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Cortese stalling "The Project" ?

Kingsland Red

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Like all other SWF folk, I have picked up comment from recent more balanced newspaper articles etc this last week,and let's be honest , that is our only source of 'facts'.

Concern previously was that we would go backwards without the driving force of NC.

However, I am beginning to wonder if KL and her advisors were seeing 'The Project' as put in place and funded by Markus, beginning to flounder on the rocks of NC's abrasive approach, hence the recent KL intervention.


Could it be that, rather than the club going backwards after NC's departure, that infact the Liebherrs got Cortese to left his position as CEO due to his stalling on progressly building a relationship within the greater community, due to self imposed distractions. For example disputes on non-payments to local businessess or contractors working at Staplewood; a poor relationship with popular figures like Lawrie Mac,Benali or MLT; supporters acting as programme sellers etc.

You could add to that his reported dealings with other clubs and the local press; a fascination with Serie A or B imports; and keeping players around like Sharp or Barnard, rather than letting them go and getting them off the books.


Maybe KL wants to bring back the feel good factor her father originally instilled into the club as well as progressing onwards.

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Nice idea, and one I'd rather comtemplate than the alternatives. As you said though, none of us have any real information! I wait for KL to announce the new CEO and then let's see what he / she have to say.


In the meantime let's focus on beating Yoevil - no banana skins please !!

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.


You state this as if it is fact. Is it, or is it just your opinion? Not having a pop, just interested to know.

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. QUOTE]


I was not aware of the list, but it explains a lot !

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Good points but they are being covered by other topics. Do we really need a new thread for this? Or are you frustrated like myself at how other threads wander off into a slagging match between posters?


This needs to be heeded by the mods. It is time that serial 'slaggers' are infracted because so many interesting threads are bogged down by these irritating posters, putting many of us off reading further.


But back to this conjecture, Kingsland Red may well have a point. It's because we are all desperately needing KL to come up with a strong mission statement. We need it, but most importantly MP and the players need it. They are here because of the long term vision set for the club by NC. The vacuum is dangerous for morale.

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club.


It's my civil duty to ask.... Source? :)

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.


From talking to quite a few people in a better place than most to form an opinion I would say this is very near the truth.

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From talking to quite a few people in a better place than most to form an opinion I would say this is very near the truth.


Very interesting, makes sense that they would not just leave someone to run the show and not have a very close eye on what they're doing and how it is perceived.

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From talking to quite a few people in a better place than most to form an opinion I would say this is very near the truth.


This could fit in timing wise in terms of the fall out immediately after the Lallana/Clattenburg incident? There were rights and wrongs to the incident and how it was handled of course but if Cortese was given a task of not getting in to such scrapes then this could have been a big sticking point and proof Cortese was in it for him and not the owners?

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I said this on the player exodus thread that was started during the hysterical world is ending 24 hours.


I know that we have missed targets in the past as some agents will not deal with Cortese. I also know that his stubbornness over agent fees has cost us two top players.


Cortese thought he was smart but what he saved on agent fees he paid on salaries and signing on fees.


Perhaps KL just got tired of his games and attitude

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saving money on agent fees so we can afford to pay bigger salaries? Why would he do that?


Saving money on agents fees as a point of principle - but ending up paying higher transfer fees or signing on fees because the club or player then had to give a slice to the agent. It was all smoke and mirrors.

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I said this on the player exodus thread that was started during the hysterical world is ending 24 hours.


I know that we have missed targets in the past as some agents will not deal with Cortese. I also know that his stubbornness over agent fees has cost us two top players.


Cortese thought he was smart but what he saved on agent fees he paid on salaries and signing on fees.


Perhaps KL just got tired of his games and attitude


Oooh who were the two players? I may have missed it in the past if you've said, but being a saints fan I have a slight masochistic streak so be good to know!

