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Cortese has left Southampton Football Club - Officially Confirmed

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I can't stop smiling.

Not because I am happy...

...It is one of those 'WTF! You Couldn't Make It Up. Life's ****ing Riot Ain't it? Pfft! Waaah? Oh well, what's the point, its a ride innit? Gotta love the craziness" kind of smiles.

Genuinely gutted the Don has gone, but wide-eyed to see what nonsense/amazement my club will throw at me next!

Saints Eh?!?!


The Liebherr Empire is made up of many aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, sons and daughters. A number of Kathrina's family have football interests and what's not to say one of them is not interested in purchasing the club from her. This could mean that there would be a closer owner interest in the running of the club, hence Cortese's reason not to continue. I believe Cortese has had sole running of the club for far too long and it's only normal the owner/future owner would not wish this to continue. Kathrina will have the best possible advisors, financially and football experts, possibly from within the Liebherr family. In the long run I believe we can only look forward to an even brighter future.

  um pahars said:
Obviously disappointed he has left, and disappointed in the manner as well. He oversaw a dramatic change in fortunes and must be given much of the credit for the huge improvements across the Club.


BUT it had to come to an end at some point as with every player, manager, CEO, Chairman & even owner, things don't last forever.


This was always going to happen at some point and the Club will survive. I support the Club and always will do. Of course I hope for a great replacement and a continuation of the good times Cortese brought back to the Club, so fingers crossed the short term pain will soon be gone.


(PS If some players or the manager use this as an excuse to leave, then fook em, they're not for to wear the shirt).


Now's your chance. ;)


Hope you're well bud. x

  Georgie said:
You have to wonder why Cortese has left now- especially if top players leave. Did he really care about us or not?


You'd prefer he left in the summer? Causing turmoil In the club need to act to strengthen and defend itself in the transfer market? He's left us at the best possible time bar February the 1st... The club is safe, remote chance of Europe and shouldn't go down.... Time to get it sorted for summer.... Could also give him time to buy it. It KL to get a plan together for the future or also to sell.


Bright side guys... The family that saved us now run us... They've done well so far with NC, they're good businessman/women and they support family values... Hard to believe right now but there is potential in this as well as a return to mediocrity.


I wonder if the "five year plan" was always that Cortese would do his best to maximise the value of the club then find a buyer to get Markus his money back (ideally with a healthy return on top).


As the mid point of the fifth year passes, perhaps this is all about who the buyer is and the five year plan is simply reaching it's end.


I think there's no doubt that NC also has a longer term vision but, whatever passes, the Liebherrs and Cortese have delivered unmitigated success. There may be some turmoil but overall I don't see any great reason for despondency (although we obviously don't want a criminal or a looney taking over).

  farawaysaint said:
Liverpool fans I know hate him and laughed when I mentioned his name. Always a sign of a good leader that.


They're not real fans then because he was a core part of the team that worked with John Henry to get Hicks and Gillette out and the scouse fans I know are full of praise for him


We won't really know whether this is good or bad...without knowing why he left....


Seems odd that he resigned in the autumn ...but left today in a rush....something must have come to a head...maybe the Milan job....


IF, and I say if, Liebherr´s now looking to sell, and IF (again big if) Cortese is involved with potential new owners he had to leave.

He can not remain as CEO and broker the selling of the company/club and be involved with a potential buyer.


NC didn't get to fulfill his promise to ML. It was to take us to the. CL was it not?


there will be lots of people and hangers on happy with today's news. I'm not sure KL will want the aggro of running a football club. We will be sold pretty quickly IMO


We know very little about Katharina Liebherr, but from what we do know, we can make some suppositions.


We know she does not court publicity and she craves anonymity. We can conclude that she hasn't taken over as chairman of a Premier League football club - a high profile role, whether she likes it or not - for vanity or egotistical purposes. If she wanted to do that, she could have done it at any time since Markus died.


So we can suppose that something pretty drastic forced her hand into taking on something she clearly doesn't want to do.


We don't know what this is, and it could be down to her demands or Cortese's.


What we do know, is that - through the trust - she owns the club, so whatever she does, is her prerogative.


People are concerned that she knows nothing about football,


Until he was appointed by Markus, neither did Cortese and I seem to recall there was similar criticism at the time that he was just a Swiss banker imposed on the club.


