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Will MP Leave


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It's really hard to say at the moment. I think he was being loyal to NC back in May, and a lot of it was very PR driven if we're honest.


At the end of the day he's an employee of Southampton FC, not of Nicola Cortese. Of course, there will be huge questions in terms of the direction/finances/ambition etc, but that's something that will only be answered in time.


I think it would show a lot more respect for everyone, if the staff, players, manager etc rallyed around and put us in the best possible position come the summer - for whatever happens.

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If he wants to leave because of a change of boss, he can **** off now as far as I concerned.


I want people managing the club that want to manage Southampton Football Club, not manage for Nicola Cortese.


Same with the players. Anyone who goes now before knowing what's going on, what direction the club is going and who will be owning it/managing it, is using it as an excuse to get out IMO.

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If he wants to leave because of a change of boss, he can **** off now as far as I concerned.


I want people managing the club that want to manage Southampton Football Club, not manage for Nicola Cortese.


Same with the players. Anyone who goes now before knowing what's going on, what direction the club is going and who will be owning it/managing it, is using it as an excuse to get out IMO.


The players will have a better idea what's going on and why NC fell out with the daughter. If they are concerned, there's a decent chance that it's because the daughter doesn't have the same ambitions for the club.

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MP is the manager of Southampton FC, not Cortese FC. If he dosn't want to manage Southampton, **** him.


Mature- have you ever been in a job where you've felt personally committed to a manager perhaps because they took a chance with you, helped your development etc.


MP's reaction is only human.


It's certainly more honorable than jumping ship because some other outfit has offered you more cash.

Edited by shurlock
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Right NC did some great things for this club but he was only an employee. KL owns the club players and manager work for the club if MP leaves is it really going to make much difference in the grand scheme of things? I would be more worried if KL left, it's their money that has got us where we are. People are bed wetting over nothing. The club goes on!

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If he wants to leave because of a change of boss, he can **** off now as far as I concerned.


I want people managing the club that want to manage Southampton Football Club, not manage for Nicola Cortese.


Same with the players. Anyone who goes now before knowing what's going on, what direction the club is going and who will be owning it/managing it, is using it as an excuse to get out IMO.


A million times this.

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****ing clueless the majority of people on here. People buy from people. It's the biggest selling trait known to man. Poch came here because if who? Les reed? Get a ****ing grip! Osvaldo, Wanyama, gaston, lovren, shaw signing his contract! Al staying put. Trust me it was NC that made this happen, his vision with the aid of the others granted, but I would put my house on it that it's the Chairmans vision and sales pitch that bought those players here.

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****ing clueless the majority of people on here. People buy from people. It's the biggest selling trait known to man. Poch came here because if who? Les reed? Get a ****ing grip! Osvaldo, Wanyama, gaston, lovren, shaw signing his contract! Al staying put. Trust me it was NC that made this happen, his vision with the aid of the others granted, but I would put my house on it that it's the Chairmans vision and sales pitch that bought those players here.


I think you will find the main reason Poch, Osvaldo, Wanyama, gaston, lovren and shaw are here is a f*cking sh!t load of money.

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If he wants to leave because of a change of boss, he can **** off now as far as I concerned.


I want people managing the club that want to manage Southampton Football Club, not manage for Nicola Cortese.


Same with the players. Anyone who goes now before knowing what's going on, what direction the club is going and who will be owning it/managing it, is using it as an excuse to get out IMO.



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He'll leave. Almost certainly. After his previous statements he'll look like a bit of a tit if he doesn't. Same goes for a few of the players.


In a few weeks time we'll have lost our chairman, manager, back room staff, key players and possibly our owners. If a new buyer does come in then that will be a very interesting day...

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He'll leave. Almost certainly. After his previous statements he'll look like a bit of a tit if he doesn't. Same goes for a few of the players.


In a few weeks time we'll have lost our chairman, manager, back room staff, key players and possibly our owners. If a new buyer does come in then that will be a very interesting day...


I doubt that will happen. Please calm down.

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If he wants to leave because of a change of boss, he can **** off now as far as I concerned.


