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is this the biscuit thread? i am v.unhappy bout Rocky biscuits. They was my favourite biscuits! I admired the high ratio of chocolate to biscuit which was essential to my enjoyment of these biscuits. I like the original ones best in the red packet but i also like the caramel ones in the yellow packet. However, they have recently rebranded their packaging, which i have no objection to they can do it if they like, but they have also significantly lowered the chocolate to biscuit ratio! They are now no more chocolate than other chocolate biscuits like Club or Breakaway! It's fucking disgrace yo!

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is this the biscuit thread? i am v.unhappy bout Rocky biscuits. They was my favourite biscuits! I admired the high ratio of chocolate to biscuit which was essential to my enjoyment of these biscuits. I like the original ones best in the red packet but i also like the caramel ones in the yellow packet. However, they have recently rebranded their packaging, which i have no objection to they can do it if they like, but they have also significantly lowered the chocolate to biscuit ratio! They are now no more chocolate than other chocolate biscuits like Club or Breakaway! It's fucking disgrace yo!


Fascinating new information. Club used to be really chocolatey, they even had an ad about it. Then they stopped bothering with all that tiresome quality product carp so I stopped buying them. Im sad to learn I could have had a good alternative in Rockys all these years.


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Thankyou for ur sympathy + information bout clubs!


You may be interested to hear bout Marks and Spencer Extremely Chocolatey Milk Chocolate Rounds. My mum had these in for Christmas & they is v.chocolate! They is more chocolate than biscuit! Check this!





Edited by Bearsy
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You may be interested to hear bout Marks and Spencer Extremely Chocolatey Milk Chocolate Rounds. My mum had these in for Christmas & they is v.chocolate! They is more chocolate than biscuit! Check this!


I dont know Bearsy. Im still pretty cut up about my experience with Clubs in the 1980s. I'd find if diffiicult to fully trust another baked goods purveyor again.

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leave over tokyos, shortbreads is those disgusting plain powdery butter biscuits served without chocolate. The way to tell bread from biscuit is if you would butter one and put hams in the middle.


That reminds me of the way to tell a biscuit from a cake. Cakes go hard when stale but biscuits go soft. Unless you cover them in chocolate.

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What is the world coming to? It's like I feckin Robot.


Oi, leave Asimov out of it, he had nothing to do with the chocolate level of Club biscuits or Wagon Wheels for that matter. If you wanna blame anyone blame Will Smith for frigging the story around...

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I'm at work and in the office we are finishing off tins of biscuit left over from Xmas. My question is this....


Do you, or anyone you know NOT like shortbread.


I don't reckon there is such a person.


I am that man, cant stand the stuff. Annoyingly, loads of people give it to us for Christmas; I dont like it, and the wife wont eat it in case slimming world find out and persecute her. So it gets binned by the truckload chez scotty. Maybe I could put it on ebake?

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What's the current state of play with Penguins in the UK? I would say TimTams are the Oz equivalent, but they have diversified into at least 20 varieties - has Penguin stepped up to this kind of challenge? Fond memories of Penguins. Shortbread? Bit too sugary for me, and it sticks around the back of your teeth, so, no.

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