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Has Adkins commentated on cortèse leaving?


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I might be happy with life on the Friday relaxation accelerant.......................................... But who really gives a flying Fart what Nigel actually thinks, it's Histoire Roger, my friend. Gone- Finished - Over! just like Glenda no second coming: sorry to burst your bubble buddy.

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I might be happy with life on the Friday relaxation accelerant.......................................... But who really gives a flying Fart what Nigel actually thinks, it's Histoire Roger, my friend. Gone- Finished - Over! just like Glenda no second coming: sorry to burst your bubble buddy.


I'm actually sat with Nigel at the moment in a haunted castle in Transylvania. We're in the middle of a vampire related escapade and had stopped for a sit down and a nice cup of tea. Nigel saw your post and collapsed in a flood of tears.


Our advantage is now lost and the vampires are upon us.


Avenge our deaths.

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I'm actually sat with Nigel at the moment in a haunted castle in Transylvania. We're in the middle of a vampire related escapade and had stopped for a sit down and a nice cup of tea. Nigel saw your post and collapsed in a flood of tears.


Our advantage is now lost and the vampires are upon us.


Avenge our deaths.



Oh dear, please pass on my apologies to Nigel, truth be known he is a top bloke, please assure him that my response was in answer to the inane OP and not set out to maline him.

However if the misfortune of your Vampire encounter has resulted in you both passing into immortality, please remind him to put on plenty of sun block otherwise he might find standing on the touch line v Bolton will be a short lived experience: although it would no doubt be a high point at the Madejski to see the manager evaporate into a pile of smouldering ashes before the game kicks off.



Hopefully you both stocked up with Garlic, Holy Water, Silver Bullets, and stakes before setting out tonight, and you both get home in one piece.

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The irony being that Liebherr allowed Cortese to leave with more dignity than he himself allowed Nigel.


A year ago today many on here were berating Nigel's sacking and saying how we'd lost a good manager and great bloke, a good year of results later and many of the very same stack up to take the ****.


in a years time the current Cortese devotees will be fawning over whoever has done a decent job and deriding NC.

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