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Where is he? Where's he been?


Any comments from the club that ive missed?

Yes, he is "closing in on (a) return". He is injured, hence why he is not in the training pictures yesterday.

"Nathaniel Clyne and Dani Osvaldo are closing in on returns, but Guly, Artur Boruc and Victor Wanyama remain on the road to recovery.

Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/everton-vs-saints-preview-1259266.aspx#J7dkCgKSEUgMpMcD.99"

Perhaps you missed this because they spell his name correctly.

I thought he damaged his toe kicking the Beordie keeper coach in the nuts. But maybe that was just ******.

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Thank you mate


I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody. Abraham Lincoln

do you think posting on here makes you famous or something! I have no problem in general with your posts but your agenda is becoming tedious.

I did look on the odds thread and found that enlightening.

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If we knew Osvaldo was to be out for a couple of games injured, would it not have been better to accept his violent conduct charge straight away and get the ban out of the way at the same time?



Probably ate a truckload of lobsters at Christmas and his allergy thing has flared up again. That's the trouble with food and environmental allergies, sometimes it takes a long time to pin them down exactly so that you know what you need to avoid completely.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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Probably ate a truckload of lobsters at Christmas and his allergy thing has flared up again. That's the trouble with food and environmental allergies, sometimes it takes a long time to pin them down exactly so that you know what you need to avoid completely.
Well at least MP's comments sort of answer my question, so he was injured and now he's another player missing games due to being ill.
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He had until 23rd Dec. since then the FA have sat on it.


Yes, I was just talking about the possibility to accept a charge which I dont think is there in a case like this so the discussion that he would be clear to play now if we only accepted the charge is wrong.


I wonder though if FA will take any further actions against Newcastle staff, that´s the second time they bust up against the other teams players in a year....

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Jesus where racking up the allegations on here arn't we. Kicking a guy in the ********, spitting, Coke ban, not wanting to injure himself for his move in Jan. Can't he just be injured?


Agreed, and no evidence for any of it.


All these rumours come from the same few dullards.

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All these rumours are just tosh, made up by the same people to generate attention for themselves. People say they've not heard anything, they're obviously not looking very far are they. It's in black and white from MP - the truth to be is that he had an injury to his thigh, and over Christmas he picked up an illness - which other members of the squad had as well. (lovren/Shaw both missed games due to it)


The disciplinary panel does not reconvene until 6th Jan as far as I know.


It seems as if certain individuals are trying to get on Osvaldo's back, probably so they can justify that hilarious nickname of Oswaldo. That totally cracks me up, that does. Pure comic genius.

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These rumours come from one poster

And as stated, about as funny as cot death


What is funny though, is a joke poster who used to be just on the right side of WUM to be funny (if you 'got' their humour) has now moved entirely into the tosser category and is largely disliked by all but their other user accounts.

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Are they not reviewing Anelka's case today ?


Ah isn't this racial? Will jump straight to the front, as the FA will have to show they're not sitting on that. They'll probably reconvene for 'exceptional' reasons, but for bog-standard stuff it will probably wait till everyone is back.

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