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It's time, it will happen

Barry Sanchez

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Would be great if common sense prevailed and safe standing was allowed. There is no logical reason why it shouldn't.


I doubt it will though because I expect clubs prefer to sell seats at the higher price and there is probably nothing to gain financially by converting back. Maybe dwindling attendances and lack of atmosphere might prompt them to make it happen?

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If the terracing was like the terracing in the Bundesliga, I wouldn't have a problem. Seems safe as everyone has an allotted seat/space, so overcrowding shouldn't be a problem. If it's just a ploy to increase ground capacities by ripping seats out and packing out the terraces I would be against it.

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At my age I quite like sitting down most of the time to be honest about it.


But supposing our younger/fitter fans had the freedom and flexibility to buy match tickets in a contained safe standing area, and then watch the game standing wherever they liked with their mates without having all the fuss and bother of trying (and failing) to find consecrative unallocated seating then that would be great. A fan might even be able to move around a bit (within reason) if he chose to. If standing were a tad cheaper too, so that a working man could afford to go to the football more often perhaps, then all the better I say. Now the police/stewards would doubtless object to that idea on the grounds that they like to be able to identify everyone from their allocated and easily traceable seat number. I think however that making this country a bit less like a 'Big Brother' state might not be such a bad thing.


No one in their right mind wants to see another Hillsbrough-like situation occur again. However there were unique (and easily preventable) circumstances surrounding that tragedy and they do say that 'hard cases make bad laws'. Methinks that any revenue lost by introducing cheaper safe standing areas would be easily offset (and them some) by increased attendance. Indeed I suspect that St Mary's could easily grow to a 38,000 fan mixed seating/standing stadium without much trouble.


That scenario is be too good to be true of course because 'mother' always knows best in this over regulated and health and safety obsessed country of ours ... more's the pity.

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I'm glad someone's kept a sense of proportion with this. Funnily enough, this would probably stop all threads on this forum.


It would stop most things, the answer is to install by force democracy in African Countries,the issue is the white man invading Africa again and giving their version of freedom to someone whilst forcing them is nothing short of colonisation part II. There is your answer lets move on with the issue thank you.

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It would stop most things, the answer is to install by force democracy in African Countries,the issue is the white man invading Africa again and giving their version of freedom to someone whilst forcing them is nothing short of colonisation part II. There is your answer lets move on with the issue thank you.


Do you honestly think the British parliament will vote for this? Bearing in mind how delicate the situation was with Hillsborough?

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