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what are women so f****** ungrateful

Saint Keith

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wife last week " i want a new phone, and i want an ipod"


so i buy her an iphone


Wife doesnt understand it, so therefore wants me to send it back


And this is that little miracle that's going to change the world. Well at least, according to all the Apple adverts it is. ;)


Buy here a 3rd party MP3 player and be done with it.

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Well done, in that case she really is ungrateful. Send it back and buy her a Wok endorsed by a celeb chef or something.


Or indeed, just go to Yau Brothers in Northam and buy here a genuine trade wok for about a tenner. At least it'll be the real thing, and not some 3rd party knock-up. ;)

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Or indeed, just go to Yau Brothers in Northam and buy here a genuine trade wok for about a tenner. At least it'll be the real thing, and not some 3rd party knock-up. ;)


Well tbf, he could buy a simple frying pan or food mixer endorsed by a celeb chef - us women like this endorsed stuff, it matters - apparently. My dad bought my mum a basic frying pan for valentines day years ago and she never forgave him, even said it was one of the reasons she divorced him. Me, I would be over the moon with an iPhone, even happier with a Blackberry or a Macbook.

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wife last week " i want a new phone, and i want an ipod"


so i buy her an iphone


Wife doesnt understand it, so therefore wants me to send it back


WTF is wrong with you men??????

can you not understand a simple instruction?????


she said she wanted a new phone

she said she wanted an i-pod



why is it that you didn't get her the items requested??


it's not rocket science!!!!!!!


get her a new phone AND an I-pod.......simple



why do men have to bloody complicate things by using their "initiative"??


when a woman ASKS for something, then get her what she asked for....NOT what YOU think she'd like..........i hope you have learnt a very important lesson today SK :cool:

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Get her some flowers Keith, that'll shut her up until next tie she wants to have a moan of course

I was told only last week, that a woman has the divine right to the last word in an argument with a man. Anything that a man says after this point is the start of a new argument.

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Back on topic: Women are a nightmare to buy for, especially when they don't tell you what they really want... However, when they do tell you exactly what they want, and you buy something different, you only have yourself to blame.


Or, you buy them something and you think 'They will love this', give it to them and their reaction is


'Oh, thanks'.


Oh thanks????!!!! I've spent ****ing hours looking for something for you, and all you say is thanks?

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Back on topic: Women are a nightmare to buy for, especially when they don't tell you what they really want... However, when they do tell you exactly what they want, and you buy something different, you only have yourself to blame.


I don't think we're generally a nightmare to buy for. Be on the look out for all the hints you lot, somehow, normally manage to miss maybe? Men are worse because everything they want they just buy so you have nothing left!

If a woman says "I'd like a mobile phone and an ipod" what she means is exactly that. It means she doesn't like iphones or she would have asked for one instead. Makes sense to me. It does not mean that she has no ability to look at adverts and therefore knows nothing of iphones and will think of you as her saviour for enabling her to have one product instead of two.

This is why I don't like having presents bought for me - I feel really guilty (apart from once) if/when I don't like it. Luckly my boyfriend now is very good and i'm sure i'll like all my christmas presents. He actually listens to me :eek:

Edited by Pip87
wrote 'and' instead of 'an'
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Or, you buy them something and you think 'They will love this', give it to them and their reaction is


'Oh, thanks'.


Oh thanks????!!!! I've spent ****ing hours looking for something for you, and all you say is thanks?

I have had the opposite though, and that is also bad.


I happened to buy something for the previous wench and she liked it so much she cried n' stuff and got all emotional on me.


Coulda just said thanks and sucked me off but nooooo, the silly bint decided to get all emotional n' lovey dovey!!

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Oh, and in answer to the original question. IMO opinion it's not being ungrateful, it's just little bits of being totally fed up of you not listening to her coming out.

If you said you wanted a blue car and she went out and bought a silver one and said "bet you didn't know they had silver cars, aren't I great for finding that out and getting you one instead of the dreadful blue thing you wanted?" When really the situation is that you know there are silver cars, you just prefer the blue ones. Would you go skipping round saying how fantastic she is and how grateful you are? I'm guessing no, more likely you'd feel like she thinks you're stupid and your opinion doesn't matter.

Edited by Pip87
added the last sentence
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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
I don't think we're generally a nightmare to buy for. Be on the look out for all the hints you lot, somehow, normally manage to miss maybe? Men are worse because everything they want they just buy so you have nothing left!

If a woman says "I'd like a mobile phone and an ipod" what she means is exactly that. It means she doesn't like iphones or she would have asked for one instead. Makes sense to me. It does not mean that she has no ability to look at adverts and therefore knows nothing of iphones and will think of you as her saviour for enabling her to have one product instead of two.

This is why I don't like having presents bought for me - I feel really guilty (apart from once) if/when I don't like it. Luckily my boyfriend now is very good and I'm sure I'll like all my Christmas presents. He actually listens to me :eek:


Because we can't trust women to get the right gadget.


Early days yet, Pip...

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