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Advice to new CEO


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Any advice to the incoming CEO?


Fwiw mine would be (in no particular order)


1. Create a better dialogue with the fans

2. Ditto with businesses in the area (note only about a third of Boxes seem to be taken compared to 100% in early years)

3. Get rid of the 15 min parking charge

4. Convert back to stripes

5. Review some of the previous new signings eg Forren, Mayuka, possibly Ramirez and Osvaldo

6. Assist with supporters travel expenses for some longer away games

7. Get rid of the £2.00 charge for pay on the day tickets.

8. Embrace the clubs history. Forge stronger links with Ex Saints individually and the Ex Saints organisation.

9. Review possibilities of Concerts at St Mary's

10. Continue progress with the Academy and continue the progress the previous Chairman was able to achieve

11. ...and probably most important..keep Katharina Liebherr sweet'....

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Any advice to the incoming CEO?


Fwiw mine would be (in no particular order)


1. Create a better dialogue with the fans

2. Ditto with businesses in the area (note only about a third of Boxes seem to be taken compared to 100% in early years)

3. Get rid of the 15 min parking charge

4. Convert back to stripes

5. Review some of the previous new signings eg Forren, Mayuka, possibly Ramirez and Osvaldo

6. Assist with supporters travel expenses for some longer away games

7. Get rid of the £2.00 charge for pay on the day tickets.

8. Embrace the clubs history. Forge stronger links with Ex Saints individually and the Ex Saints organisation.

9. Review possibilities of Concerts at St Mary's

10. Continue progress with the Academy and continue the progress the previous Chairman was able to achieve

11. ...and probably most important..keep Katharina Liebherr sweet'....


Why get rid of the on the day ticket charge? I agree with this. It's to make fans buy before the day, if people can't organise themselves then why not get them to pay more. They want the stadium to sell out as early as possible.

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No doubt he will have a ton of things to do, and a wealth of people/journos offering opinions on what is important, so I will make it easy:


1. carry on with all the great things that NC did and keep taking the club forward

2. stop/change all of the things that NC did that were crass/ill considered/just plain wrong



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Any advice to the incoming CEO?


Fwiw mine would be (in no particular order)


1. Create a better dialogue with the fans

2. Ditto with businesses in the area (note only about a third of Boxes seem to be taken compared to 100% in early years)

3. Get rid of the 15 min parking charge

4. Convert back to stripes

5. Review some of the previous new signings eg Forren, Mayuka, possibly Ramirez and Osvaldo

6. Assist with supporters travel expenses for some longer away games

7. Get rid of the £2.00 charge for pay on the day tickets.

8. Embrace the clubs history. Forge stronger links with Ex Saints individually and the Ex Saints organisation.

9. Review possibilities of Concerts at St Mary's

10. Continue progress with the Academy and continue the progress the previous Chairman was able to achieve

11. ...and probably most important..keep Katharina Liebherr sweet'....


I like the current kit, like a lot of fans do. If we are to "revert back" it should be to proper traditional kits, not the stripes.

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1. Create a better dialogue with the fans - Fair enough, as long as it doesn't get to 'fan on board' state of affairs.


2. Ditto with businesses in the area (note only about a third of Boxes seem to be taken compared to 100% in early years) - I would say that's more to do with the economy than Cortese's dialogue with local business.


3. Get rid of the 15 min parking charge - Tediously small.


4. Convert back to stripes - I just don't get this. I'm 36, when I was first supporting Saints we didn't have stripes til I was 12! 3 kits in a row, spanning 10 years and we didn't have stripes! What's the fuss??


5. Review some of the previous new signings eg Forren, Mayuka, possibly Ramirez and Osvaldo - Every club in the land makes bad signings, the new CEO will too. As long as you get more right than wrong, you're doing a good job.


6. Assist with supporters travel expenses for some longer away games - Agree that the use of the money from the Prem was a farce, but are we getting it every year?


7. Get rid of the £2.00 charge for pay on the day tickets - Saint Garrett has nailed this on the head.


8. Embrace the clubs history. Forge stronger links with Ex Saints individually and the Ex Saints organisation - Agreed.


9. Review possibilities of Concerts at St Mary's - Not particularly important and could only happen in the off season and may jeopardise our fantastic playing surface.


10. Continue progress with the Academy and continue the progress the previous Chairman was able to achieve - Agreed.


11. ...and probably most important..keep Katharina Liebherr sweet' - Agreed.

Edited by Saint Mikey
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Bring back stripes, never mention Europe or show any ambition beyond finishing 8th in the league (people get embarrassed by that), allow ex-saints free run of the place, sell Duncans book for him and get a good solid Prem manager in like Pulis and Fat Sam, sell players when the big teams come knocking because that's how it works.

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Bring back stripes, never mention Europe or show any ambition beyond finishing 8th in the league (people get embarrassed by that), allow ex-saints free run of the place, sell Duncans book for him and get a good solid Prem manager in like Pulis and Fat Sam, sell players when the big teams come knocking because that's how it works.


Agree, but what about the league cup.... 1st priority I would presume...?

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Bring back stripes, never mention Europe or show any ambition beyond finishing 8th in the league (people get embarrassed by that), allow ex-saints free run of the place, sell Duncans book for him and get a good solid Prem manager in like Pulis and Fat Sam, sell players when the big teams come knocking because that's how it works.


I'm sure thats what we will get. In a couple of years time we will be this club, just another West Ham, Stoke, or Norwich.

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Any advice to the incoming CEO?


