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Man Utd bid for Mata accepted


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Surprised Chelsea actually accepted. Apart from RVP, it's not that often you see players move between the teams at the top here - seems more prevalent on the continent.


Top player, is partly what they need - though won't solve their problems on his own.




Chelsea already played them twice this year, But Man Utd still have to play City and Arsenal I think. He still could help them win the league.

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Chelsea already played them twice this year, But Man Utd still have to play City and Arsenal I think. He still could help them win the league.


Fair point. Hadn't thought about that - spose Utd aren't really a huge threat to them this season.


They have also already spent £21m on Matic.


£37m is a great sum for someone (unbelievable for his quality) that is 4th/5th choice.

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Id argue they need a back four and a central midfielder before mata TBH


Possibly, though creativity in the middle is lacking too.


He's still a very good player, so can't see it hurting them - could possibly give the team a lift? Ala Ozil at Arsenal, who in himself has actually gone off the boil a bit since a cracking start. I don't know, pie-in-the-sky thinking here.

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Id argue they need a back four and a central midfielder before mata TBH



nah, everyone knows that you need a set of go faster stripes on your motor rather than use the money for new brake pads.

What Utd need is a manager who knows what he's doing with top players and to get some of them on to the pitch from time to time. Rooney and RVP are obviously taking the p*ss and not risking their WC chances, it will probably be the last for both of them.

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salah is a great little player

sadly, just retired from football for a few years


what a waste


Quick replacement for Mata. But I'd agree, don't see him getting a great deal of game time. He's a class player, always hoped we had an eye on him - quite a decent fee too.


They've had a great window really. circa £50m+ in, £30m odd out.

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Quick replacement for Mata. But I'd agree, don't see him getting a great deal of game time. He's a class player, always hoped we had an eye on him - quite a decent fee too.


They've had a great window really. circa £50m+ in, £30m odd out.


Mata wasn't getting much game time either because Mourinho can't stand him as a player. So they get 37 million for him and cover the fees of Matic and Salah (11 million). With the sale of De Bruyne they might even show a + figure on a transfer window, not often that that happens at Chelsea.

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He's got a point, sort of. Arsenal have already played against him twice. Maybe clubs should only be able to sign players from a different league?


Please tell me your joking?

What I'd like to see changed is the loan system, in my opinion though.

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Strange choice to move to a club in decline! Would have thought Arsenal would have been a better option, but they do not spend that sort of money that often!


As if Mourinho would sell to a rival for the title.


Mata is gone because Chelsea need to comply to the FFP rules and Man U are not a threat this season. Plus, as Chelsea have already played United twice... Also, Mourinho's over inflated ego can't take someone who is loved by the fans just as much as he is... Hence why he's gone.

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Good signing for Utd.


I really like Mata, cracking little player, so in my opinion signing someone of that quality is always a good thing.


Obviously he alone won't solve all their problems, but it certainly won't hurt. Think him and Rooney could really hit it off.


Agree some quality shielding players are needed, as well as some top quality full backs.


Still think stories of it's death are premature, can't shake the feeling they'll sneak top 4 and rebuild from there. At the expense of Liverpool. Though, I could be very wrong.

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He's gone because he's a top player not being used and it's a world cup year. I'm sure he pushed for a January transfer and MU are the most in need of new recruits and the best english option for Chelsea to sell too, plus it's a big fee coming in.


I still think he's better than Oscar personally. Will boost MU a lot but they still have many weaknesses. Still, Mata, Rooney and RVP could compensate for that and win them a lot of games. If I were Moyes i'd just get those 3 out playing whenever possible effectively 4-3-1-2 or 4-2-4/4-2-2-2 at home with Mata and Januzaj given freedom to roam. What they really need to two good reliable CMs to protect the back 4 and give the ball to the attacking 4. Wanyama and Morgan basically!


Pretty much, though I really like Oscar, liked him for a while but he is a very mature player for his age. He will be a top top talent. I think its more to do with FFP then most think. As good as he is he is a victim of the system that JM wants to build. Oscar and Hazard adapted their games, Mata and Lukaku didnt want to, hence being offloaded.


As per Utd I suppose the opportunity was too good to turn down. They need a top CB and a top holding midfielder to be anywhere near challenging. Carrick is v good positionally but needs legs around him.

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