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What will the summer of 2014 hold in store?


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So the Jan window is shut and it's now full steam ahead for the remainder of the season with a trim, young and together squad of players with the aim of 8th place in their mind and the carrot of the FA cup also.


So what will the summer hold?

Manager staying or leaving?

Owner staying or selling up?

A new CEO, but who?

How big a war chest for new signings?

Shaw et al leaving?


One thing is for sure, it won't be dull. But being a saints fan never is!

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If it's anything like the last two a couple of decent early signings then spend the rest of the window chasing players who don't want to come here, 50 threads, one which goes to 98345 posts later we convince them just deadline day by offering so much money they can't refuse only for that player to be a huge let down and no where near as good as he was built up to be on here.

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So the Jan window is shut and it's now full steam ahead for the remainder of the season with a trim, young and together squad of players with the aim of 8th place in their mind and the carrot of the FA cup also.


So what will the summer hold?

Manager staying or leaving? Mopo will stay with his team...probably...if his terms are not degraded.

Owner staying or selling up? My feeling is KL will sell, but not necessarily this summer.

A new CEO, but who? The new CEO is here already...no further change until the club is sold.

How big a war chest for new signings? My guess is that we've seen the last of war chests as such...more a case of gradual investment. KL was told by Cortese that the training ground was complete...of course it wasn't and is way over budget due to mis-management.

Shaw et al leaving? None of the youngsters will leave all the while we keep improving and they want to keep playing regular 1st team football.


One thing is for sure, it won't be dull. But being a saints fan never is!


See above. I actually think this summer will be somewhat 'duller' than many would like or expect.

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Seeing as we have hardly splashed out for a top four place (see other teams and there expenditure) we will probably go to £3-4 Million deals with the odd one a bit higher, no shock or surprise ther merely we are saying it as opposed to our board.

Our aspirations appear to have gone down to a more realistic level which is all good for me.

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Shaw will clearly go. Will be very hard to keep hold of Schneiderlin and Lallana's loyalty will be tested.


Key is the ambitions of the club and whether they will be enough to persuade our better players to stay.


From what we have seen and heard so far I doubt they will.


Could be big changes. In theory 7 or 8 of our players could be at bigger clubs. Once a couple go, more will.


Im going to enjoy the rest of this season because most likely we won't be this good next year.


Oh, and if we don't fight bloody hard to keep Pochettino then I will be annoyed. He is crucial.

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Personnally I would like to keep things as stable as possible but again improve the squad, my ideal scenario would be:


Owner - KL keeps steady hand on the club, provides sufficient funds to improve the depth of squad.


Board - Who bring in good professional skills and plan the long term development of the club. Must get on with others board members and act as a cohesive team.


Management Team - Keep MP and management team, extend contract. Really like his style of football, youth philosophy and team ethic. Wish he would do interviews in English though as his translated interviews are so tedious.


Squad - Retain the main starting team and best squad players, add 3 Quality additions CB, GC and striker, any additions must fit the Southampton Way not Billy big bol locks. No man is bigger than the team.



Worst case scenario would be:


KL looks to sell and we are bought by a individual who has a dubious background and uses the club as a status symbol and makes stupid ill thought out decisions. Doesn't release sufficient funds to improve or spends too much on Star 'has been' high status players.


Board has in fighting and individual agendas pulling the club in different directions, no single vision. This dis-harmony filters down throughout the club.


Management Team - MP and team go and we get a past it, seen better days, journey man manager.


Squad - The best players leave or want to leave for many of the reasons above ref owner change, club vision, management team, poor team harmony. Has been players are brought in on inflated wages with all their past baggage and superiority.

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I think we will be bought by a Vietnamese billionaire who will pump money into the team Man City style and we will be challenging for 4th spot all season. I expect at least one cup where the camera spot a group wearing conical paddy hats and long moustaches. We will have another volitile CEO who upsets everyone but we will serve the best noddles in town

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation


Welcome back TDD!


Personally I think we'll find out KL's true intentions this summer. It will tell us if she's here long-term, or if she's trying to minimise the costs to make us an attractive sale. Nothing has suggested either so far, we're in a bit of a stalemate.


It'll be an interesting summer anyway, what with the world cup. It'll beat last years summer which was a bore fest for the most part.

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Welcome back TDD!


Personally I think we'll find out KL's true intentions this summer. It will tell us if she's here long-term, or if she's trying to minimise the costs to make us an attractive sale. Nothing has suggested either so far, we're in a bit of a stalemate.


It'll be an interesting summer anyway, what with the world cup. It'll beat last years summer which was a bore fest for the most part.



they really need to get MP to sign a new deal. That would put to bed all fears straight away

if he stays, all is good. He is a class manager

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation


Blimey mate you a bit down today

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Blimey mate you a bit down today


like I said. MP is the key here

he stays, all is good. Regardless if shaw goes or not (which I think he will no matter what happened with NC etc)


the way MP has these players playing is brilliant. Watching Lallana is a joy. Just cant see it being the same with another

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation


Go and support Plymouth then. Everyone behind the scenes has said that kl has been a breathe of fresh air. We haven't sold anyone we didn't want to as she basically promised.