No, Katharina Liebherr does not know how to run a football club. I doubt whether she knows how to drive a crane or big piece of plant machinery, or how to run a foundry or any of the hands-on, shop-floor tasks that the vast Liebherr empire covers.


But you don't get to be a vastly wealthy head of a huge multinational business concern by being a dummy. You employ the best people and since Marcus's death, I've seen nothing (but am willing to be proved wrong) to indicate that MALI or other arms of the Liebherr empire in which he was involved, have gone into metldown as a direct result of his death.


You can be sure the advisors to the Liebherr clan are top-notch. After all, Cortese was one.


From the little I know of Swiss business practice, it is built on caution, dependability, reliability and discretion. There is no reason to suppose that KL does not possess all of these attributes.


Our initial doubts over Cortese's suitability to run a football club were dispelled by the Swiss business acumen he brought to the club. Again, we have no reason to suppose that KL will not have these same qualities.


Again, assuming KL has the Swiss business attributes mentioned above, you can bet this has not caught her on the hop. She probably has not made a single move - for either good or ill, in our eyes - without taking advice


We do not know her plans for the club, but I think we can assume her business acumen or her advisors will inform her of the asset she has, and I would think it unlikely she will do anything to harm that asset. It's just not in Swiss business genes.


The Liebherr family's lawyers, Allen & Overy, are one of the UK's top five Magic Circle law firms, and among the most powerful in the world. This is the calibre of advisors the Liebherrs use.


I would assume contact has already been made between her and MoPo.


Am I glad to see Cortese go? No. He was a great asset to the club.


Am I a happy-clappy, glass half-full person who thinks KL has done the right thing for the club and let's all get behind her and teach her how to love the club? Nope. I don't know enough about her.


But I am willing to assume that she has enough about her to ensure the club doesn't implode.


And that she has the right people around her to ensure not just an adequate, but better replacement for Cortese is found.


Who knows, the replacement might - like Cortese - be found among her own ranks of advisors.

  OldNick said:
NC didn't get to fulfill his promise to ML. It was to take us to the. CL was it not?


there will be lots of people and hangers on happy with today's news. I'm not sure KL will want the aggro of running a football club. We will be sold pretty quickly IMO


She'll appoint a new chairman but selling a club takes time


I hope she says in it that she has spoken to MP, assured him funds are available, and that he has agreed to stay

  FloridaMarlin said:
We know very little about Katharina Liebherr, but from what we do know, we can make some suppositions.


We know she does not court publicity and she craves anonymity. We can conclude that she hasn't taken over as chairman of a Premier League football club - a high profile role, whether she likes it or not - for vanity or egotistical purposes. If she wanted to do that, she could have done it at any time since Markus died.


So we can suppose that something pretty drastic forced her hand into taking on something she clearly doesn't want to do.


We don't know what this is, and it could be down to her demands or Cortese's.


What we do know, is that - through the trust - she owns the club, so whatever she does, is her prerogative.


People are concerned that she knows nothing about football,


Until he was appointed by Markus, neither did Cortese and I seem to recall there was similar criticism at the time that he was just a Swiss banker imposed on the club.


No, Katharina Liebherr does not know how to run a football club. I doubt whether she knows how to drive a crane or big piece of plant machinery, or how to run a foundry or any of the hands-on, shop-floor tasks that the vast Liebherr empire covers.


But you don't get to be a vastly wealthy head of a huge multinational business concern by being a dummy. You employ the best people and since Marcus's death, I've seen nothing (but am willing to be proved wrong) to indicate that MALI or other arms of the Liebherr empire in which he was involved, have gone into metldown as a direct result of his death.


You can be sure the advisors to the Liebherr clan are top-notch. After all, Cortese was one.


From the little I know of Swiss business practice, it is built on caution, dependability, reliability and discretion. There is no reason to suppose that KL does not possess all of these attributes.


Our initial doubts over Cortese's suitability to run a football club were dispelled by the Swiss business acumen he brought to the club. Again, we have no reason to suppose that KL will not have these same qualities.


Again, assuming KL has the Swiss business attributes mentioned above, you can bet this has not caught her on the hop. She probably has not made a single move - for either good or ill, in our eyes - without taking advice


We do not know her plans for the club, but I think we can assume her business acumen or her advisors will inform her of the asset she has, and I would think it unlikely she will do anything to harm that asset. It's just not in Swiss business genes.