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Saving money on agents fees as a point of principle - but ending up paying higher transfer fees or signing on fees because the club or player then had to give a slice to the agent. It was all smoke and mirrors.


yeah i getcha there was something with wanyama bout that weren't it? Didn't we end up giving celtic another £500k so they could brown envelope the ole agent?

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Like all other SWF folk, I have picked up comment from recent more balanced newspaper articles etc this last week,and let's be honest , that is our only source of 'facts'.

Concern previously was that we would go backwards without the driving force of NC.

However, I am beginning to wonder if KL and her advisors were seeing 'The Project' as put in place and funded by Markus, beginning to flounder on the rocks of NC's abrasive approach, hence the recent KL intervention.


Could it be that, rather than the club going backwards after NC's departure, that infact the Liebherrs got Cortese to left his position as CEO due to his stalling on progressly building a relationship within the greater community, due to self imposed distractions. For example disputes on non-payments to local businessess or contractors working at Staplewood; a poor relationship with popular figures like Lawrie Mac,Benali or MLT; supporters acting as programme sellers etc.

You could add to that his reported dealings with other clubs and the local press; a fascination with Serie A or B imports; and keeping players around like Sharp or Barnard, rather than letting them go and getting them off the books.


Maybe KL wants to bring back the feel good factor her father originally instilled into the club as well as progressing onwards.


Wishful thinking on your part. Cortese simply wanted to grab full power and resented having to report to even there Liebherr family.

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I said this on the player exodus thread that was started during the hysterical world is ending 24 hours.


I know that we have missed targets in the past as some agents will not deal with Cortese. I also know that his stubbornness over agent fees has cost us two top players.


Cortese thought he was smart but what he saved on agent fees he paid on salaries and signing on fees.


Perhaps KL just got tired of his games and attitude


NC handed his notice in three months ago though, didn't he?

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From talking to quite a few people in a better place than most to form an opinion I would say this is very near the truth.


Then why would KL have offered NC an "eye watering" deal to stay? She wasn't unhappy with how he treated MLT and Benali or car park charges

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.


Exactly what I heard.

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Interesting thread, although the revisionism is suspiciously handy for the here and now and seems to segue too neatly with all the justified gripes people have had with Cortese's executive style.


yeah i sort of think the same pap. I can totally see KL wanting her man on the board or whatever, but i doubt she ever even heard of benali tho or cares either way bout how much we charge for car parking

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The Project was (still is) Cortese's.


It was never Katherina's. This is a new project, which will most likely either be more or less ambitious than the previous one. I know which I would suggest.


No offence intended to you at all but don't you just hate the word project being applied to a football club founded in 1885?


A project is something with a finite life, a beginning, a middle and an end. Perhaps the "project" ended when Cortese went. Good riddance to "the project".

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yeah i sort of think the same pap. I can totally see KL wanting her man on the board or whatever, but i doubt she ever even heard of benali tho or cares either way bout how much we charge for car parking


No but she'd care about Saints being sued by Benali - and being on good terms with a famous and popular ex Saint who presents a football programme is just good sense. Also she got stung for £2 at the carpark when meeting Pochettino, despite only staying 5 minutes.

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saving money on agent fees so we can afford to pay bigger salaries? Why would he do that?


If you wanted to generate a culture of personal indebtedness and longevity in your employees, especially at the outset of a mission that is medium to long term in nature you pay the players well. Its not rocket science. This will in turn encourage them to be more personally "loyal", "on message" and "on the programme". If the players are "on message" the club and support will fall in behind.Naturally. If you get good results this generates more critical consensual mass and more momentum. This reinforces the mission and execution policy reassurrers the doubters and begins to suggest infallibility/midas touch upon the leader. You also need ability to articulate the vision and devise a plan to achieve it of course. And access to the club bank account.


One way of balancing the books on that paying your playing staff well bit is by saving money on the normal agents fees and "extras" that are part and parcel of most clubs transfer dealings. Stiff the agents but pay more to the player is how i would have sold it if I was NC. Pretty textbook really.

