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Lovren & Gaston Injuries

Crouchie's Lawyer

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If my mate went down with an ankle sprain and got carried off on a stretcher with oxygen he'd get an absolute hammering in training and I hope Lovren does too :lol:




It wasn't oxygen, it was Entonox a mixture of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen AKA gas and air which is a pain-killer (as used in dentistry and childbirth) and would have been recommended by the doctor.

Just because it isn't broken doesn't mean it can't be extremely painful.

Remind me never to come to your surgery!!(:-

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It wasn't oxygen, it was Entonox a mixture of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen AKA gas and air which is a pain-killer (as used in dentistry and childbirth) and would have been recommended by the doctor.

Just because it isn't broken doesn't mean it can't be extremely painful.

Remind me never to come to your surgery!!(:-


Also for many a placebo, it also makes many vomit and dizzy. Morphine or Diamorphine for extreme pain.

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It wasn't oxygen, it was Entonox a mixture of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen AKA gas and air which is a pain-killer (as used in dentistry and childbirth) and would have been recommended by the doctor.

Just because it isn't broken doesn't mean it can't be extremely painful.

Remind me never to come to your surgery!!(:-


I've no doubt it was painful but if what Turkish said is true and he is back in a week (or even two) then he'll get an absolute roasting in training over that :lol:

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It was badly timed tackle irrespective of what the pundits say...Brown very very slightly brushed the ball but

smashed into Gaston so as its all about opinions, mine is that it was a foul...


Why do people always think pundits are right, that have an opinion nothing more


I always look at it from the perspective of if it was a Saints player that was making the challenge. Yes it was a very hard tackle but essentially he didnt go over the top of the ball. He won the ball.


Ok, perhaps it could be taken as reckless due to the injury but essentially it wasnt, was just a strong challenge.


Rafaels tackle was reckless

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I always look at it from the perspective of if it was a Saints player that was making the challenge. Yes it was a very hard tackle but essentially he didnt go over the top of the ball. He won the ball.


Ok, perhaps it could be taken as reckless due to the injury but essentially it wasnt, was just a strong challenge.


Rafaels tackle was reckless


I don`t think it was reckless but a foul and a free kick should have been awarded

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I always look at it from the perspective of if it was a Saints player that was making the challenge. Yes it was a very hard tackle but essentially he didnt go over the top of the ball. He won the ball.


Ok, perhaps it could be taken as reckless due to the injury but essentially it wasnt, was just a strong challenge.


Rafaels tackle was reckless


Playing the ball is completely irrelevant in the modern interpretation - quite rightly. Irrespective of the injury it was a reckless challenge that merited a red card. The look on Brown's face showed that he knew that too. He clearly expecxted to be sent off. It was a far worse challenge than Vidic's powderpuff effort that got him sent off!

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Playing the ball is completely irrelevant in the modern interpretation - quite rightly. Irrespective of the injury it was a reckless challenge that merited a red card. The look on Brown's face showed that he knew that too. He clearly expecxted to be sent off. It was a far worse challenge than Vidic's powderpuff effort that got him sent off!


I think he knew that he hurt him, as per his face, I agree with that. But you see that challenge atleast every other gane. They were banging on about Oscar and how good he was at tackling and one of his tackles was the same as Browns.


He was injured, its unfortunate, at first I was angry but realistically its not a terrible challenge. If he didnt win the ball its a pen or free kick but its definately not a red, maybe a yellow. It was hardly reckless


Vidic's was a yellow probably, it was late. Rafaels was the one that should have been a red, all day long

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I think he knew that he hurt him, as per his face, I agree with that. But you see that challenge atleast every other gane. They were banging on about Oscar and how good he was at tackling and one of his tackles was the same as Browns.


He was injured, its unfortunate, at first I was angry but realistically its not a terrible challenge. If he didnt win the ball its a pen or free kick but its definately not a red, maybe a yellow. It was hardly reckless


Vidic's was a yellow probably, it was late. Rafaels was the one that should have been a red, all day long


Rafael's should have been two reds. Vidic was unlucky, but I think it was the sheer pre-meditated nastiness of it that got him the red. He wasn't just late, he had no intention of ever being on time.

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U what ?


I though he had an axe buried in his cranium or something.


When I was younger I kept going over on the side of my ankle due to a funny walk (hyper-extension I think they used to call it) and I can promise you it hurts like fuck. I always felt sick after doing it and would hobble around for a couple of days afterwards.

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In slow motion, Brown didn't win the ball. He just about touched it. Then Ramirez knocked it into the penalty area. Then Brown kicked Ramirez' leg away, which stopped Ramirez from scoring and won the ball for Sunderland, in a kind of illegal way. Fortunately for Brown, the ref must have been unsighted, and assumed that Brown had actually won the ball.

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11 hours ago he was going for therapy (physio??). Surely if his injury was that bad they would have known then...


Plus there's Turkish's ITK bit...


Agreed, it could be something totally unrelated. I hope he's fine but until we know the tweet wasn't re bad news on the injury I'm a bit worried!

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Ah. Cheers! Shouldn't ice injuries for more than 10 minutes at a time. Hope he knows



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He wont. Apparently the tube in the picture is connected to some sort of control device and a reservoir that sets the amount of compression and the duration the iced water is pumped round the injury.

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