I want people managing the club that want to manage Southampton Football Club, not manage for Nicola Cortese.


Same with the players. Anyone who goes now before knowing what's going on, what direction the club is going and who will be owning it/managing it, is using it as an excuse to get out IMO.


I sympathise with that.


That's the quick way to mediocrity unfortunately.

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I'm calm :) Genuinely think that will happen is all. What's your take on it?


Nothing for now I don't think.


A bit of a business as usual approach until the new CEO or whatever comes in. Until then, it's all speculation and rumor.


I would hope by the time the new CEO is here, we'd have a clear understanding of the ambitions and interests of our owners. That's what we have to sit tight and wait for now.


Important for the players, management and staff to rally around each other I think

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Nothing for now I don't think.


A bit of a business as usual approach until the new CEO or whatever comes in. Until then, it's all speculation and rumor.


I would hope by the time the new CEO is here, we'd have a clear understanding of the ambitions and interests of our owners. That's what we have to sit tight and wait for now.


Important for the players, management and staff to rally around each other I think


You seem to be forgetting one thing........this is football not a manufacturing company or a rack firm or anything "normal" football seems to have its own set of rules.

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I would like to think that MP atitude will have changed since his statements last May when he had only been here for 4 months. He should have more allegience and connection now to the club, players, supporters not just to Cortese especially after seeing his plans showing such success in the early part of the season.

I think that he would stay if the plans for 'the project' have stayed much the same but would leave if the ambition has changed by losing Cortese.

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Nothing for now I don't think.


A bit of a business as usual approach until the new CEO or whatever comes in. Until then, it's all speculation and rumor.


I would hope by the time the new CEO is here, we'd have a clear understanding of the ambitions and interests of our owners. That's what we have to sit tight and wait for now.


Important for the players, management and staff to rally around each other I think


Pretty key point really. We have no factual details on what her intentions are at present. Fingers crossed for the best.

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From the Daily Mail


'Out: Pochettino is ready to leave Southampton and follow chairman Nicola Cortese


Pochettino intends to quit the club in support of Cortese, but the Italian banker had been pleading with him to stay and see the job through.


A number of players - who all bought into the dream of playing Champions League football at Southampton - are furious with developments.


Some of them are planning transfer requests and the agreements from young players to honour their commitment to stay at the club is now in jeopardy.


Liebherr has engaged her lawyers over the past few weeks to engineer her move into power and that is likely to be confirmed before the weekend.


Pochettino, who replaced Nigel Adkins as Southampton manager on January 18 2013, intends to quit after the weekend’s fixture at the Stadium of Light.

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I want players, staff and fans committed to the club, not weak minded fools that just work for the boss.... Get a grip mopo.


The club gave him a job when nobody else would. If he leaves C'est la vie


So you'd be happy for our chairman, manager, back room staff, and our best players all to leave in the space of 2 weeks?!

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So you'd be happy for our chairman, manager, back room staff, and our best players all to leave in the space of 2 weeks?!


If the players arent committed let them go. They will be harder to replace than mopo and Nic imho


Cant see many players wanting to leave, its just mopo that is stuck to nicolas' butt ;)


If mopo tries to unsettle the players, KL should act quick and get rid

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"Stay til the summer"


I wonder if the theory of Cortese returning to buy the club has any sway in Pochettino's decision to stay, if he indeed does.


Maybe I'm just looking for silver linings. My greatest worry is losing the players that SFC has so lovingly grouped together. Lovren, Wanyama, Clyne, Shaw, Lallana and Morgan in particular would be great losses, virtually irreplaceable.


I'm not panicking..... yet.

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I wonder if the theory of Cortese returning to buy the club has any sway in Pochettino's decision to stay, if he indeed does.


Maybe I'm just looking for silver linings. My greatest worry is losing the players that SFC has so lovingly grouped together. Lovren, Wanyama, Clyne, Shaw, Lallana and Morgan in particular would be great losses, virtually irreplaceable.


I'm not panicking..... yet.


It's also what I worry. Think we have a chance of keeping them if Poch stays, but I just cannot see him staying now the don has gone.

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