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No plans to sell

Give it to Ron

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I reckon it's the one we've been on where we've gone from bottom in League 1 to 9th in the Premier League in 5 years whilst building a great first team made up of astute signings and exciting youth team products. But I could be wrong.


To continue that path or proceed we shall need an awful lot of investment, did they say that? If so I missed it.

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If you were trying to sell would you admit it during the transfer window and before we are safe?


yeah prob if i was selling I'd want people to know bout it. Got to be easier than secretly wanting to sell. I mean if i went to tesco to buy Mr.Men yoghurts and they was like, no we aren't interested in selling them I'd prob go to Asda or buy Leeds or someone instead.

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yeah prob if i was selling I'd want people to know bout it. Got to be easier than secretly wanting to sell. I mean if i went to tesco to buy Mr.Men yoghurts and they was like, no we aren't interested in selling them I'd prob go to Asda or buy Leeds or someone instead.


On a sidenote Bearsy, your special yo yos "Bear" biscuits are in the Co-op, not Morrisons. The wife bought some more yesterday, so they must be good.

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On a sidenote Bearsy, your special yo yos "Bear" biscuits are in the Co-op, not Morrisons. The wife bought some more yesterday, so they must be good.


fruit rolls brah. I got some the other day from Asda, they was disgusting! i laugh at all the mugs buying yo brand fruit rolls just cos of the Bear style packaging. That said i get 5p for every pack sold, so tell ur wife to keep buying pls.

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Stability means status quo which is code for no investment, which will send the happier ones into meltdown as they want to be competing with Liverpool and Chelsea in two years.......


Investment has been the status quo for the duration of Liebherr's ownership.


Of course, no matter what messages are sent or what is said, how the club acts in the Summer will show us what path the club intends to take.

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Stability means status quo which is code for no investment, which will send the happier ones into meltdown as they want to be competing with Liverpool and Chelsea in two years.......


The ones that go into meltdown are those like you that apparently accept we are a midtable club.


Yet spaz out when we draw at home to other clubs (like midtable clubs do)

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The apparent decision to appoint John Williams as Chairman did suggest she's actually interested in retaining the club, as opposed to shifting it on. I alluded to it last week, we'll know the plans for the club once the new CEO is in place - i.e. if we're to be sold, or if we're to carry on. And it seems as if she's keen to continue on.


One thing that is interesting is that it suggests the KL will continue to fund the club in a sense, as there will still be some payments required for the training ground and also additional players in the not so distant future.


Would imagine this quashes any plans to get into the CL or to win the league though (not that it was ever really likely, anyway). But the long-term realistic path we're on is to become a stable, self sustaining, youth driven premiership club. To me, that's a pretty good situation to be in.

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To continue that path or proceed we shall need an awful lot of investment, did they say that? If so I missed it.



Exactly ..... without further Investment, we will only go Backwards


Until Katharina outlines her Investment Strategy, then I will remain Pessimistic


NC wanted to progress onwards and upwards, which need further funding


No way do I believe Katharina intends anything like the scale neede


For example ...... is the Stadium expansion just a pipe dream now ??

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Oh dear Barry you really are an ignorant tool at times Wizard of Os was a well know nickname of Peter Osgood one of our old players it was on a banner notably at Wembley in 76

Don't be to hard on the lad Ron as 90% of the people that post on TSW were not born in 76 not like us GOMs.

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Exactly ..... without further Investment, we will only go Backwards


Until Katharina outlines her Investment Strategy, then I will remain Pessimistic


NC wanted to progress onwards and upwards, which need further funding


No way do I believe Katharina intends anything like the scale neede


For example ...... is the Stadium expansion just a pipe dream now ??


What is the sense to invest in a new stadium while we can't guarantee that the current one fills up entirely for every home game?

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Exactly ..... without further Investment, we will only go Backwards


Until Katharina outlines her Investment Strategy, then I will remain Pessimistic


NC wanted to progress onwards and upwards, which need further funding


No way do I believe Katharina intends anything like the scale neede


For example ...... is the Stadium expansion just a pipe dream now ??


I don't think you'll get much more than what you're hearing at the moment. To me, it suggests that she will continue to invest into us. Not a great deal, but enough to allow us to continue a stable path whilst being a sustainable outfit.


You also need to remember that the TV Deals change the goal-posts for a lot of clubs. Teams like Swansea and Norwich were able to spend upwards of £20m in the summer because of that, they don't have g investment at either club.


So, whilst we may not be able to sign £100m worth of players, we will still be able to attract and bring in decent players in the 10-15m price bracket which we will continue to operate in.

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fruit rolls brah. I got some the other day from Asda, they was disgusting! i laugh at all the mugs buying yo brand fruit rolls just cos of the Bear style packaging. That said i get 5p for every pack sold, so tell ur wife to keep buying pls.


Never fear. If it's edible, she'll buy it.

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have you got any where someone says club not for sale, then sells club? Serious question, no trolls pls.

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NC issued the DVD and write up, not me


So you must mean that HE had no sense then ??


He miscalculated. He thought if we could take 55,000 to Wembley in lg1 then we'd easily fill 45,000 every week in the PL. Not the same thing at all and the idea was quietly dropped.

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I don't think you'll get much more than what you're hearing at the moment. To me, it suggests that she will continue to invest into us. Not a great deal, but enough to allow us to continue a stable path whilst being a sustainable outfit.


You also need to remember that the TV Deals change the goal-posts for a lot of clubs. Teams like Swansea and Norwich were able to spend upwards of £20m in the summer because of that, they don't have g investment at either club.



So, whilst we may not be able to sign £100m worth of players, we will still be able to attract and bring in decent players in the 10-15m price bracket which we will continue to operate in.


I'd be pretty happy with that IMO. We don't have any debts like most PL clubs either and the academy intakes still look strong. We could spend £100 going for CL football and still not get it or be like Malaga who did and then the overseas sugar daddy cash supply ran dry for a bit and that really did turn into a near meltdown. Should be attractive for the squad too, if Shaw goes so be it, we'll bank the £30m and get 2 good LBs for that and let Fox go.


Pleased with the potential appointment of John Williams too, just what we need right now as a club.

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I'd be pretty happy with that IMO. We don't have any debts like most PL clubs either and the academy intakes still look strong. We could spend £100 going for CL football and still not get it or be like Malaga who did and then the overseas sugar daddy cash supply ran dry for a bit and that really did turn into a near meltdown. Should be attractive for the squad too, if Shaw goes so be it, we'll bank the £30m and get 2 good LBs for that and let Fox go.


Pleased with the potential appointment of John Williams too, just what we need right now as a club.


Hope you are just as pleased should MP quit, and Sam ( Out of Work Again) Allardyce is appointed SFC Manager by Williams ??

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Exactly ..... without further Investment, we will only go Backwards


Until Katharina outlines her Investment Strategy, then I will remain Pessimistic


NC wanted to progress onwards and upwards, which need further funding


No way do I believe Katharina intends anything like the scale neede


For example ...... is the Stadium expansion just a pipe dream now ??


I don't think there has been any investment for over a year and half. Since the point in time when the family loans were converted into equity, the club has borrowed money from external lenders against future season ticket sales and TV revenue - Which was something that Cortese mocked other clubs for doing, so this was a significant shift in his strategy.


And to be fair we have continued to improve, so no reason we cant keep improving at the same time as being self sufficient

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