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No but she'd care about Saints being sued by Benali - and being on good terms with a famous and popular ex Saint who presents a football programme is just good sense. Also she got stung for £2 at the carpark when meeting Pochettino, despite only staying 5 minutes.


nah I've check her body language and she's pretty chill bout all that stuff, it's not put her off her feed at least. I reckon we're all just projecting, ur projecting bout car charges cos you got clamped last week, I'm projecting bout food cos it's lunchtime + I'm hungar.

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If you wanted to generate a culture of personal indebtedness and longevity in your employees, especially at the outset of a mission that is medium to long term in nature you pay the players well. Its not rocket science. This will in turn encourage them to be more personally "loyal", "on message" and "on the programme". If the players are "on message" the club and support will fall in behind.Naturally. If you get good results this generates more critical consensual mass and more momentum. This reinforces the mission and execution policy reassurrers the doubters and begins to suggest infallibility/midas touch upon the leader. You also need ability to articulate the vision and devise a plan to achieve it of course. And access to the club bank account.


One way of balancing the books on that paying your playing staff well bit is by saving money on the normal agents fees and "extras" that are part and parcel of most clubs transfer dealings. Stiff the agents but pay more to the player is how i would have sold it if I was NC. Pretty textbook really.


can you email that to my boss pls. Don't tell him you saw me on here tho. I'm sposed to be working.

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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.


It's my civil duty to ask.... Source? :)


Crabby has shared some details of his source(s) with me before and they would know this sort of detail + has usually come up with good info. It's not my place to divulge the details but I would trust the snippets he posts.

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Then why would KL have offered NC an "eye watering" deal to stay?


very good point. Unless of course the story in the paper wasn't true (there has been one or two flying about) and KL wasn't being entirely honest when she said it was "with great regret that we accepted Cortese' resignation".

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Unless of course the story in the paper wasn't true (there has been one or two flying about) and KL wasn't being entirely honest when she said it was "with great regret that we accepted Cortese' resignation".


"With great regret it was necessary that we accepted Cortese's resignation" is probably what she actually meant.

Edited by buctootim
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Cortese was given a list of things to do from the Liebherr family, mend relationships with ex saints, disgruntled companies, stop going in and out of court over things (or settling just before court), stop being frivolous with their cash and tidy up how he was running the club. He took it as an offence to the way he was doing things so the Liebherrs took it off his hands as it was his way or nothing according to him. Can only hope the new guy shares Corteses drive and vision but we'll have to wait and see .. Katharina addressed the staff yesterday but players haven't been yet as they had day off yesterday.



:lol: As if!


"Nicola, you've done a terrific job so far, and I definitely don't want more involvement in the running of the club, but there's just one thing...if you want to retain your position you must let that Francis Benali and Matthew Le Tissier back into the stadium."


"I quit!" :x:x

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Wasnt an anecdote at Markus' memorial service that he wanted to get us midtable in the prem, and Cortese said he was going to get us in the champions league to which Markus replied with wide eyes 'do what you need to do?'. History is being rewritten at a rate of knots here and Cortese is fast being portrayed as someone totally irrelevant. Not on.

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Wasnt an anecdote at Markus' memorial service that he wanted to get us midtable in the prem, and Cortese said he was going to get us in the champions league to which Markus replied with wide eyes 'do what you need to do?'. History is being rewritten at a rate of knots here and Cortese is fast being portrayed as someone totally irrelevant. Not on.


Agree. At the end of the day most fans would prefer him to still be here. Since he joined its been an upward curve.

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Crabby has shared some details of his source(s) with me before and they would know this sort of detail + has usually come up with good info. It's not my place to divulge the details but I would trust the snippets he posts.


Cheers, yep, I was aware that CL has some good sources....I was just following the SWF thread script for comedy effect (and failing miserably as always) :)

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