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saint baz383

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Does anybody like me think we have had a great season so far but lack something up front ? Danny osvaldo has not delivered for his money and we need someone with a killer finish. Does anybody else think we should make a move for danny ings from burnley. ? He is young and hungry and I think we could get him for a great price.

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Agreed, it takes time to adjust. Look at Suarez, Giroud, Van Persie, etc. None set the World alight in their first seasons in English football.


As I have always said they have 10 class players in other positions so can afford a little bit of adjustment time, Suarez scored 4 in 13 games so not a too bad return as he has more assists to goals as well.

Edited by Barry Sanchez
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I thought it was quite clear...no-one in, no-one out. It's what's been said all along and I guess now we know why.

We aren't going to go down, the European football dream has evaporated so there's no need to strengthen as of yet.

That will no doubt be left to whoever buys the club from it's current owner.

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I thought it was quite clear...no-one in, no-one out. It's what's been said all along and I guess now we know why.

We aren't going to go down, the European football dream has evaporated so there's no need to strengthen as of yet.

That will no doubt be left to whoever buys the club from it's current owner.


Obviousness of ownership thing affecting transfer dealings aside, I'd say integrating players over a 4 month period without any pressure of relegation or expectation of winning anything is the perfect reason to strengthen now rather than in the summer.

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Obviousness of ownership thing affecting transfer dealings aside, I'd say integrating players over a 4 month period without any pressure of relegation or expectation of winning anything is the perfect reason to strengthen now rather than in the summer.



Which is all well and good unless you actually believe that all the current owner wants to do is sell the club to the highest bidder. There's nothing to be gained by spending money now in that case.

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i like u saintbaz! I like ings too, i would pair him with cork that would be corkings. I would also pair him with Reed even tho reedings can be v.boring.


We should partner him with our other ex-Burnley signing.


Everyone likes watching a Roddings.

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Lets just concentrate on getting to Feb 1st with our squad together, we're not going down, there is very little value in this transfer window - you only have to look at £15m for Jelavic and Long to see that.


Osvaldo will come good IMO, Lambert is good enough, and if we get desperate then J-Rod CAN play up there too. Everyone seems to be scrapping round for strikers, so cost will be heightened at the moment.


If we keep the squad together that we have now until the end of the season, then I'll be very happy.

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Saint Baz, sounds like a homage to me, awesome. Can Cortese signings leave and can we get the money for them and spend them on real proven known quality?


If you want all of Cortese's signings leave you can kiss goodbye to:


Boruc, Gazzaniga, Clyne, Fonte, Lovren, Hooiveld, Yoshida, Fox, Wanyama, S. Davis, Cork, Gaston, Rodriguez, Do Prado, Lambert, Osvaldo.



Now stop being a prune.

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I think it is unlikey that we will finish 7th this season. We may qualify for Europe through fair play.


8th is realistic with our squad at present.


There is no point buying any new players at inflated prices. So keeping the squad and develop the undoubted young talent along with the existing squad is paramount.


Business as usual.

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Can't see us bringing anyone in now tbh, imo poch has said he will stay on until the end of the season (FairPlay by the way) but will leave then.


Can't see them or him wanting to bring anyone in knowing he's off at the end of the season.


If we do bring anyone in I would of though he has or will sign a longer contract and stay on for a few seasons.


Wishful thinking but you never know.

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Does anybody like me think we have had a great season so far but lack something up front ? Danny osvaldo has not delivered for his money and we need someone with a killer finish. Does anybody else think we should make a move for danny ings from burnley. ? He is young and hungry and I think we could get him for a great price.


None of our front men have delivered despite being clearly adequate. I put it down to the system that MoPo employs restricting creativity in favour of a more possession and cautious approach. Dani is good enough IMO, we just need to use a little less restraint and take a few more chances around the box.

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WOW what a week, NC leaving, MP staying, Players not being sold. Since this is a transfer thread I will stick to the topic. New people in, not likely, not that I as a fan would not like to see big money , proven players to come in, but its not going to happen the big clubs are looking for new talent too, they will beat us to anyone with any WORLD CLASS talent. The relegation teams will pay over the odds for the rest of the OK players that are available for a January move. Loans I don't like if we have no real chance of signing them full time (like Saha). So here we are with what we have, and to be honest, we have A LOT!!, a team that can beat the best when playing our strongest players and some promising youngsters in the wings that need to be tested. We had a bad spell of results during Christmas, playing top sides that were coming into form, but I saw a team that still competed even though we had key players out and some bad luck. Never had i thought we don't belong on the same pitch as those big teams, we are a good team worthy of challenging for Europe. Now the key part. Just a few more points and then we will be safe. Don't underestimate that, SAFE from relegation and the millions it brings to a club. Half of the league is not SAFE!! bottom 10 are all under huge pressure to stay up. So MP will have an envious position, he will have the time to really tinker and test the players he needs to integrate into his team, I feel we have two major signing still to come in and help this team (Ossie and Ramerez), they still have huge potential (I see it, and hope they can prove it), we have our youth that can be integrated and tested to see how they can handle the PL, our youth coaches have not been to far off when they said Luke and JWP can make the step up, there are about 3-5 more they say are good enough to make it, lets see them tested in the relegation free second half of the season. They are all playing the MP style in training, he is known for integrating youth. This will give him the time to assess these boys under real PL challenges. We had a taste of the top 4, but realized we need more depth, more of our present squad to show they can step up to fill in for the consistent good players. This will help MP immensely in deciding what we really need for next seasons push up the table. I agree we should have a real go for the FA cup this year, our best 11, playing for silverware like there lives depended on it!!!..........now this brings me back to the drama circus of the present. This all depends on where MP head is at, I am staying to make this SFC a top team or I am biding my time to leave at the end of the year :(

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If you want all of Cortese's signings leave you can kiss goodbye to:


Boruc, Gazzaniga, Clyne, Fonte, Lovren, Hooiveld, Yoshida, Fox, Wanyama, S. Davis, Cork, Gaston, Rodriguez, Do Prado, Lambert, Osvaldo.



Now stop being a prune.

That is like asking a cat to stop being feline!

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