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Lambert interview on OS

redder freak

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He's certainly cementing a place in the pantheon of Saints heroes.


Only cementing it now? He's been up there as a Saints legend with the likes of MLT since his goal away at Man City on the first day, for me. Will go down as a legend of the club regardless of what happens in his career with us now, it's just a shame people are saying he's not up to it anymore and saying he should be replaced.

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Only cementing it now? He's been up there as a Saints legend with the likes of MLT since his goal away at Man City on the first day, for me. Will go down as a legend of the club regardless of what happens in his career with us now, it's just a shame people are saying he's not up to it anymore and saying he should be replaced.


Oh, ok then ! Are you his mum?

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Love this guy.


Top 8 finish at least is the target for the Prem.


Best chance in Rickie's career to win the FA cup.


He'll always remember that goal for England against Scotland.


This makes me happy, hopefully we will be taking this competition seriously! Rickie is a Saints legend already.

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Only cementing it now? He's been up there as a Saints legend with the likes of MLT since his goal away at Man City on the first day, for me. Will go down as a legend of the club regardless of what happens in his career with us now, it's just a shame people are saying he's not up to it anymore and saying he should be replaced.


Second best player in terms of importance if what he's done after le tiss but let's not pretend he's on the same level as Matty. No one ever will be probably.

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Second best player in terms of importance if what he's done after le tiss but let's not pretend he's on the same level as Matty. No one ever will be probably.


Didn't say he was, but for me he's as close as anyone else can be. I was only going as a kid towards the back end of MLTs career so Lambert has been my favourite player during my lifetime. Gone above Pahars.

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Second best player in terms of importance if what he's done after le tiss but let's not pretend he's on the same level as Matty. No one ever will be probably.


It's a really tough one for me.


No doubting that Le Tissier was a one man team for many years and almost single handedly kept us up year on year.


Lambert's story though; where he came from, the punt we took on an ageing striker, the amount we spent on him considering we were League One, the way he's adapted through the leagues, the way he's moved his game on, becoming the joint top English goalscorer in the Premier League in his first season when everyone doubted he would cut it, and then culminating in his scoring within minutes of making his England debut and then contributing to the team reaching the World Cup finals. That story has to be the greatest individual story in our clubs history for me.


I like how he doesn't think that story has ended either. There's every chance he goes to the World Cup. And, who knows, the FA Cup....I wouldn't bet against him.


Then again, coming back to Matty, his goals and skill will stick in the memory forever. That Blackburn goal, the Newcastle goals, the chip against Utd, the Arsenal goal in his final game, the Wimbledon free kick....I couldn't argue with anyone saying Matty is our best ever player.


I'm sitting on the fence.

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Second best player in terms of importance if what he's done after le tiss but let's not pretend he's on the same level as Matty. No one ever will be probably.


I am a great fan of Rickie Lambert and he has been a huge influence on our recent history but to put him second behind MLT might be taking things a little too far.


Some of us old timers might argue for Terry Paine and Mick Channon both local boys done good and, possibly in future terms, Adam Lallana,


As for 'bought in' players Ron Davies and perhaps Charlie Wayman would be very strong contenders.


To finish on a controversial note, if I was a dispassionate Chairman, I might consider selling Rickie if a decent offer came in.


It would be good to remember Rickie at the top of his game not falling away as tends to happen when some players get into their 30's

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He could do nothing more and still be a saints legend forever. No-one gets near MLT in terms of quality, he was a one-off and game us years of top flight football with basically a one man team. Unbelievable talent and made it worth coming to watch even if the other 10 were playing poorly.


Lambert has been a key man in turning the club around though. You can have the money but if you can't find a top goalscorer you'll struggle. Some clubs don't find one, others have to replace one with every step up, becoming increasingly difficult. To sign one in League 1 and have him improve with every step up is extremely rare. The talent was always there, I'm just not sure he knew it, or had the fitness and coaching to make the most of it. It would be weird to watch him playing for another club now. If he stays next season, then leaves for a lower league after that I'd keep supporting him elsewhere of course, but think he's got a good 18 months of top flight football left in him, if not more.


Don't agree with anyone selling him for 'a decent offer'. There isn't a decent offer, he's too old for one to come alone. 5m would be overpaying for someone of that age, and what would 5m give us really in this day and age? We'd lose a great striker, a popular member of the club and squad, a role model for younger players, a goalscorer, a great creator and set piece taker. Utterly pointless sale. The only way he leaves is if he's out the team and asks to go to get more football. After all he's done he's perfectly entitled to do that in the future.


Good post!


I'm old/lucky enough to have seen a few decades worth of Saints players and even allowing for my entirely declares bias I don't think I've seen any player who has more natural skill than Matt. Others have made more of theirs through work rate but for sheer, once in a lifetime natural skill Matt is pretty much untouchable.


Ricky will be up there as will Micky Channon, Ron Davies, Terry Paine..I'd put Alan Ball Stevie Williams in there too but they had succesful careers elsewhere as well. I think Adam Lallana is well on the way to joining that select band..and who knows who else?


