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big issue


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I don't buy it but apparantly I should. It's apprarantly a very good idea that has got a lot of homeless people working. I can't see it myself because selling the big issue is never going to get you enough money to find somewhere to live. Also, surely it must be very degrading to stand around saying 'big issue?' all day?

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I don't buy it but apparantly I should. It's apprarantly a very good idea that has got a lot of homeless people working. I can't see it myself because selling the big issue is never going to get you enough money to find somewhere to live. Also, surely it must be very degrading to stand around saying 'big issue?' all day?


Go and talk to a couple of them and ask them the circumstances behind how they find themselves selling the Big Issue.


Most of the sellers I have spoken to have been nice chaps, who have either made a few mistakes in life or been dealt a **** hand.


The better ones enjoy their work and talking to the public, and certainly don't find it degrading.

Edited by Saints1980
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Well, it's when you go to the council and tell them you're homeless. They then tell you that you'll go on the list but there's no hope of getting anything soon because you don't count as a priority. I assume one then ends up waiting for ages and eventually gives up hope and stops trying.

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Go and talk to a couple of them and ask them the circumstances behind how they find themselves selling the Big Issue.


Most of the sellers I have spoken to have been nice chaps, who have either made a few mistakes in life or been dealt a **** hand.


I never said they weren't nice! I just don't see how selling the big issue is going to enable them to start their lives again and find somewhere to live. I also imagine that it would damage someones self esteem terribly to stand around saying 'big issue' all day when the know barely anybody is going to buy it.

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Big Issue seller used to drink in my local of the time...


He was offered a job as a salesman at a furniture shop after impressing one of the bosses with his sales technique...he went back to the Big Issue after about a week though as the money wasn't that great...


He sold drugs on the side...

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I don't buy it but apparantly I should. It's apprarantly a very good idea that has got a lot of homeless people working. I can't see it myself because selling the big issue is never going to get you enough money to find somewhere to live. Also, surely it must be very degrading to stand around saying 'big issue?' all day?


You can earn serious bucks if you get the right pitch...


As per the expose on the front of the Sun a couple of years back of the guy living in a luxury flat earning thousands of pounds a week selling the Issue.


His pitch was outside Marks & Spencers in Kingston...get the rich folk who feel guilty spunking money on overpriced food...

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I never said they weren't nice! I just don't see how selling the big issue is going to enable them to start their lives again and find somewhere to live. I also imagine that it would damage someones self esteem terribly to stand around saying 'big issue' all day when the know barely anybody is going to buy it.


The good ones are the ones that build up relationships with their customers, they don't have to do the "Big Issssuuue" thing most of the time as their regulars will come to them.


The one I knew would be busy talking to these lonely old ladies in the street all day. They were happy, as they had someone to talk to. He was happy as he liked chatting and they would always give him a tip, buy him lunch and some food for the dog!

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There is a homeless person who stands outside A-Plan in Eastleigh, lately he has taken to wearing a santa hat, he is a miserable looking bastard at the best of times and the hat has not helped him look any merrier.


miserable b'stard! what's his freakin' problem?

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I don't get the homeless people at all. We live in a country that gives you everything if you ask and it annoys most of us, so how do some slip through the net and actually have nothing?


No we dont!.....Unless you are a asylum seeker (IE you have raped murdered robed or some other crime in your native country. (so they is after your ass)

Or you are one of our new Eastern block brothers. Unfortunately if you are native to this country when you sit down Cap in hand in front of your DHS officer He or She gives you the hound dog look, opens out the palms of there hands, Sucks air sharply through there teeth, and says (Cant help yer!):mad:

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No we dont!.....Unless you are a asylum seeker (IE you have raped murdered robed or some other crime in your native country. (so they is after your ass)

Or you are one of our new Eastern block brothers. Unfortunately if you are native to this country when you sit down Cap in hand in front of your DHS officer He or She gives you the hound dog look, opens out the palms of there hands, Sucks air sharply through there teeth, and says (Cant help yer!):mad:


So why are 75% of people on the dole English born?

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No we dont!.....Unless you are a asylum seeker (IE you have raped murdered robed or some other crime in your native country. (so they is after your ass)

Or you are one of our new Eastern block brothers. Unfortunately if you are native to this country when you sit down Cap in hand in front of your DHS officer He or She gives you the hound dog look, opens out the palms of there hands, Sucks air sharply through there teeth, and says (Cant help yer!):mad:


I hate it when people try to robe me. If I want to wear a gown of any sort I shall put it on myself.

By the way, you are an idiot.

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A guy tried to convert me to Buddhism outside WestQuay yesterday evening. I didn't appreciate it tbh.


If you had tasted it, then I believe that you would appreciate real Budha.


I don't buy it, but often ask if they have the Echo.


Actualy, why do they not employ the homeless to sell both The Echo Echo and Biggishwho? This would make sense IMO as it would increase both of they're sales.

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I don't get the homeless people at all. We live in a country that gives you everything if you ask and it annoys most of us, so how do some slip through the net and actually have nothing?


Having worked for many years in this area people often forget that many homeless people choose to be homeless , and changing this can lead to more serious issues for them.

The Big Issue is a very good read ...

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I don't buy it but apparantly I should. It's apprarantly a very good idea that has got a lot of homeless people working. I can't see it myself because selling the big issue is never going to get you enough money to find somewhere to live. Also, surely it must be very degrading to stand around saying 'big issue?' all day?
I never said they weren't nice! I just don't see how selling the big issue is going to enable them to start their lives again and find somewhere to live. I also imagine that it would damage someones self esteem terribly to stand around saying 'big issue' all day when the know barely anybody is going to buy it.
Are you for realsies?

No we dont!.....Unless you are a asylum seeker (IE you have raped murdered robed or some other crime in your native country. (so they is after your ass)

Or you are one of our new Eastern block brothers. Unfortunately if you are native to this country when you sit down Cap in hand in front of your DHS officer He or She gives you the hound dog look, opens out the palms of there hands, Sucks air sharply through there teeth, and says (Cant help yer!):mad:

4 or five years ago it was 100% English, Do the maths swede head.
You do it first, you thick ****.
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