Fwiw mine would be (in no particular order)


1. Create a better dialogue with the fans

2. Ditto with businesses in the area (note only about a third of Boxes seem to be taken compared to 100% in early years)

3. Get rid of the 15 min parking charge

4. Convert back to stripes

5. Review some of the previous new signings eg Forren, Mayuka, possibly Ramirez and Osvaldo

6. Assist with supporters travel expenses for some longer away games

7. Get rid of the £2.00 charge for pay on the day tickets.

8. Embrace the clubs history. Forge stronger links with Ex Saints individually and the Ex Saints organisation.

9. Review possibilities of Concerts at St Mary's

10. Continue progress with the Academy and continue the progress the previous Chairman was able to achieve

11. ...and probably most important..keep Katharina Liebherr sweet'....


Good post.

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Bring back stripes, never mention Europe or show any ambition beyond finishing 8th in the league (people get embarrassed by that), allow ex-saints free run of the place, sell Duncans book for him and get a good solid Prem manager in like Pulis and Fat Sam, sell players when the big teams come knocking because that's how it works.


Mentioning Europe on a forum surrounded by our own is different to going on a Nationwide one and saying it with purpose and belief without going red, the only two clubs on this planet at the moment who are not stepping stones are Barcelona and Real Madrid.

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I'm sure thats what we will get. In a couple of years time we will be this club, just another West Ham, Stoke, or Norwich.


Lol. We ARE just another West Ham, Stoke or Norwich - except West Ham have won more than us and have bigger crowds. I'm sorry if you bought into the Cortese CL puff which depended on someone (not him) writing another £150m cheque.

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Lol. We ARE just another West Ham, Stoke or Norwich - except West Ham have won more than us and have bigger crowds. I'm sorry if you bought into the Cortese CL puff which depended on someone (not him) writing another £150m cheque.


We haven't been over the last year or so. Much better run club with a younger squad of better players than those teams. With a (miles, miles) better Manager selected by the previous Chairman.


No point pretending he didnt do a good job.

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Ensure that progression is not at the expense of tradition.


Hear, hear.


We should only look backwards. Worship former glories (we are awash with them), keep the kit the same, etc etc etc.


Don't bother looking to the future, and certainly have no ambitions of doing anything differently, or heavens forbid trying to upset the establishment. That would just be embarrassing.

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Hear, hear.


We should only look backwards. Worship former glories (we are awash with them), keep the kit the same, etc etc etc.


Don't bother looking to the future, and certainly have no ambitions of doing anything differently, or heavens forbid trying to upset the establishment. That would just be embarrassing.


You're not very good at this sarcastic straw man thing. Its just a pastiche of Dig Dig, and he's crap at it too.

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Hear, hear.


We should only look backwards. Worship former glories (we are awash with them), keep the kit the same, etc etc etc.


Don't bother looking to the future, and certainly have no ambitions of doing anything differently, or heavens forbid trying to upset the establishment. That would just be embarrassing.


Yeah, because you can't embrace your history and look to the future at the same time. :facepalm:

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You're not very good at this sarcastic straw man thing. Its just a pastiche of Dig Dig, and he's crap at it too.


I'm for reals.


I want a nice stripey kit. That is all I care about. It's much more important than a club that is being well run and has been upwardly mobile for 4.5 years. Or a dynamic club that has been praised for how well run it is.


Stripes and history for me.

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Hear, hear.


We should only look backwards. Worship former glories (we are awash with them), keep the kit the same, etc etc etc.


Don't bother looking to the future, and certainly have no ambitions of doing anything differently, or heavens forbid trying to upset the establishment. That would just be embarrassing.


Odd comment. How does ensuring progression is not at the expense of tradition translate to only looking backwards and do nothing differently?

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I'm for reals.


I want a nice stripey kit. That is all I care about. It's much more important than a club that is being well run and has been upwardly mobile for 4.5 years. Or a dynamic club that has been praised for how well run it is.


Stripes and history for me.


Again, why are the two things exclusive? Why not have a well run upwardly mobile club that also has the other bits that some fans find important?

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No, my comment clearly showed that I would be forever happy with a proper cup win at Wembley so league position/relegations don't matter, you agree?


Of course I would be happy floating between the Premiership and winning things, Christ its not like we have a great history of actually winning things.

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Shared any emails with KL lately Tim? I'm sure she would be glad to hear from you after recent developments.


Actually its her cousin I've previously been in contact with through work, and she isn't directly involved in Saints, so I'm not sure its relevant. Keep up with comedy gags though, cracking.

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It's funny how you move on tho ain't it, like i was watching sunderland on sat + thinking you know, "Stripes look shit". It's hard to keep up with latest fashion trends i spose which is why we employ expert designers.

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12. Bring back the 'Early Bird' for us ST holders ;)


13. Shelve the cut-off point in July/whatever it is to purchase STs


14. Bring back the half-ST just before Christmas


15. Join the Safe Standing campaign..........................


12-14 I totally agree and never understood why you turn away willing customers.

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Why are you trying to ruin the thread with sarcastic comments on other poster's genuine points.


I just find it hilarious that grown men get so worked up about what other grown men are wearing.


Stripes aren't even that well ingrained in Saints history.


If this is the criteria you want the man/woman who is potentially going to run the club to be judged upon, I would suggest your priorities are pretty askew.


The past/history is for the fans. It's of little concern to players, staff bought in with no prior affiliation to the club. There concern is the future, and hopefully creating more memories to look back on.


p.s. if you have such a problem with sarcasm this really ent the place for you pal.

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