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Why the hate?


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I have been following most of the threeads in the last 2 days and what has surprised me most is some of the comments made torwards our owner and the apparent love in for NC.

People have commented on her weight, the fact that she might ready to sell the club, the fact that she knows little about football etc. How is this any different than Abramovitch (spelling) at Chelsea or other owners of clubs.

Also most people in the past have vented their spleen at how NC treated the likes of Matty and Franny, but have they lost the feeling of unhappiness just because they feel the wheels might be coming off at the mo?

The fact that she wants to be more involved, or may want to be more involved, may have upset NC, but if Markus was still alive would NC have told him to keep out?

Surely as the now owner, she should be allowed the same privelages, well not privelages because it is her club!

How would people feel for example if they bought their own business, but the person in charge told you to bugger off and leave them alone, even though that person at the helm put no money in?

And if she just wanted to make the money back that Markus paid, then all she needs to do is sell Shaw for the £30mil that is being bandied about and just leave.

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I don't think MP has helped the situation with his "he goes,I go" line last year. The papers jumped all over this as proof that the thing would start falling apart and then added their sensationalism to it. Brian Moore was one of the few I heard who appeared baffled by the whole thing,when nobody knew what her plans were, who the new CEO would be and who she would (if anyone) sell to. Obviously we'd preferred the status quo, but feel we'd be in a worse position if the money people had gone and Nicola stayed. The press and vast numbers of our support seem to forget this. The money people are still here, its only the person who spent the money that's gone (bit like most divorces really).


If she wants the money back, it ain't going to be in one massive fire sale of the talent. It will be in a controlled business like manner. We may end up losing Rickie, but whose money got him here, cortese's?


Why in the modern world do judgement have to be instant. Lets give her a chance before slitting our wrists.

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All I'd say is to look at her previous track record and what happened to the company Markus bought after us and saved purely out of his own passion. 50% redundancies later it's heading down the pan with the management quoted as saying "she's never here, she's not involved, she's not interested"

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All I'd say is to look at her previous track record and what happened to the company Markus bought after us and saved purely out of his own passion. 50% redundancies later it's heading down the pan with the management quoted as saying "she's never here, she's not involved, she's not interested"


Maybe that Company couldn't be turned around? Anecdotes from snippets of information don't necessarily mean she is a bad businesswoman. Time will tell how she views this particular part of her portfolio and I would like to think she shares the same ethics as her old man did and should she want the club sold, will sell it to the best people and in the best way.

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I don't know about "hate", that's a bit over dramatic but there's been a bit too much of the personal insults towards someone we we're barely aware of a few days ago. This is a reasonable report...




I have read that Markus would be turning in his grave at what "she's done", I would think he'd be more likely 'turning' at the insults towards his beloved daughter.

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Only small minded idiots judge somebody by their appearance. But that's life. There are a lot of moronic people out there and I feel embarrassed for them. God forbid she sees these types of comments. Who knows' date=' the nipper who jets over for games might be on this forum[/quote']

That would be very Funny: "Well everything was going well all the staff were happy, we had won every game since I took over from Nicola, but then I read things about me on Saints Web Forum and thought if that's how they feel just watch this. Sold all the good players pocketed the money my Father put into the club and left them where we found them only 10 points better off".

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I also dont understand the vicous comments regarding KL. I really hope she remains private as she has done up to now. I would hate to think of the comments she would receive from some fans if she became a public figure of SFC and maybe this is one of the reasons that she may want to sell the club so that she can remain a low profile figure.

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I also dont understand the vicous comments regarding KL. I really hope she remains private as she has done up to now. I would hate to think of the comments she would receive from some fans if she became a public figure of SFC and maybe this is one of the reasons that she may want to sell the club so that she can remain a low profile figure.


For my part i always like to support the manager + rag on the chairmans. This is normal football fan behaviour! Cortese + Lowe got it much worse. Her dad admittedly got a pass but then he was true Saint in thought + deed and beyond reproach!

