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MP's Reaction! Saints 0 V Chelsea 3


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Fresh team on sat? Play a weak team and I will start asking questions!


i fully expect a weakened team, we need a rest plain and simple. FA cup is not important to me, not in the slightest. solidarity in the league and getting people fit and healthy is. If we had a stronger squad then yes go for it. Burnley will be no pushovers they are not siting second in the Champ for no reason and they will sense an upset, on current form one i believe they will get. Play the second string give our best players a much needed rest.

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i fully expect a weakened team, we need a rest plain and simple. FA cup is not important to me, not in the slightest. solidarity in the league and getting people fit and healthy is. If we had a stronger squad then yes go for it. Burnley will be no pushovers they are not siting second in the Champ for no reason and they will sense an upset, on current form one i believe they will get. Play the second string give our best players a much needed rest.


Just don't get it. If we play weakened team prob won't bother with cups anymore as club won't be. Can understand league cup but not this one too. Difficult to say about squad when we've let players like puncheon and mayuka go who would have been great for this and would have seen a lot if game time.

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i fully expect a weakened team, we need a rest plain and simple. FA cup is not important to me, not in the slightest. solidarity in the league and getting people fit and healthy is. If we had a stronger squad then yes go for it. Burnley will be no pushovers they are not siting second in the Champ for no reason and they will sense an upset, on current form one i believe they will get. Play the second string give our best players a much needed rest.


As the league cup was, it would be a complete and utter wasted opportunity. At the end of the day, we rested players for the league in the Sunderland cup game. We lost it, and then went on to lose lots of league games. So it didn't exactly help.


I think whatever happens this season will be progress, but being in a relativity begin premiership position (and i wouldn't expect our position to change a great deal come to the end of the season) it gives us an opportunity to approach the cups with vigor - or it should do.

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i suspect t he team are pretty tired after today. I expect there will be a few changes from today
The majority of the team shouldn't be tired though, maybe a couple, but surely better to rest them against West Brom? Any news on what is actually happening with Osvaldo?
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i fully expect a weakened team, we need a rest plain and simple. FA cup is not important to me, not in the slightest. solidarity in the league and getting people fit and healthy is. If we had a stronger squad then yes go for it. Burnley will be no pushovers they are not siting second in the Champ for no reason and they will sense an upset, on current form one i believe they will get. Play the second string give our best players a much needed rest.
So you don't want to win the FA Cup? You'd rather we solidified our position in mid table?
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So you don't want to win the FA Cup? You'd rather we solidified our position in mid table?


Do you not think we can beat a changed burnley side with a changed southampton side at home?


I do


If you say players should not be tired, why does every single manager very much rotate their sides this time of year


Up and down the leagues, many changes were made and will be made at the weekend

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In the last eleven days the first team have played Spurs H, Cardiff A, Everton A, Chelsea H - are the first team going to be playing again on Saturday? Very much doubt it. We will play a 'cup' X1. Hindsight being a wonderful thing we might as well have given the first team a week off and had them back rested-and-raring to duff up Burnley on Saturday and go again for the second half of the season.

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I fully expect the Danny and Jos show to be in full swing for this game.

Would be very surprised if Shaw, Lovren, Fonte, Morgan, Lallana and a couple of others were featured but I hope I'm wrong as the league position means we are one of the teams that should give this competition a bloody good go.


I assume Burnley will rest a few too.....if they dont then Skybet's 6-1 for an away win looks a fair punt.

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So you don't want to win the FA Cup? You'd rather we solidified our position in mid table?
I think MP will be judged on his position in the Premiership. Saying that I think we need to demonstrate that our second string can over come a probably weakened Burnely team, as I think they will want promotion far more than a run in the Cup. I'm looking forward to it as the FA cup is allways something special.
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I think MP will be judged on his position in the Premiership. Saying that I think we need to demonstrate that our second string can over come a probably weakened Burnely team, as I think they will want promotion far more than a run in the Cup. I'm looking forward to it as the FA cup is allways something special.
Where do you think we can now realistically finish in the league this season? Why do our 2nd string need to demonstrate that?
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Do you not think we can beat a changed burnley side with a changed southampton side at home?


I do


If you say players should not be tired, why does every single manager very much rotate their sides this time of year


Up and down the leagues, many changes were made and will be made at the weekend

A full strength side is more likely to beat them than a side with many changes.


How many sides have nothing to play for in the League by the 3rd round cup date?

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As much as the last 8 weeks have been horrible, we have learnt a lot about the team and Manager. I suspect Saturday provides a final chance to learn something more before we knuckle down for the rest of the season with a bit more hope given the fixtures.


Most of all we've learnt that as the team evolves (both through some players getting better and others being purchased) the delta between our first team and our backups grows. In a way it is good that this has happened as it shows improvement and progress. On the other Pochettino is learning that as much faith as he may have in his system, it only takes a couple of players to be missing from our team and we are weak enough that we don't get the results we otherwise could with a full squad to choose from.


As a consequence some players will need to be rested this Saturday and I don't blame the club for doing this whatsoever. It is also a chance for us to see the likes of Reed and Gallagher. Whilst the chances are that they will get better (you'd like to assume that given their age) we also need to see to what degree they could perform this season and adjust our expectations accordingly.


Without having the knowledge of who is injured or not I would like to see this team:




Chambers, Yoshida, Hooiveld, Targett


Reed, Cork


Rodriguez, Ramirez, JWP



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Don't understand the use of the word 'delta' in post #20 above:




That said, MP seems to use cups as an exercise to try out the younger players so a spine of the older ones and at least 4-6 newer ones.


In this case it is used to describe the difference between our first team and backups - specifically the difference in quality. That difference has grown considerably the past year or so.

