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Clinical Strikers or not creating?

Saint Garrett

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Seems that the issue relies on creating chances rather than taking them?




JRod and Rickie take 2 of the top 3 spots when it comes to "big chance conversion".


It feels that JRod misses one sitter a game, but maybe thats not the case!

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Always better to see strikers who get chances and miss (amongst their goals) than ones who aren't getting chances at all and for whom you wonder how and where they're possibly going to get the next one (Rickie).


However, Jay Rod. as you say has missed several really quite easy chances to score and as such I can't for the life of me understand the credibility of this list.

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Seems that the issue relies on creating chances rather than taking them?




JRod and Rickie take 2 of the top 3 spots when it comes to "big chance conversion".


It feels that JRod misses one sitter a game, but maybe thats not the case!


A lot of us have said this all along


Emphasis is clearly on retaining possession. The fact J Rod scores so many also show our insistance to play off a front man and come from deep IMO

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Making stats suit your argument etc is all well and good and I have no idea what calculations were put into effect to create those but I can confirm the following:


- I was ****ing screaming at the tv when I watched chance after chance get ****ed up or scuffed vs Sunderland (both times), Villa etc etc.


- Every other team seems to score against us with their only chances, any hit and hope always seems to go in !!! (Sunderland/Spurs/Villa/Everton).


- Dani has got better over the last 2 months by not playing, I expect he goes on a rampage and he scores 8 goals + by the end of the season.


If there was a stat for least likely to lose the ball under pressure I would vouch for AL and Corky being up there with the best, the ball is glued to their feet in tight spaces.


my own stats are:


5 beers so far.


Conversion rate 100%


Big Gulps taken 75% (got food stuck)

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We have 2 x England stikers and 1 x Italy


I think Luis Suárez and Sergio Agüero would struggle to score goal for us. We simply dont create enough


2 of the Top 5 strikers in the world in my humble. Even if you dispute that, it's clear they are on a different level (with the greatest respect) to Rickie, JRod & Osvaldo.


I'm also sure you would have something to say about someone else describing someone as an England Striker when they:


A) Have played just 57 minutes for England




B) Played on the left-wing, not as a Striker.

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