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I don't think MP has helped the situation with his "he goes,I go" line last year. The papers jumped all over this as proof that the thing would start falling apart and then added their sensationalism to it. Brian Moore was one of the few I heard who appeared baffled by the whole thing,when nobody knew what her plans were, who the new CEO would be and who she would (if anyone) sell to. Obviously we'd preferred the status quo, but feel we'd be in a worse position if the money people had gone and Nicola stayed. The press and vast numbers of our support seem to forget this. The money people are still here, its only the person who spent the money that's gone (bit like most divorces really).


If she wants the money back, it ain't going to be in one massive fire sale of the talent. It will be in a controlled business like manner. We may end up losing Rickie, but whose money got him here, cortese's?


Why in the modern world do judgement have to be instant. Lets give her a chance before slitting our wrists.


That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read on here.

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This is a football forum we are talking about. That there are some posters who will mouth off before engaging their brains goes with the territory. There were the inevitable knee-jerk reactions and then there were the remarks from the mysogynists whose opinions come from the age of Alf Garnett. Neither group comes out of it looking as if they're the sharpest tools in the box.

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Most of the vitriol came from the red tops and their laughable articles yesterday. Personally I have no animosity towards KL. The situation between the two clearly became unworkable and the owner must surely always carry more clout than the employee.

Edited by kpturner
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That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read on here.


I was going to say that was a pretty dumb reply as you have not explained why you came to that conclusion but I wont because I dont think being rude on the forum achieves much


Surely his Lordship is correct when he said MP would leave if NC left just to carry favour with the boss MP worked for SFC not NC as do the players


At the moment all that has happened is that we have lost a CEO who upset too many people appeared not to listen to sensible advice leading to the club getting loads of bad press and wanting no interference from the lady who owned the club.


Hopefully the club will have a more ethical outlook with a more inclusive style of management in the future players managers coaches possibly owners and other staff will come and go but SFC will continue to exist and we will have more great memories of deeds on the pitch and see great players in the red and white stripes again

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Being as KL was our owner from Lge 1 through to where we are now it is actually her that has been the power behind the throne for virtually all our success.


I hope she stays, I like the Liebherr's style of management, low profile, discreet and up to now willing to invest when investment is needed.


The last thing any of us would want is a Romanov or a Tan taking over the club.

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Have there really been a lot of vicious comments about her ? I hadnt noticed many.


She kept the dream going for 3 years without interfering and whilst still dipping her hand in her pocket, so I was always willing to give her a chance (though with some trepidation due to her apparent lack of interest)

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just thinking is there anywhere another women 'owner' of a football club ?



well I think Delia Smith is some sort of majority shareholder at Norwich but she doesn't run the club all by herself. Then there is Karen Brady who might have owned Birmingham at one time, can't remember all of the details though.

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Have there really been a lot of vicious comments about her ? I hadnt noticed many.


She kept the dream going for 3 years without interfering and whilst still dipping her hand in her pocket, so I was always willing to give her a chance (though with some trepidation due to her apparent lack of interest)

there were some pretty naff posts that were disrespectful. KL is a person who wants to keep out of the limelight and Iam sure would be upset if shown the back pages of the red tops. It seem to me that they went out of their way to get the worst possible pictures of her. As for posters on here poking fun at her!!! She is ML daughter and i suspect he would have let the club die rather than let her be put through the ungrateful and spiteful posts she had on here a day or so ago

Yes her decision to rid the club of NC pushed her to the forefront but iam sure she did not to wish for it.

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there were some pretty naff posts that were disrespectful. KL is a person who wants to keep out of the limelight and Iam sure would be upset if shown the back pages of the red tops. It seem to me that they went out of their way to get the worst possible pictures of her. As for posters on here poking fun at her!!! She is ML daughter and i suspect he would have let the club die rather than let her be put through the ungrateful and spiteful posts she had on here a day or so ago

Yes her decision to rid the club of NC pushed her to the forefront but iam sure she did not to wish for it.


Yes, but she must have known the consequences of taking over as chairman at the same time as NC left, she should have had a new CEO identified as the public face in time.


Though I accept to some degree NC has forced the timing of events, she has had his notice period to sound out candidates.

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I was going to say that was a pretty dumb reply as you have not explained why you came to that conclusion but I wont because I dont think being rude on the forum achieves much


Surely his Lordship is correct when he said MP would leave if NC left just to carry favour with the boss MP worked for SFC not NC as do the players


At the moment all that has happened is that we have lost a CEO who upset too many people appeared not to listen to sensible advice leading to the club getting loads of bad press and wanting no interference from the lady who owned the club.


