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Should we rename St Mary's to The Liebherr Arena?

The Fat Controller

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In respect of Markus saving the club from

going out of business surely it's time to

honour him properly.


After all I don't think there would be too many fans against this

gesture and seeing that the family wish to carry on supporting our

Football Club as they have done magnificently over the last 3 1/2 years


Yes or no what do you think

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No we F******* shouldn't it must remain St Mary's


Had enough of that crap when was the 'Friends Provident Stadium' when it first opened


Just ask a Newcastle fan about 'The Sports Direct Stadium'........ oops sorry 'St James park' :)


Should have been ' The Rupertdome' when first built.

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No we F******* shouldn't it must remain St Mary's


Had enough of that crap when was the 'Friends Provident Stadium' when it first opened


Just ask a Newcastle fan about 'The Sports Direct Stadium'........ oops sorry 'St James park' :)


Wasn't it always St Marys, just with Friends Provident in front of it?

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Personally, I have never liked St Mary's As the ground name, although I do understand why many do particularly in regard to the clubs origins. People/ owners come and go over time. That's why I would just like it called Saints Stadium. Short, sweet and immediately identifiable with the club.

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Personally, I have never liked St Mary's As the ground name, although I do understand why many do particularly in regard to the clubs origins. People/ owners come and go over time. That's why I would just like it called Saints Stadium. Short, sweet and immediately identifiable with the club.


How about all saints stadium? Haha no connections to the 90's girl band!

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Wasn't it always St Marys, just with Friends Provident in front of it?


Yes. Originally they called it The Friends Provident Stadium, but then Lowe gave way to fan power at it got changed to The Friends Provident St Mary Stadium. Football commentators hated it and just called it St Mary's.

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Liebherr is bit mouthful i would breviate it to just Bear. Bear Stadium. Stadium of Bears. Something like that.
Beer Stadium would do me. Or the Markus Liebbeer Stadium. Nobody would notice a slight spelling mistake.
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Personally, I have never liked St Mary's As the ground name, although I do understand why many do particularly in regard to the clubs origins. People/ owners come and go over time. That's why I would just like it called Saints Stadium. Short, sweet and immediately identifiable with the club.


'St Mary's' is short and I bet 9999 out of 10000 football fans would know it's our ground.

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I've always wondered why the stadium was not called The New Dell or The St. Marys Dell. Far better than anything else IMO.


But it's nowhere near where the Dell was. It's not the new Dell, it's a new stadium in a different location.


I know what you're saying, at the time I also thought it should be called the New Dell, but with the benefit of hindsight it wouldn't have been appropriate and St Mary's is the perfect name for our stadium considering its location and our history.

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Now I haven't posted on here for a long time but continue to follow threads as a massive saints fan.i just can't hold back anymore and just have to say this forum is now riddled with complete t***ers who continue to mock and ruin any perfectly reasonable questions. It's just become a complete joke. For the record, Markus deserves every accolade he gets and deserves a statue or stand or stadium named after him.We wouldn't even have anything to talk about on here if it wasn't for him.Also can everyone get behind Katharina in the same way we did Markus.If it wasn't for her this chapter we have just experienced would also not have happened. I LOVE SAINTS and just wish a few more would show the same without stupid immature postings to get attention

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Now I haven't posted on here for a long time but continue to follow threads as a massive saints fan.i just can't hold back anymore and just have to say this forum is now riddled with complete t***ers who continue to mock and ruin any perfectly reasonable questions. It's just become a complete joke. For the record, Markus deserves every accolade he gets and deserves a statue or stand or stadium named after him.We wouldn't even have anything to talk about on here if it wasn't for him.Also can everyone get behind Katharina in the same way we did Markus.If it wasn't for her this chapter we have just experienced would also not have happened. I LOVE SAINTS and just wish a few more would show the same without stupid immature postings to get attention


Well said, and true, especially the bold bit.

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