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Does Pochettino regret this?

Barry Sanchez

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Do you think Liebherr has seen this and thought we cant do that and not mean it, so therefore the aims and direction we are now taking are lower key not to put more pressure on the manager?


Should she come out with a set of directions clear and concise for all to understand what path the business is planned for?

We all want to finish as high as possible and use youth, thats obvious but unlesss we retain what we have and have another 5/6 players from there we wont progress, Ferguson has been quoted as saying the fledgings wont happen again in his lifetime and I agree so it means in reality we shall have to spend, how much? And how much for hoe many places?

Do we really want Europa Cup football as it means we have to strengthen further (I would regardless)?

Do we want or more so does Liebherr want us to be a middling club neither going up nor down and simply a cup of tea and digestive side neither offensive nor inoffensive?

What is in short and what are the long term apsirations of her and her team?

I think she has no real long team intentions and simply can not wait to get out of the football game myself.

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I'm sure MP realises that the dream of CL football went with NC. We're now positioning ourselves to being the nice mid-table PL club we were under WGS.


Those who were brought here by the dream (ie. MP, Lovren, Osvaldo, Gaston and Wanyama) will all be leaving by the start of next season IMHO.

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I'm sure MP realises that the dream of CL football went with NC. We're now positioning ourselves to being the nice mid-table PL club we were under WGS.


Those who were brought here by the dream (ie. MP, Lovren, Osvaldo, Gaston and Wanyama) will all be leaving by the start of next season IMHO.


not to mention those who were kept here by the dream. If the club doesn't define acceptable targets to the players there will be a mass exodus but we'll bank a shedload of money. Never mind we can get a lot of Danny Ings and Roger Johnsons for that. We need to look at West Ham and actually learn something.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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Why would you regret showing ambition? What would you prefer - a manager saying CL or one saying mid table? What's the point of being in the competition if you are content with coming 8th-12th?


I agree but I get the feeling that is exactly what Liebherr wants, stability so its easy to sell. If she cant not sell at the right price a firesale and then get whatever she can for it.

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Just ignore his threads if they bother you that much.


And no, I don't think MP regrets saying that. Mainly because he knows that most people won't hold him to his every word and realise that there is nothing wrong with stating ambitions even if they are quite tough to achieve.

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Do you think Liebherr has seen this and thought we cant do that and not mean it, so therefore the aims and direction we are now taking are lower key not to put more pressure on the manager?


Should she come out with a set of directions clear and concise for all to understand what path the business is planned for?

We all want to finish as high as possible and use youth, thats obvious but unlesss we retain what we have and have another 5/6 players from there we wont progress, Ferguson has been quoted as saying the fledgings wont happen again in his lifetime and I agree so it means in reality we shall have to spend, how much? And how much for hoe many places?

Do we really want Europa Cup football as it means we have to strengthen further (I would regardless)?

Do we want or more so does Liebherr want us to be a middling club neither going up nor down and simply a cup of tea and digestive side neither offensive nor inoffensive?

What is in short and what are the long term apsirations of her and her team?

I think she has no real long team intentions and simply can not wait to get out of the football game myself.


Do you regret this?

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There is nothing wrong with ambition and that is to be applauded, what I think is silly is actually saying it the way he did, surely he knows he is on a hiding to nothing by saying that?

If there is nothing wrong with ambition, then I guess that you are in agreement with MP and that there is no regret. But I am interested in how you would have preferred him to say it - in English maybe?



I agree but I get the feeling that is exactly what Liebherr wants, stability so its easy to sell. If she cant not sell at the right price a firesale and then get whatever she can for it.

What has KL got to do with it? You asked whether MP regretted it. If you are made to look silly, always best to retreat rather than try and dig yourself out of a hole with a load more nonsense.

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If there is nothing wrong with ambition, then I guess that you are in agreement with MP and that there is no regret. But I am interested in how you would have preferred him to say it - in English maybe?


What has KL got to do with it? You asked whether MP regretted it. If you are made to look silly, always best to retreat rather than try and dig yourself out of a hole with a load more nonsense.



Of course I am in agreement with him on that, I disagreed with him saying it though and I did not believe a word of it.


As for your other piece , where have I been proved on this, in fact on any recent Saints prediction?

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As has become apparent, these days it involves ignoring every single thread, which somewhat spoils the forum.


