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Anyone else worried that MP will leave?


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I know he stated that he wouldn't but it's the one area that bugs me at the moment. NC leaving hasn't had the drastic effect some people were saying it would but I think if MP left then the squad would collapse. So the question, will he stay in the summer?

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He'll still have year left on his contract and presumably will feel that he has a fairly strong negotiating position for a new one. If he wants it and if he gets assurances on transfer funds, club ambition etc. to make sure his interests still align with ours; if they do i'd expect him to stay - he's building his reputation, something not possible at every club. So unless he gets poached by a properly big club then I doubt it.

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I think he'll be gone in the Summer. He bought into the Cortese Champs League dream, as did Wanymana, Gaston, Lovren, Shaw and Wanyama.


Don't think any will still be here come August tbh.


Anyone who thinks we can go from being Championship to Champions League in 3 seasons is clearly deluded. Maybe one day, but I am sure that Wanyama, Gaston et al would have joined knowing that it was an ambition rather than a given. I have every faith that MoPo will see out his contract, and beyond.

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I think he'll be gone in the Summer. He bought into the Cortese Champs League dream, as did Wanymana, Gaston, Lovren, Shaw and Wanyama.


Don't think any will still be here come August tbh.


They bought into being offered lots of $$$$. That's the long and short of it.

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On the day that Cortese left I had convinced myself that MP wouldn't be too far behind OR that Cortese had urged him to stay put whilst he hatched his return alongside another investor.


Now I'm totally undecided on what the likely outcome is. As perverse as this might sound, things have almost gone too quiet and stabilised in such a sort space of time that the pessimistic side of me can't help feeling that there's another bombshell lying in wait for the summer. However, the other more optimistic side of me looks at all the smiles around SMS yesterday (MP, players, Katharina, fans, etc) and thinks that MP and the club has genuinely moved on and entered a whole new phase of 'the project' together.


So, are we simply in the calm space under the eye of the hurricane waiting for the tail end to take us by surprise, or has the storm completely blown over?


Buggered if I know.

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Can't see it myself - why would he not be happy here...has support of the players, coaching staff, Board and fans. He has the Academy cream to pick from - a stated interest of his since his previous club. Cortese might have sold him the dream, but it's his dream now.



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I think he'll be gone in the Summer. He bought into the Cortese Champs League dream, as did Wanymana, Gaston, Lovren, Shaw and Wanyama.


Don't think any will still be here come August tbh.


With all due respect, with perhaps the exception of Shaw (& maybe Lovren) the others aren't going to walk in to a top four club.


If they really thought they were coming to a Club who would regularly be playing Champions League football, then I'm afraid to say they're a tad dim.

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Am I worried? Not particularly. We have a good infrastructure and squad in place that a new manager could do well with. Do I think he will go? Difficult to say. He's been here a couple of weeks longer than some of us expected. Who knows? Maybe he's happy under the new regime. He certainly seems as committed as ever to the cause right now but we're still not entirely clear of what's going on behind the scenes

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Truth is nobody knows, all those smiles could be hiding lots of things. Mopo looks very relaxed, like a man with little pressure which is what always happens when you know you're leaving your job.......or it could be that the departure of NC's authoritarian regime has affected him to. What if KL has given him a big fat new offer with loads of money? What if NC and some of the other execs were on the take, KL got suspicious, asked for greater visibility and NC did a runner. I guess we'll have to wait until the fat lady sings!

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I think he'll stay as he (like us) realise that life after Cortese isn't as f##ked up as everyone feared.


That said, if KL does sell us then all of the above is subject to whomever buys us.


I therefore, reserve the right to sit squarely and firmly on the fence.


I'm so glad I was able to contribute to this thread.

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I think he'll be gone in the Summer. He bought into the Cortese Champs League dream, as did Wanymana, Gaston, Lovren, Shaw and Wanyama.


Don't think any will still be here come August tbh.



that does sound a bit drastic. Many clubs spend several seasons trying to make it to the Premiership and then hope to survive.. and yet we did it in one.


Do you really think everyone will desert the club because we didn't make it in the first season. ?


Surely the quality of the football speaks for itself, and no-one could have anticipated that spate of injuries all coming at once.

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I think he'll be gone in the Summer. He bought into the Cortese Champs League dream, as did Wanymana, Gaston, Lovren, Shaw and Wanyama.


Don't think any will still be here come August tbh.


Any player signing for Saints expecting to play in the Champions League is effing retarded.

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Lawrie Mac may be yesterday's man and a bit of a dinosaur but he made a valid point to a mate last week.


He said there are only 20 Premier League jobs and although sackings might seem a regular occurrence, they don't actually come up all that often.


PL jobs are quite precious things and if you've got one, you do all you can to hang to it.


Walking out doesn't help your reputation. It might seem an honourable sort of thing to do, but club chairmen aren't that big on honour, and the manager you get because he did an honourable thing at another club might do something similar to you.


MoPo will know that although we've had a good season, he hasn't made that much of a reputation yet that will guarantee him another PL job if he walks.


There's the prospect that he could go abroad, but the PL is still the place to be, and he would be a fool to walk out of a job.


All this, of course, from a man who walked out on us years ago for Sunderland. But no doubt over time he has seen the error of that.

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