Hopefully the club will have a more ethical outlook with a more inclusive style of management in the future players managers coaches possibly owners and other staff will come and go but SFC will continue to exist and we will have more great memories of deeds on the pitch and see great players in the red and white stripes again


Just the 'divorce' bit I highlighted in bold, it wasn't a comment on the general post. I'm not sure if LD added that bit for rhetorical effect or if that's his real life view of divorce? I think people should be pulled up when they spout bowlocks and that was a dumb comment!

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Have there really been a lot of vicious comments about her ? I hadnt noticed many.


Exactly. i haven't noticed many either but similar to twitter in that people are looking to get outraged and like to feel they are on the moral high ground and blow things out of perspective. Being cynical they delight in it to show they are not rascist, homophobic etc. when the reality is normally one 15yo kid tweets something and evryone retweets with their outrage to show how balanced and tolerant they are.

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Just the 'divorce' bit I highlighted in bold, it wasn't a comment on the general post. I'm not sure if LD added that bit for rhetorical effect or if that's his real life view of divorce? I think people should be pulled up when they spout bowlocks and that was a dumb comment!


he was making a joke ffs! I thought it was pretty funny!

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This is all in complete contrast to the widespread condemnation the French showed when that magazine printed pictures of their president sneaking about with that actress.


I wish this country could show a bit more class. It's about time there was concerted efforts to get rid of these horrible publications(sic).


I stopped reading papers many, many years ago. The only thing you can trust is the date printed on the front.

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This is all in complete contrast to the widespread condemnation the French showed when that magazine printed pictures of their president sneaking about with that actress.


I wish this country could show a bit more class. It's about time there was concerted efforts to get rid of these horrible publications(sic).


I stopped reading papers many, many years ago. The only thing you can trust is the date printed on the front.


the French press are still talking about it though, all day, every day. In the end Hollande will be sent packing from power because of this affair because just the tip of the iceberg is known as of yet. The french pretend to be totally unconcerned in general but if you heard them in the canteens and bars you'd know differently. They tell the opinion poll people that they don't care just to look a bit classy but they still tattle about it whenever the subject is raised. Hollande is extremely unpopular anyway, probably because he just doesn't know what he's doing.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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Im pretty angry because i see this as corteses project, it was he who talked marcus into buying the club,came up with the master plan guided us through two promotions, and made the right decisions with what managers and staff to bring in, granted it wasnt his money but boy i bet he wishes he had done this differant now.


Kl on the other hand is just someone who has fortunately had a great project of someone elses money and hard work fall into her lap and can now do what the hell she wants with it .


For all those saying we are better off without cortese, you are completely shot away and ungratefull.

What if he never talked marcus in to buying us where we be now ?

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Im pretty angry because i see this as corteses project, it was he who talked marcus into buying the club,came up with the master plan guided us through two promotions, and made the right decisions with what managers and staff to bring in, granted it wasnt his money but boy i bet he wishes he had done this differant now.


Kl on the other hand is just someone who has fortunately had a great project of someone elses money and hard work fall into her lap and can now do what the hell she wants with it .


For all those saying we are better off without cortese, you are completely shot away and ungratefull.

What if he never talked marcus in to buying us where we be now ?


Hi Nicola,


thanks for everything .



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A lot on here don't understand the realities of how big business is run.


This is exactly the problem. A lot on here are just recycling phrases they've read when reading about the Pompey and Leeds meltdowns without any real understanding of what they actually mean in reality.

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Im pretty angry because i see this as corteses project, it was he who talked marcus into buying the club,came up with the master plan guided us through two promotions, and made the right decisions with what managers and staff to bring in, granted it wasnt his money but boy i bet he wishes he had done this differant now.


Kl on the other hand is just someone who has fortunately had a great project of someone elses money and hard work fall into her lap and can now do what the hell she wants with it .


For all those saying we are better off without cortese, you are completely shot away and ungratefull.

What if he never talked marcus in to buying us where we be now ?


So you don't begrudge NC the opportunity to spend ML's millions in fulfilling a dream and vision, but you do - for a reason best known to yourself - begrudge his heir the same opportunity ?

