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Lambert and shaw want to leave already?


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Don't buy it. Was announced 4hrs ago but they've decided to go already? No chance. Also, if it's definite he resigned in oct surely hed tell poch before now. But poch was shocked today when he found out? There's a ton if rubbish being made up. See what comes out tomorrow before i press the panic button.

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Yes I cannot believe that Pochettino did not know about this before today - especially if, as alledged, Cortese resigned three months ago.


Might explain why Poch has seemed a bit more subdued on the touchline recently? Or he may be angry at Cortese after saying he'd loyally follow him out of the club last May and then only potentially finding out today Cortese has been leaving since October. All complete conjecture at the moment and I doubt we'll ever really know it all.

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spoke to a friend tonight who went to the saints xmas party a few weeks back. cortese gave a really convincing soeech about the plans for the future which alluded to world domination. He cannot believe that he had already tended his resignation after listening to the passion of his rallying speech.


personally i feel tht if he had indicated his intention to leave talks would already be underway with potential replacements and if thats the case then it would have been leaked far earlier than now.

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Don't buy it. Was announced 4hrs ago but they've decided to go already? No chance. Also, if it's definite he resigned in oct surely hed tell poch before now. But poch was shocked today when he found out? There's a ton if rubbish being made up. See what comes out tomorrow before i press the panic button.


Sorry thought you just pressed it !!!!!

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Don't buy it. Was announced 4hrs ago but they've decided to go already? No chance. Also, if it's definite he resigned in oct surely hed tell poch before now. But poch was shocked today when he found out? There's a ton if rubbish being made up. See what comes out tomorrow before i press the panic button.


too late

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Dont believe it, cant see it, dont want it. But if true, at £7m, might just be a very astute deal



Don't really believe it either, Traoré has got his work permit and will be signing for them later on today (apparently), they've re-signed Carlton Cole and they have Carroll now, why on earth would they want Lambert as well.

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Don't really believe it either, Traoré has got his work permit and will be signing for them later on today (apparently), they've re-signed Carlton Cole and they have Carroll now, why on earth would they want Lambert as well.


And REALLY? With everything that went on yesterday, who the hell did WHU negotiate the deal with?


Ah so NC did the deal to sell SRL and KL stepped in to save a legend....


Neither make any sense

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If I was a betting man I would bet on his departure having something to do with transfer funds....cortese wanted money,the liebhers didn't want to give him any.

Can't blame them to be honest he's had 50 odd million in total and the signings of Ramirez & Osvaldo look to be bad bits of business

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I know its hardly concrete evidence but some of the tweets that Luke Shaws dad favourited last night seem to suggest he will be staying


Cam_Lopez1·15 hrs

@paul_shaw3 Well said let's continue the journey after all it could be for the better.


@JSaintStephens·15 hrs

@paul_shaw3 your opinion is the same as any man who wishes the club well #distraught I hope Luke will hang around a bit longer. :-(


@AdyKnight1·13 hrs

@paul_shaw3 @ReganAtk . No one is bigger than the club. #SaintsFc

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Seems like a few will be leaving. It feels like the end of an era...... I hope not.



End of an Era... now there was a provocative poster...hated Burley if I remember correctly...what happened to him/her ?

I remember someone accusing he/her/it of being Leon Crouch.

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If Lambert really wants to go, take him off the banner, ta.


A Saints legend wouldn't countenance it.


Wait and see first, though.


I've offered my services to do the neccesary with that sodding banner... last time was to include Big Ron and remove Keegan... not heard anything back tho so guess I'm not required:




I realise that Ron would need to be shifted left and into the correct timeline... the above was a very quick mock-up without the actually PNG or PSD file to play with.

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You have lost me.



on the old forum, back in the dark days of the warring triumvirate, continual take over speculation,Jonah, Longshot, Mike Wild posting etc. There was a poster of that name. Never made the switch to this forum it would seem, hated Burley, seemed to know an awful lot about some things.

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Incredibly, Cortese was locked in talks with West Ham over the £7million sale of Lambert.

Cortese and Lambert were scheduled to meet at the club’s Marchwood training centre, but that has been cancelled following Cortese’s resignation.

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Lambert speculation is odd. He is more likely to start for us than them. They have just re-signed Cole, will also sign Traore and have Carroll fit.



Unless SRL is desperately shopping around for a move, then again why would he be doing that because he seemed to be saying completely otherwise only a few weeks back. It's an enigma really.

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To be fair a lot of people said before this blew up that we ought to take 7m for SRL (who has really looked his age this season) and 30m for Shaw (a world record fee for a fullback). With or without NC there's a very good argument both would be good business if we can find suitable replacements

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