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Which players in our squad are desperately in need of game time? Why should we jeopardise our chances in the cup just to give them a run out?
We have a squad, who are needed to play when 1st choice players are injured. And as the season is very long, players tend to get tired so the cup might give an opportunity to rest players and give the manager a chance to see how other squad members perform. I think this game is ideal to see some squad players.
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Which players in our squad are desperately in need of game time? Why should we jeopardise our chances in the cup just to give them a run out?



If you seriously believe that our management, or the management of any other prem club prioritise the FA cup above their prem position, you are deluded. The cups are practice games for the subs, and all the subs need match time in case they are required for the only important competition, which is the prem. Every side in the prem or championship fields a sub side for the cups.

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We have a squad, who are needed to play when 1st choice players are injured. And as the season is very long, players tend to get tired so the cup might give an opportunity to rest players and give the manager a chance to see how other squad members perform. I think this game is ideal to see some squad players.
Which squad players do you want to see how they perform? What do we currently have to play for in the league?
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Which squad players do you want to see how they perform? What do we currently have to play for in the league?
(a) the "squad" (b) to stay in the premiership. © why do you answer a post with other questions, I've been on courses that tell you to adopt this approach - I always leave after lunch.
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You haven't asked one question to answer. Fingers cross we manage to stay in the Prem this year though.



Ok, here's a question. Apart from the semis or the final, which was the last premiership or championship side to field what would be considered a full-strength side in the league cup or FA cup? It just doesn't happen. The money is in the prem, and every position means more money. The cups are great for the fans, but they mean sweet fa to the people running the clubs.


Still, I look forward to being proved wrong when we field our first 11 against Burnley.

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Ok, here's a question. Apart from the semis or the final, which was the last premiership or championship side to field what would be considered a full-strength side in the league cup or FA cup? It just doesn't happen. The money is in the prem, and every position means more money. The cups are great for the fans, but they mean sweet fa to the people running the clubs.


Still, I look forward to being proved wrong when we field our first 11 against Burnley.

Here's a final question for you; How many teams have had so little to play for in the league at the 3rd round of the FA Cup?
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Here's a final question for you; How many teams have had so little to play for in the league at the 3rd round of the FA Cup?



Answering a question with a question. It doesnt matter what we think, and fwiw I'd love to see us win a cup. But ask wigan if they'd trade it for their prem place again, or, God forbid, ask the blue few if they'd rather be back in the top flight rather than have their name on the FA cup. But whatever any of us think or want, Saints wont field our "strongest" side against Burnley. If you dont like it, email Cortese.

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Answering a question with a question. It doesnt matter what we think, and fwiw I'd love to see us win a cup. But ask wigan if they'd trade it for their prem place again, or, God forbid, ask the blue few if they'd rather be back in the top flight rather than have their name on the FA cup. But whatever any of us think or want, Saints wont field our "strongest" side against Burnley. If you dont like it, email Cortese.
Just to let you into a little secret, this is a forum for posting what we think. :mcinnes:
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Modern sports science means that clubs become fully aware of when players are reaching the "red" zone and are in danger of injury through overplaying. Even without the data it would have been obvious to most people that some of our players are running on empty. They need a rest, and Saturday is an opportunity to give them a break. Im sure if MP had rested Adam, Lovren or JRod yesterday, so they would be fresh for Burnley people would have been moaning.


At the end of the day, like it or not, Premier league finish is the be all and end all of the modern game. I doubt Burnley will play a full strength team, as they need to concentrate on the league as well.

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Unfortunately the money in the Premier League devalues the cup competitions after a 2 week intensive period players will be rested.


Maybe the cup should be a week later after the xmas period.



.......you mean and play yet another league game on top of the very intensive fixture period that exists already?

It's interesting to remind ourselves that MOST European countries have a 2-3 week winter break at this time of the year, whilst we carry on playing full pelt every week.


The FA Cup seems less important to the top division (nowadays) whilst the lower league clubs look for a " shock result " when they play against a Prem.club's " reserve side ".


It's a catch 22 situation. If the " bench players" don't get an outing, they get no games at all, if they play and lose - it further reduces their value in the club's eyes.

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We will have a chance in the cup when our squad is strong, not with a small squad in only it's 2nd PL season.


We have got through a 6 week spell of tough fixtures and many injuries. Now the injured players are coming back I'm looking at us to replicate our early season form against the same, weaker opposition we played in that period, and we need our first team fit.


The last thing I want is a lovren, schneiderlin or Lallana getting injured by some championship player.

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Look shaw has a minor toe injury sustained at Everton . Did one of their numpties stamp on his toes . Did quite catch what he said about SRL and west ham . I initially thought he was bored with being asked that question . What do others think?


he said (previously) that he doesn't read the press on rumours and stated that no offer had been made (by anyone) for RL.

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Modern sports science means that clubs become fully aware of when players are reaching the "red" zone and are in danger of injury through overplaying. Even without the data it would have been obvious to most people that some of our players are running on empty. They need a rest, and Saturday is an opportunity to give them a break. Im sure if MP had rested Adam, Lovren or JRod yesterday, so they would be fresh for Burnley people would have been moaning.


At the end of the day, like it or not, Premier league finish is the be all and end all of the modern game. I doubt Burnley will play a full strength team, as they need to concentrate on the league as well.


...as if on cue....



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What would he rather have, another league game or a Saturday off?



I think what they'd rather have is the 4 games between the 21st December and the 1st January spaced over a few more days. If PL clubs didn't play in the FA Cup the first weekend pf January one of the 4 games could be placed there, so perhaps something like 21/12 26/12 1/1 and 4/1, still plenty of football but only 4 games in 15 days instead of 5. Other than that you could stop all of these stupid international breaks and space the 38 games over 3 or 4 more week-ends so that there'd only be 3 PL games between the end of December and the 1st of Jan.

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