The irony of you coming on to a thread I have created to moan about me is not lost, if I did not post you simply would moan about someone else disagreeing with what you have said as opposed to discussing the points they/I have made.

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Do you think Liebherr has seen this and thought we cant do that and not mean it, so therefore the aims and direction we are now taking are lower key not to put more pressure on the manager?


Should she come out with a set of directions clear and concise for all to understand what path the business is planned for?

We all want to finish as high as possible and use youth, thats obvious but unlesss we retain what we have and have another 5/6 players from there we wont progress, Ferguson has been quoted as saying the fledgings wont happen again in his lifetime and I agree so it means in reality we shall have to spend, how much? And how much for hoe many places?

Do we really want Europa Cup football as it means we have to strengthen further (I would regardless)?

Do we want or more so does Liebherr want us to be a middling club neither going up nor down and simply a cup of tea and digestive side neither offensive nor inoffensive?

What is in short and what are the long term apsirations of her and her team?

I think she has no real long team intentions and simply can not wait to get out of the football game myself.


***t!!!! just read the open letter to the fans from yesterday...........why are people always looking for a negative if you dont like it may i politely suggest you frack off down the road and join the blue few........i am sick to the back teeth of people with an agenda on this forum trying to stir things up and cause un-rest . in future unles you know something useful try not to bore us all with your inane drivel and please see the matron because obviously your medication is not working. ........before you ask yes i am a ST holder and you are more than welcome to join me in Block 2 for a deep and meaningful discussion.

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***t!!!! just read the open letter to the fans from yesterday...........why are people always looking for a negative if you dont like it may i politely suggest you frack off down the road and join the blue few........i am sick to the back teeth of people with an agenda on this forum trying to stir things up and cause un-rest . in future unles you know something useful try not to bore us all with your inane drivel and please see the matron because obviously your medication is not working. ........before you ask yes i am a ST holder and you are more than welcome to join me in Block 2 for a deep and meaningful discussion.


Why would question whether you are a season ticket holder? Why do I have an agenda when I have an opinion, yes sure I will meet you to have a deep and meaningful discussion iin block 2 when I down there next ha ha, Jesus wept.

I have given my opinion and you dont like it, simple but this is a thread I have created so you did not have to do anything, I must admit though I am shiiiting myself at the thought of having a deep and meaningful discussion with you in block 2 at St Marys ha ha!

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Do you think Liebherr has seen this and thought we cant do that and not mean it, so therefore the aims and direction we are now taking are lower key not to put more pressure on the manager?


Should she come out with a set of directions clear and concise for all to understand what path the business is planned for?

We all want to finish as high as possible and use youth, thats obvious but unlesss we retain what we have and have another 5/6 players from there we wont progress, Ferguson has been quoted as saying the fledgings wont happen again in his lifetime and I agree so it means in reality we shall have to spend, how much? And how much for hoe many places?

Do we really want Europa Cup football as it means we have to strengthen further (I would regardless)?

Do we want or more so does Liebherr want us to be a middling club neither going up nor down and simply a cup of tea and digestive side neither offensive nor inoffensive?

What is in short and what are the long term apsirations of her and her team?

I think she has no real long team intentions and simply can not wait to get out of the football game myself.



Many people do not want to believe the obvious, but I think the above is very close to what Katharina Leibherr is thinking.


We recovered from Markus's sad passing because Cortes had the backing of the Leibherr Family to fulfil Markus's five year dream


The Leibherr's now consider that, at the end of Markus's five years, that they no longer have a Family obligation to him, or to us. Whilst they MAY be willing to continue as owners, it will be on a very vastly reduced Budget. I think anyone who seriously thinks otherwise is deluded. I do not think that Katharina Leibherr's heart and soul is in running Southampton Football Club.


Cortese did not Quit because he "threw the toys from his pram". He Quit because he saw the writing on the wall


Running a Mid Table Prem team costs a great deal of money PER season. Running a Top 8 one costs even more. Cortes's plans were for the latter.


I for one sincerely hope that he comes back soon.

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Do you think Liebherr has seen this and thought we cant do that and not mean it, so therefore the aims and direction we are now taking are lower key not to put more pressure on the manager?


Should she come out with a set of directions clear and concise for all to understand what path the business is planned for?

