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Lovren & Gaston Injuries

Crouchie's Lawyer

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Anyone got any initial news on these? It's rumored Lovren has broken his leg which will be devastating to us if he has. I have seen a picture doing the rounds on Facebook of the exact moment that ginger **** caught Gaston too and his ankle is full on 90 degrees under Brown's boot. Wouldn't be surprised if that is a break or something similarly as serious too.


Shame as Lovren as we know is class and without him, Jos or Yosh don't fill me with confidence and Gaston, to me, has looked positive each time he has come on recently. There is every chance he would have won us the game had Brown not chopped him down. How the ref didn't give that is beyond me.


Hopefully both wont be out long but I fear we may not see either of them for a while.

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Seen the pic of the 'tackle' on Gaston, shocking decision, but how was Lovren's caused? Another bad tackle or just unfortunate?


It's hard to say, but it looks as if when he made a swing to try and win the ball whilst on the ground, his leg took full impact up against their striker. But going by recent reports, it's hopefully more of an impact injury than anything else.

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Seen the pic of the 'tackle' on Gaston, shocking decision, but how was Lovren's caused? Another bad tackle or just unfortunate?


gastons was terrible. really terrible,

that would have been a free kick all day long in the middle of the park, and probably a yellow


lovrens just looked like a tangle

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Seen the pic of the 'tackle' on Gaston, shocking decision, but how was Lovren's caused? Another bad tackle or just unfortunate?



Unfortunate and self inflicted, he went for the ball and jarred his leg against the striker's. Probably be OK for the Arsenal game.

Gaston's looked like a broken ankle, that's what happens when a reckless thug plants his foot on your standing leg when you're trying to move it forward..

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A reckless tackle from behind that could have snapped his leg in two and potentially ended his career!


Its irrelevant if he got the ball first or not (a common misconception), it should have been red card. It was both reckless and was from behind. Yet Chris Foy didn't even give a foul and then seconds later Lovren was injured (which wouldn't have happened if we had a free kick for the Ramierez foul).



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Brown doesn't touch the ball first, but even if he did that doesn't take away it was both reckless, from behind and he was the last man. Its a clear red card.




Plus in the preceeding 20 seconds there were 2 seperate tugs on his arms that could have been pulled up and avoided the horrendous tackle on aston and then the Lovren incident.



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Brown doesn't touch the ball first, but even if he did that doesn't take away it was both reckless, from behind and he was the last man. Its a clear red card.



That touch would have had him clean thorough too. Hope its not too bad as he has been much better recently and looked lively when he came on today.

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As the ref didn't act, doesn't that mean that the PL can take retrospective action. Bloody hope so, that was as career threatening full studs on assault. Also, during the commentary it sounded like Artur injured his hand again, he played on but hope is was just a tweak and sorts itself out.

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Personally I considered it a fair challenge. He's in control and wins the ball.


It was from behind and it was a reckless lunge. Those two alone make it a foul, plus he was the last man. It warranted a free kick and a red card either for the reckless nature of it and being the last man.


Its a common misconception people have that they think a player touching the ball first makes a tackle automatically not a foul. That is simply not true. In any case I don't see that he did touch the ball first.

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It was from behind and it was a reckless lunge. Thos two alone make it a foul, plus he was the last man. It warranted a free kick and a red card either for the reckless nature of it and being the last man.


Its a common misconception people have that touching the ball first makes a tackle automatically not a foul. In any case I don't see that he did touch the ball first.


In control, wins the ball. If a Saints player made that challenge you'd be supporting him.

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In control, wins the ball. If a Saints player made that challenge you'd be supporting him.


No I wouldn't, no matter who the player was (Saints or not) it is a clear red card for a number of offences.


Both his feet leave the ground. How can he be "in control" if he is in an airborne lunge? It was reckless.


- It was also a tackle from behind.

- He also didn't touch the ball.

- He was also the last man with Ramirez through on goal.


All those things make it a clear red card.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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In control, wins the ball. If a Saints player made that challenge you'd be supporting him.


I really wouldn't i thought that was a sickening challenge. Not in control and dangerous. Having played that looks to me like a desperation challenging, knowing you can't catch the man.

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No I wouldn't, no matter who the player was (Saints or not) it is a clear red card for a number of offences.


Both his feet leave the ground. How can he be in control if he is airborne? It was reckless.


- It was also a tackle from behind.

- He also didn't touch the ball.

- It was also the last man.


All those things make it a clear red card.


In your blinked "special" mind.


Interesting how the Saints manager and players thought it a fair tackle.

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In your blinked "special" mind.


1) Are you denying it was a tackle from behind?

2) Are you denying Brown was the last man?

3) Are you denying both Brown's legs leave the ground, he was airborne and therefore reckless?

4) Can you honestly watch the video of it and see Brown touching the ball? (not that it actually makes much difference given the other factors)

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Despite the fact I dont rate Mr. Ramirez and think we would be better off with him off our wage bill, I feel sorry for the poor bugger. One gets the feeling he was really looking forward to a S. American World Cup Finals.


Its about time that managers who endorse and encourage such playing tactics at the highest level of the game were quitely taken outside, lined up and shot.


I have to be straight though, I am well chuffed that Dejan doesnt look to be so bad after all. We need him, and if I were Ms. Liebherr after todays events, I would get my team out looking for a CB to replace him until the returns who can also partner him in the mid-term.

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I hope that Brown gets the flack he deserves for that on MOTD. The fact he was being touted as a potential WC squad member after today is an utter disgrace. He's a second rate defender living off the fact he has played for Man U and that tackle just evidences it.

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It was unfortunate but its a contact sport and he did get the ball first.


So what? That doesn't make it not a foul, its a common misconception that touching the ball first makes it not a foul automatically. It was a tackle from behind, both his feet leave the ground and was reckless, plus he was the last man.


Plus in anycase I don't think Brown does touch the ball, look at the gif earlier int he thread. It doesn't change direction as it would if he did touch it.

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It was unfortunate but its a contact sport and he did get the ball first.


Repeating myself here, but the replay posted on this thread suggests otherwise. I can't see Brown touch the ball at all, it is kicked forward by Gaston first and then Brown trashes through his standing leg. Red card tackle anywhere on the pitch, more so considering the location. Hard to tell intent from Brown, but when the challenge is so reckless then intent is irrelevant. .. dangerous play, had to go.


However I can understand how the ref might have missed it from his angle of sight. Where was the linesman?


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BT replay at the time certainly looked like a touch on the ball was made.


They only showed one replay on BT as it was so horrible. The replay posted above certainly seems to suggest no contact. I await the MOTD verdict with interest. As others have said, a studs up follow through should up follow through could have been called as a foul in its own right.

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BT replay at the time certainly looked like a touch on the ball was made.


Even if he did touch the ball first (which I'm yet to see from any of the video footage)... So what? That doesn't make it not a foul, its a common misconception that touching the ball first makes it not a foul automatically. It was a tackle from behind, both his feet leave the ground and was reckless, plus he was the last man.

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BT replay at the time certainly looked like a touch on the ball was made.


I agree. But the BT replay was not from the best angle. The one on this thread shows Brown got very close to getting the ball, but Gaston kicked it before him and then immediately got taken out.


Unfortunately the ref doesn't have access to replays from better angles that we do.


Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk

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