I just count myself very lucky to have been around to make the comparison..and there are dozens more that could be considered as well!

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He could do nothing more and still be a saints legend forever. No-one gets near MLT in terms of quality, he was a one-off and game us years of top flight football with basically a one man team. Unbelievable talent and made it worth coming to watch even if the other 10 were playing poorly.


Lambert has been a key man in turning the club around though. You can have the money but if you can't find a top goalscorer you'll struggle. Some clubs don't find one, others have to replace one with every step up, becoming increasingly difficult. To sign one in League 1 and have him improve with every step up is extremely rare. The talent was always there, I'm just not sure he knew it, or had the fitness and coaching to make the most of it. It would be weird to watch him playing for another club now. If he stays next season, then leaves for a lower league after that I'd keep supporting him elsewhere of course, but think he's got a good 18 months of top flight football left in him, if not more.


Don't agree with anyone selling him for 'a decent offer'. There isn't a decent offer, he's too old for one to come alone. 5m would be overpaying for someone of that age, and what would 5m give us really in this day and age? We'd lose a great striker, a popular member of the club and squad, a role model for younger players, a goalscorer, a great creator and set piece taker. Utterly pointless sale. The only way he leaves is if he's out the team and asks to go to get more football. After all he's done he's perfectly entitled to do that in the future.


Spot on!


Also nice to hear him say Pochettino will take the FA cup seriously. We'll see about that one though

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I would say that Lambert is up there with say James Beattie or Steve Mortan in terms of influential strikers although his England exploits have made him much more popular amongst neutrals.


But there is a long list of players between him and MLT - Paine, Channon, Ball, Case, Golac, Dennis, Williams, Shearer, Wallace, Wallace, Dodd, Wright, Shilton, Niemi, Flowers, Nicholl, Holmes to name just a few of them.

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I am a great fan of Rickie Lambert and he has been a huge influence on our recent history but to put him second behind MLT might be taking things a little too far.


Some of us old timers might argue for Terry Paine and Mick Channon both local boys done good and, possibly in future terms, Adam Lallana,


As for 'bought in' players Ron Davies and perhaps Charlie Wayman would be very strong contenders.


To finish on a controversial note, if I was a dispassionate Chairman, I might consider selling Rickie if a decent offer came in.


It would be good to remember Rickie at the top of his game not falling away as tends to happen when some players get into their 30's


No that's since 1986 for overall contribution. Mark wright was prob better in terms if what he does, m svennson very good aswell as shearer and the Wallace's aswell as niemi. Lambert way ahead if pahars for me but overall contribution better than all of them.

However, Paine was obviously better and channon and a Williams and Ron Davies. All time saints players id say are this


1. Matty. Crucial goals at crucial times. All his career in prem.

2. Channon- England caps and legend goal scorer.

3. Paine-a lot of seasons in lower leagues and didn't score more than 15 in top flight.

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I would say that Lambert is up there with say James Beattie or Steve Mortan in terms of influential strikers although his England exploits have made him much more popular amongst neutrals.


But there is a long list of players between him and MLT - Paine, Channon, Ball, Case, Golac, Dennis, Williams, Shearer, Wallace, Wallace, Dodd, Wright, Shilton, Niemi, Flowers, Nicholl, Holmes to name just a few of them.


His overall contribution been

More than most of those other than Paine and channon is argue. Lambert better than Beattie for me. More skill, vision and brings others into play more.

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I would say that Lambert is up there with say James Beattie or Steve Mortan in terms of influential strikers although his England exploits have made him much more popular amongst neutrals.


But there is a long list of players between him and MLT - Paine, Channon, Ball, Case, Golac, Dennis, Williams, Shearer, Wallace, Wallace, Dodd, Wright, Shilton, Niemi, Flowers, Nicholl, Holmes to name just a few of them.


Beats all but Channon, Paine, MLT, Big Ron, Alan Ball, Steve Williams, Shilton and Holmes for me.

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What's all this rating of Saints Legends. There is no need, they are all equal in importance to the club; they all gave something extra to their era which made them special. It's an insult to rate because in doing so you lessen their contribution...they are all unique, that's what Legends are about being different.


Nothing would be better for the club than for Rickie to finish his career at St Mary's.

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Tiss is my all time great, one of the most naturally talented players England, let alone Saints, has produced. Then add the fact that he was 100% SFC throughout his whole career and he's pretty much untouchable. He even tried to help save the club when they were in trouble when others went quiet.


Ricky is a legend but in a different way. He has been our Atlas lifting the club on his shoulders from lge 1 to prem stability and providing a host of special memories on the way. Of course he didn't do it alone but he was definitely the focal point and made the biggest contribution.


Tiss is my all time no 1 but Ricky is right there in the next tier of legends alongside Bates, Davies, Channon and Paine.


It will be a sad day when he goes, that's for sure.

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