We all want to finish as high as possible and use youth, thats obvious but unlesss we retain what we have and have another 5/6 players from there we wont progress, Ferguson has been quoted as saying the fledgings wont happen again in his lifetime and I agree so it means in reality we shall have to spend, how much? And how much for hoe many places?

Do we really want Europa Cup football as it means we have to strengthen further (I would regardless)?

Do we want or more so does Liebherr want us to be a middling club neither going up nor down and simply a cup of tea and digestive side neither offensive nor inoffensive?

What is in short and what are the long term apsirations of her and her team?

I think she has no real long team intentions and simply can not wait to get out of the football game myself.



Surely this article was around the time that we were sitting 3rd in the table, had 6 clean sheets in 9 games and the second best defence in Europe...but before Boruc broke his hand, and Wanyama got injured.


Since when ....a " few other things " have happened. I don't think it was such a weird headline at that moment in time, but it may look a bit "silly " today.

We won't be able to turn it around this season, but for my part...finishing above Man.U would make my season...without Europe or a Cup run.

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As has become apparent, these days it involves ignoring every single thread, which somewhat spoils the forum.


This is a very good point Adrian, we have to constantly put up with the type of wind up/trolling post from the

usual suspect and are told to put them on ignore but as virtually every thread is hijacked by their mindless drivel

it is all but impossible to ignore and of course someone will quote them so the ignore action becomes futile in any case


Surely its time for these people should be dealt with..

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This is a very good point Adrian, we have to constantly put up with the type of wind up/trolling post from the

usual suspect and are told to put them on ignore but as virtually every thread is hijacked by their mindless drivel

it is all but impossible to ignore and of course someone will quote them so the ignore action becomes futile in any case


Surely its time for these people should be dealt with..


Its also amusing and hypocritcal seeing people moan about others on their thread, it sort of contradicts their point.

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Surely this article was around the time that we were sitting 3rd in the table, had 6 clean sheets in 9 games and the second best defence in Europe...but before Boruc broke his hand, and Wanyama got injured.


Since when ....a " few other things " have happened. I don't think it was such a weird headline at that moment in time, but it may look a bit "silly " today.

We won't be able to turn it around this season, but for my part...finishing above Man.U would make my season...without Europe or a Cup run.


I can not see us finishing anywhere near Man Utd, I still see them in the top 4/5 myself.

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I'm sure MP realises that the dream of CL football went with NC. We're now positioning ourselves to being the nice mid-table PL club we were under WGS.


Those who were brought here by the dream (ie. MP, Lovren, Osvaldo, Gaston and Wanyama) will all be leaving by the start of next season IMHO.


Players are here for their contracts the dream is an added benefit! Wanyama nearly went to Cardiff FFS whilst players may leave for other reasons, no one will leave because of a dream!

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I'm sure MP realises that the dream of CL football went with NC. We're now positioning ourselves to being the nice mid-table PL club we were under WGS.


Those who were brought here by the dream (ie. MP, Lovren, Osvaldo, Gaston and Wanyama) will all be leaving by the start of next season IMHO.


The same dreary rubbish in yet another thread. The reality is that absolutely nothing has changed except that finally Nicola Cortese - who despite what some on here would suggest has done a really good job in getting us where we are - has thrown his toys out of the pram once too often and talked himself into a position from which there was no going back. Probably inevitable at some point. We are where we are. We have a great squad, a good manager, a very good academy. We are in a good position to push further up the table. That is the ambition of the players and the manager. It can be achieved. If the new CEO has no ambition or if they dont get on with anyone it will be a big impediment. If they give the manager (and his other staff) and the players a supportive space in which to work we have every chance. Otherwise a CEO really isn't that important at a football club - the players, the coaches and the manager are - and therein lies the rub. Despite his other strengths Cortese just didn't see that.


Hey look it might not work out; we might never get to the Champions League but nothing that has happened so far this week has made that more or less likely. Chill and enjoy the best season for 10 years.

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Players are here for their contracts the dream is an added benefit!

Wanyama nearly went to Cardiff FFS whilst players may leave for other reasons, no one will leave because of a dream!



amongst all that media hype, I think this was his agent feeding info. to the press to drum up interest. I seem to recall reading a later story (somwhere) that Cardiff hadn't actually bid for him...?

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You don't even go to games BS, so why would anyone respect your opinion, especially when you're consistently such a bellend on here.


Really - fancy calling Barry a bellend, you'll be calling Glasgow a cock next.......

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