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Sooper Kelvin Davis


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Have to say the last two games he has looked every bit a premiership goalkeeper. Didn't get a clear view of their third today so can't comment but that aside he's made a few tidy saves, has commanded his box well enough, quick off his line and his distribution has been excellent.

Ive been saying for a while I would like to see how he plays behind a decent defence finally, given that his previous prem experience has been behind a sieve and a lump of swiss cheese. Maybe we don't need to be so hasty in the transfer market after all?

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Always been a great shot stopper. But not great in commanding his area. Was pleased by his sweeper type interceptions today though. Definitely need to get another keeper in, Gazza poor and KD just about hanging in there.

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Pleasantly surprised today - especially in the first half. If "stick on the line" Gazza had been in goal I think we'd have been two down by half time.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. They were two excellently timed clearances, and I very much doubt our table football goalie would have come out to clear either of them, and would've been 1 on 1 with the striker. As Oscar showed in the 2nd half, Chelski's players know how to put those away.

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Got beaten at his near post again for the third, didn't he? A massive fault in his game, that.


Whilst it always been known the near post isn't one of his strengths it'd be a bit harsh to blame that third goal on him. Most strikers would probably shoot across goal I that position, Kelv was expecting the same judging by his body language, he'd already decided to dive that way and got caught out.

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Got beaten at his near post again for the third, didn't he? A massive fault in his game, that.


it wasn't that he got beaten at the near post in the normal sense. Their striker fooled him into diving the wrong way. Thought Kelvin had a cracking game today. Boruc is clearly the better keeper long term ,but KD didn't let us down in any way.

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me too, I thought he was better than I've seen him since " the Championship season."


I think he will be disappointed with the first and third goal.


Better than Gazza, but Gazza is young and will have learnt a great deal.


Isn't that the problem though gazza hasn't learnt a great deal he continuously makes the same mistakes each game if you make a gaff you try to improve the next game I've seen no real improvement in the games hes played for us. Davis has plenty of faults but currently he is a far better keeper than gazza

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Very quick off his line but was awful for that first goal. Showed his age with absolutely no footwork and I thought we were in the game until that point. So much better than gazza but so much worse than boruc.


Disagree with that. I'm a bit disappointed he didn't do better with the third, but give him the benefit of the doubt. First one though took a wicked deflection and just looped up over him in a way no one could predict. Could have got it if he's taller I suppose, but was not a technical error for him.


As said above, he had an excellent first half. Not quite so good second half, but that was true of the entire team.

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Watched the highlights, I don't think Oscar did anything in particular to fool Davis for the third. He didn't shift, or dummy...he just shot towards the near post. Seemed to me like Davis just assumed he was going across goal.


He 'gave him the eyes'.


I used to be a GK. Once an opposing forward gave me the 'eyes'.


They reside in a Kilner jar in the upstairs library.

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People have short memories on here. When we were in the championship people were shouting for an England call up for him.


Kelvin is a good keeper and is great to have around the squad.


He shouldn't be first choice but is easily good enough and experienced enough to step in if required.


He is also perfect to help our young keepers progress to fill his boots when he hangs them up and becomes our goal keeper coach.



We could do alot worse than kelvin for a number 2.


Yes he will make mistakes . As do all goalkeepers. But when some make mistakes they get brushed under the carpet. When kelvin makes one its front page news on here.


Well worthy of his place.


The treatment him and rickie are getting from some is dam right disrespectful and out of line.

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