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Ashton's quote that Cortese is aiming to return with another Premier League Club cast aside any final doubts I've had on Cortese's integrity.


He has treated Katharina despicably of late. spreading malicious stories in the media merely to suit his own ambitions. He loved Southampton? No way. Rupert Lowe showed and shows to this day a love for the club many fail to realise.


Knowing how Swiss Germans operate, I can strongly believe Katharina has spent the best part of the years following her father's death, silently and scrupulously learning about football, how to operate a football club. Once she felt comfortable was the point she began squeezing her desire to become involved.


Supporters who've made fun, insulted and doubted her need to get a new life and realise where our good fortune and success originates.


Does she want to sell or bring in a competent partner and investor? Only time will tell but her profile to date leaves no room for insults, personal or of her competence.

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Here's my "sanctimonious, moralising, politically correct tart" view of this: there is a small minority of knee-jerk, over-emotional, rather irrational drama queens, who - in addition - also suffer from a case of male chauvinism.


They also seem to believe that all football fans share some sort of old-fashioned, adolescent, class-conscious, tribal, mob-mentailty (and misogynist) attitude to the life of a football fan. And they seek to impose this "lad" attitude as the only approach to life as a football fan.


Quite sad, really.


All in my humble (adjective-laden) opinion.



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I doubt there's much "hate" around (as you call it) just pressure releasing after the calamitous news of this week, we have a hero who's walked so there must be a villain.


Things will settle down, the club ownership has not changed one iota and those who express these feelings will soon come around to see that our benefactor has actually been constant in her benign support that has allowed Nicola Cortese to operate more or less free reign.


It's probably Cortese who has changed the rules of the game and upped the ante - maybe inevitably just following the old mantra that power eventually corrupts - in this case corrupting that power by not following agreed principles and guidelines laid down with the Liebherr family trustees. Did he just become too big for his boots? It's a fair question to ask.


If the lady smiles more than once in a while from the director's box, I for one will welcome this re-engagement with the friendly, family atmosphere that this club has always held dear.


Marcus after all never stopped smiling.

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Here's my "sanctimonious, moralising, politically correct tart" view of this: there is a small minority of knee-jerk, over-emotional, rather irrational drama queens, who - in addition - also suffer from a case of male chauvinism.


They also seem to believe that all football fans share some sort of old-fashioned, adolescent, class-conscious, tribal, mob-mentailty (and misogynist) attitude to the life of a football fan. And they seek to impose this "lad" attitude as the only approach to life as a football fan.


Quite sad, really.


All in my humble (adjective-laden) opinion.




Ooh hello love, you do understand that everything I have written since my original "Salad Dodger" question has been more than slightly tongue in cheek? I resented the response to what was a question about a photograph (although I accept it was rather coarse) and have enjoyed playing up to the character that has been betrothed upon me since the original one line post. So you have never chanted anything offensive at a football match? Nothing, ever - let he who is without sin and all that? I mean if you truly have not then you are indeed a better man than me - more modern, cosmopolitan, independent and liberated no doubt but you have missed out on some laughs I assure you.

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So you don't begrudge NC the opportunity to spend ML's millions in fulfilling a dream and vision, but you do - for a reason best known to yourself - begrudge his heir the same opportunity ?


My reason is i see cortese as the saviour of the club when we were at our lowest. Without his idea we could of been another pompey case.

His amibitions benefitted us fans as we have risen like a phoenix from the flames. Lets not forget where we came from.


Kl wasnt here when we needed saving ,if she just sells the club to whoever pays her the wanted ammount all corteses work could be for nothing,

Everything now depends on who she sells the club to,and lets be honest it could go either way.

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Im pretty angry because i see this as corteses project, it was he who talked marcus into buying the club,came up with the master plan guided us through two promotions, and made the right decisions with what managers and staff to bring in, granted it wasnt his money but boy i bet he wishes he had done this differant now.


Kl on the other hand is just someone who has fortunately had a great project of someone elses money and hard work fall into her lap and can now do what the hell she wants with it .


For all those saying we are better off without cortese, you are completely shot away and ungratefull.

What if he never talked marcus in to buying us where we be now ?



Have to say this is pretty much how i feel about the situation

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