. The answer to your second point is that Guly will score a hat trick and we will beat Citeeh 3-2

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Problem is you can pretty much guarantee we will get injuries, and in this league it is a fine line between success and failure.


We have already proven that we cannot cope with a few injuries...


First 11 games this season (no injuries)

W6 D4 L1 F15 A5 pts22


Last 12 games (with 1 or 2 injuries)

W2 D4 L6 F16 A22 pts10

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GK: We'll live through this season, a lot depends on Boruc staying fit and unsuspended. A new keeper in the summer will be needed as Davis is knocking on, Gazzaniga just doesn't look up to it yet and even Boruc is prone to a brain fart.


RB: Totally sorted. Our strongest position IMO.

CB: Jose and Dejan are great, Jos and Maya less so, but as for this season where mid-table is most likely where we'll finish, we'll live. Definitely will need strengthening in the summer though.

LB: With Fox gone, that leaves us with hoping Shaw doesn't pick up a knock, Clyne out of position, or the untried Targett. Weirdly, as I didn't rate Fox at this level, we do suddenly look weaker without him. Go figure. Fingers crossed Targett is a good'un.


CM: Wanyama, Cork, Morgan, Davis, JWP, Reed. Top line up there, and JWP and Davis can play higher up.


AM/Str: Now looking like our weakest area. Lallana and JRod will have a big job trying to assist/score goals for us, and we really need Rickie to find some semblance of form again. There's a lot of trust being placed in Sam Gallagher. I hope he has the right mentality for the challenge at his young age.

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We have already proven that we cannot cope with a few injuries...


First 11 games this season (no injuries)

W6 D4 L1 F15 A5 pts22


Last 12 games (with 1 or 2 injuries)

W2 D4 L6 F16 A22 pts10


1 ro 2 injuries....? For the Spurs game we had 5 first teamers not starting. I think we've been very unlucky in the fact we got our injuries during possibly our hardest fixtures for the season. And even then we are still 9th!

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how come a month or so ago, when we were struggling, it was that we had a weak squad


now, not so?


Because there is no depth, clown. He makes the point about a third CB, creative player and upfront, and says we are then top 6 contenders. He didnt say we are now.


Imo the targets he has identified are the bare minimum that is required to regain our momentum next season.

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