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like I said. MP is the key here

he stays, all is good. Regardless if shaw goes or not (which I think he will no matter what happened with NC etc)


the way MP has these players playing is brilliant. Watching Lallana is a joy. Just cant see it being the same with another


Ok but not sure why you feel so strongly that Luke Shaw will go when he has said a few times he wants to stay..

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Ok but not sure why you feel so strongly that Luke Shaw will go when he has said a few times he wants to stay..


Dunno. Just have a hunch

a couple of massive clubs are in need of a LB and have serious cash to burn

sometimes, the money is too good to turn down


hope he stays mind

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Dunno. Just have a hunch

a couple of massive clubs are in need of a LB and have serious cash to burn

sometimes, the money is too good to turn down


hope he stays mind


It's an interesting situation re: Shaw. This is the first time we've had one of these young stars as an established PL team, previously we've been a Champ/L1 side so it's been a bit of a no-brainer...but it'll be very different this time.

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It's an interesting situation re: Shaw. This is the first time we've had one of these young stars as an established PL team, previously we've been a Champ/L1 side so it's been a bit of a no-brainer...but it'll be very different this time.


you can see chelsea throwing £25m UP FRONT

for a LB, that is a world record level of cash.


any football club in the world would listen to that.


hope he stays, Just see United or Chelsea offering massive cash for him, now baines is going nowhere

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Dunno. Just have a hunch

a couple of massive clubs are in need of a LB and have serious cash to burn

sometimes, the money is too good to turn down


hope he stays mind


I feel completely the opposite, he likes it here and is playing week in week out and knows

he will not at a "bigger" club.

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I feel completely the opposite, he likes it here and is playing week in week out and knows

he will not at a "bigger" club.


Dunno, If someone spends £25-£30m on him then he'll start every week to be honest. I could even see him walking into Chelsea's team right now.

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I feel completely the opposite, he likes it here and is playing week in week out and knows

he will not at a "bigger" club.


why wont he

we tout him as the best LB in the country.

well, maybe no.2 behind baines. So why wouldnt he?


I think he would at any club in the country to be fair

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why wont he

we tout him as the best LB in the country.

well, maybe no.2 behind baines. So why wouldnt he?


I think he would at any club in the country to be fair


Because it rarely happens at big clubs unless someone can point out other wise..

eg Chelsea buy a young highly rated defender for a fair few quid and loan him straight out

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You're all rating Shaw too highly.


He wouldn't start every week for City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Everton or United. Would probably play at Liverpool but only because left back's a problem area for them. Those clubs have good teams with big competition, and they rotate enough as it is.


A £20-30m transfer fee would be an investment in the future. If he goes to a big club now he'll be a regular in the team within a couple of years, but he won't go in instantly.

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What will be will be etc.


As most on here are Saints supporters:)


We will enjoy the rest of the season supporting OUR team.


Have fun in the pre season waiting at the airport for Messi to arrive.


Then looking forward to the pre season games.....more young talent from the academy being intoduced.


Another cracking season for 2014/15........we will still be here.


Some of you strange posters/Saints and other odds and sods........will never use the word idiots:mcinnes:......sorry when used in the past to describe certain peeps:p


Anyway Saints will always be...and whatever happens we will have a bus or at least a transit van:D

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation


Welcome back!!



He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

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Will the truth come out with regard to the departure of NC.


If he left then why are there rumours about a settlement being discussed? Surely settlements only get talked about if an employer dispenses with an employees services?


I don't think we'll learn anything more than they want us to. Non Disclosure Agreements will be put in place.

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If he left then why are there rumours about a settlement being discussed? Surely settlements only get talked about if an employer dispenses with an employees services?


I don't think we'll learn anything more than they want us to. Non Disclosure Agreements will be put in place.

Tin Tack?

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The press reporting on saints must be running at about 95% false.


Nothing seen or heard makes me think we are any more likely to be sold than other summers or in fact other clubs - could happen but doubt it.


KL has said she wants to continue the plans and support the manager. Most of our progress and spending has been under her rather than ML - so why would her being more visible and involved be bad news? She may well be being charmed my our performances and MP and want to invest more?


Shaw leaving looks likely but don't think that's certain.


MP sounds like he is planning on being around for a while - although not much is long term with managers.


Good chance of few signings - wouldn't be surprised with keeper, defender, creative midfielder and forward.


Also predict lots of moaning and negativity in here with little basis.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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loads of rumours about the club being sold

let down player recruitment wise in the summer. back to getting average players like we used to

shaw will be sold

MP will leave and we will get A N Other foreign coach

followed by a season flirting with relegation


Dont assume we are safe this season, never mind next.

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