The Liebherr family's lawyers, Allen & Overy, are one of the UK's top five Magic Circle law firms, and among the most powerful in the world. This is the calibre of advisors the Liebherrs use.


I would assume contact has already been made between her and MoPo.


Am I glad to see Cortese go? No. He was a great asset to the club.


Am I a happy-clappy, glass half-full person who thinks KL has done the right thing for the club and let's all get behind her and teach her how to love the club? Nope. I don't know enough about her.


But I am willing to assume that she has enough about her to ensure the club doesn't implode.


And that she has the right people around her to ensure not just an adequate, but better replacement for Cortese is found.


Who knows, the replacement might - like Cortese - be found among her own ranks of advisors.


Excellent post, and quite calming too!

  Olallana said:
IF, and I say if, Liebherr´s now looking to sell, and IF (again big if) Cortese is involved with potential new owners he had to leave.

He can not remain as CEO and broker the selling of the company/club and be involved with a potential buyer.


Indeed. Have already kick-started the "perhaps Katharina and Nicola have engineered today's events together in order to facilitate the sale?" conspiracy theory over here: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?48567-Maybe-Katarina-has-better-plans-for-the-club-than-NC-had#.Utb3AvRdUrU




I love the fact that with no real details on what will happen in the future this board is full of "facts" about the club being asset stripped and sold, the manager leaving and all round doom and gloom maybe we should all take a deep breath and see what happens over the next few weeks before we all melt down.


Why on earth do they ever bother speaking to supporter groups? Who do they represent exactly?


They might as well speak to Jim, Bob and Ian at the pub.

  Bewildered said:
Think you've been had here


It does make me wonder, why people have so much time on their hands to make up waffle on twitter. Too many unemployed people out there!

  S-Clarke said:
Why on earth do they ever bother speaking to supporter groups? Who do they represent exactly?


They might as well speak to Jim, Bob and Ian at the pub.

what supporters group is Callaghan? May as well have Granty as we are a group
  DT said:
I hope she says in it that she has spoken to MP, assured him funds are available, and that he has agreed to stay


Hope she says "since we've been in the building" , "draw a blue line under Nicola's time with us " , "move on" , "hardworking group of professionals" , and "together as one".

  bridge too far said:
Rather than quote, can I just say 'well said Florida Marlin' - the most sensible post I've read tonight


Absolutely. Certainly the most pragmatic.


Not the situation I'd wish us to be in but here we are. Goodness knows where we're heading next but I for one am up for the ride.

  Badger said:
Hope she says "since we've been in the building" , "draw a blue line under Nicola's time with us " , "move on" , "hardworking group of professionals" , and "together as one".


I Googled "Swiss Bus" and this was the first image:






Firstly thanks to NC, he's done an amazing job, top class managerial appointments and kept the funds flowing when needed. It's a blow but every dog has its day, the club will go on in much better shape thanks to him so huge respect to the guy.


Now onto KL. Not sure why the despondency, the woman is no mug and SFC is a £100M+ business - she is not going to treat an investment of that size with anything other than utmost respect.


She may sell but I hope the Liebherrs stay as I really like their low profile management of the club. No barking mad publicity stunts, just quiet determination.


She'll get the right people if needs be and I'm sure any personnel changes will be handled professionally. First task is to keep MP and the players on side till at least the end of the season and I don't see why she can't persuade them to stay.


Someone on here was saying the season was becoming boring. Is this exciting enough for you?


Absolutely gutted by the news, he may have been hard faced, he may have rubbed people up the wrong way but ive always heard that he isnt that bad from members of staff at St Marys.


He had a vision, maybe it was a dream but he believed it and do did we and looking right now like it could have been achieveable if we kept improving. What happens now ?


Certainly we may be ok in the long term, we may still move in that direction and even maybe have greater success but right now Im sceptical.


Sad sad day for true saints fans


We haven't just lost a businessman, we've lost the whole vision and philosophy of our club moving forward. Cortese built that and the staff and players bought into it, whatever you say about him he was inspirational to them. We now have a woman in charge who doesn't know a thing about football, it's not a regular business. Do you trust her to make a good appointment in chief exec to drive a football club forward?


If Poch goes and a couple of players leave then we have a disaster on our hands.

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