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Steve Davis

The Majestic Channon

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Totally agree with the sentiment, but would add that he is spectacular in what he does....he does it better than most players in the same role. In the games he has played this season, he has been our MOM (IMHO) the most times....as he was today

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Totally agree with the sentiment, but would add that he is spectacular in what he does....he does it better than most players in the same role. In the games he has played this season, he has been our MOM (IMHO) the most times....as he was today

wouldn't say he's spectacular, tiss was but davis does the simple things well, and at ease which makes him a good player imo .

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Was going to post similar - we got him for a free in the end, which was astonishing business. And just as Misk says above reminds me of Matt Oakley - people used to moan around me and go on and on about 'he does nothing why do you rate him' you need players like him in a good team. His consistency engenders confidence which lets the flair players do their thing.


A contender for best value for money purchase ever ( SRL aside)

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Was going to post similar - we got him for a free in the end, which was astonishing business. And just as Misk says above reminds me of Matt Oakley - people used to moan around me and go on and on about 'he does nothing why do you rate him' you need players like him in a good team. His consistency engenders confidence which lets the flair players do their thing.


A contender for best value for money purchase ever ( SRL aside)


Pretty sure we ended up paying a small amount for him.

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You can see why he's captain of Northern Ireland as he has shown a lot of hard work and endeavour since he has been with us, which when you have limited resources like NI that's the kind of example you want displayed by your Captain in the hope that the rest of the team will follow.

As mentioned before a stunning bit of business.

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Not going to score many, not going to assist many, but very good at all other aspects of the game and I like his work in transition (both ways) which really is vital with the way Pochettino likes to play.


He's got a year left on his deal after this season and I know he said he'd like to return to Rangers one day but he is worth a 1 year extension on top of that if he'd agree to it.

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He really is a superb player.. Consistent, compact, tidy, rarely f***s up. He is actually very skilful too and has a great touch and can creatively pick out passes.


He has chipped in with some key assists this season too: Man City at home for Ossie, Newc away for J Rod, Lallana at home vs ?


I'm a big fan and he deserves more recognition for his excellent unsung 'engine room' work this season and last.

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one in the eye for those who criticised the signing last season. Although he's no stand-out star, he's reliable and hard-working and I don't feel worried if his name appears on the team sheet.


He won't get to start many games (except in the case of Injuries / suspensions ) ....but he DAJFU every game and has the experience that many of the youngsters lack.

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