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The Top Ten Conspiracy Theories - If You Believed One Of Them

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Which one would it be?




To make it a bit more UK, I would add Diana was murdered to the list.



When I was younger, someone older dismissed the moon landings as fake and it has always left a nagging doubt in my mind, that I have never been able to shake. I guess I was impressionable at the time, but it has stayed with me, so I would go for that one, but knowing deep down they were real.


The other one that I find myself questioning, is Diana's death, but again knowing deep down there is probably nothing to it.


I don't think we need to visit the more recent and controversial theories - The list contains enough........ Although never heard of the Mcartney one.


I liked this comment: "You have forgotten the one where the Daily Telegraph posts deliberately contentious articles and then places them on the 'most viewed' list to drive internet traffic and so raise ad revenue".

Posted (edited)
Which one would it be?




To make it a bit more UK, I would add Diana was murdered to the list.



When I was younger, someone older dismissed the moon landings as fake and it has always left a nagging doubt in my mind, that I have never been able to shake. I guess I was impressionable at the time, but it has stayed with me, so I would go for that one, but knowing deep down they were real.


The other one that I find myself questioning, is Diana's death, but again knowing deep down there is probably nothing to it.


I don't think we need to visit the more recent and controversial theories - The list contains enough........ Although never heard of the Mcartney one.


McCartney, famous one, all based on elements you can see on the cover of Sgt Pepper's. Wilson a soviet agent? Many gave a lot of creedence to that at one time, 5 just kept looking and looking but couldn't ties up enough ends to make it stick. I'd tend to believe that myself or it could be that there was an agent in his immediate entourage. Burgess, Philby,McClean,Blunt,Cairncross but in theory there should have been up to 12 more deeply enrooted moles.

Edited by Window Cleaner

I only doubt the JFK one out of that lot as well, though I suspect it's more to do with the film (which I know has inaccuracies) coming out when I was an impressionable age, rather than any great suspicion.

Posted (edited)
I only doubt the JFK one out of that lot as well, though I suspect it's more to do with the film (which I know has inaccuracies) coming out when I was an impressionable age, rather than any great suspicion.


Most, if not all, the mainstays of the JFK conspiracy theory has been pretty comprehensibly debunked over the years, from the so called 'second gunman' on the infamous grassy knoll to the claimed impossibility of Lee Harvey Oswald firing the recorded number of aimed shots in the time available - Oswald was a trained USMC sharpshooter by the way and the Mannlicher-Carcano a perfectly adequate bolt action rifle.


The trajectory of the 'magic bullet' turns out to be not quite so mysterious once you understand the ballistics of the matter and examine the seat layout of the Presidential Lincoln in close detail. Even the Zapruder footage showing the President's head recoiling rearwards by no means amounts to evidence that he was shot from the front, or side.


Now I don't live and breathe conspiracy theories, I've got better things to do, but as far as I'm aware all the reputable evidence of what happened that fatal day on Dealey Plaza is consistent with Lee Harvey Oswald being responsible for this terrible crime.


The truth very often is that life is just a hell of a lot more mundane and banal than you'd think it should be sometimes.

I only doubt the JFK one out of that lot as well, though I suspect it's more to do with the film (which I know has inaccuracies) coming out when I was an impressionable age, rather than any great suspicion.


The persistence of the JFK conspiracy theories has much less to do with Oliver Stone's overheated, overlong and wildly implausible movie, and much more to do with a film that's only 26.6 seconds long, and shot in 8mm not 35mm. Without the Zapruder film, the JFK conspiracy theories would have died long ago. The amateurishly inventive frame-by-frame interrogation of the film over the years has given us such entertaining absurdities as the "umbrella man", firing a "flechette with pop-up wings".



He was probably killed by the military for his absolute stitch up and the slaughter of democratic Cubans over the Bay of Pigs, you can add the Mafia in that as well as they lost their businesses there, the Russians are a possibility, the South deeply hated him apart from the blacks, there are many who disliked him, that bit was and never should be in doubt, a deeply divisive person, he has grown to be loved by all but thats misty eyed romanticism and ****.


Do like a good conspiricy theory.

Unfortjnately here its the same old usual ones. Debated to death. Nothing to get excited about.


Some more updated conspiricies pls.

Some great theories and stories out there on the www.


Like USAs war plan red drafted in the 1930s as a preperation of war with GB. Yes they were worried about being attacked by the the UK. What a thought. Maybe we should have?

Most, if not all, the mainstays of the JFK conspiracy theory has been pretty comprehensibly debunked over the years, from the so called 'second gunman' on the infamous grassy knoll to the claimed impossibility of Lee Harvey Oswald firing the recorded number of aimed shots in the time available - Oswald was a trained USMC sharpshooter by the way and the Mannlicher-Carcano a perfectly adequate bolt action rifle.


I thought the consensus was that he was a pretty lousy shot with an appropriately lousy rifle?

Do like a good conspiricy theory.

Unfortjnately here its the same old usual ones. Debated to death. Nothing to get excited about.


Some more updated conspiricies pls.

Some great theories and stories out there on the www.


Like USAs war plan red drafted in the 1930s as a preperation of war with GB. Yes they were worried about being attacked by the the UK. What a thought. Maybe we should have?


We have never got over losing our grip on the States, does not surprise me, war pans and theories are drawn up all the time, interesting one though and if we could have held the Eastern seaboard for a time with assured concessions to the South the World would probably look very different to now.

I thought the consensus was that he was a pretty lousy shot with an appropriately lousy rifle?


He was a qualified marksman in the US marines firing an Italian military rifle with a telescopic sight at a target 81m away - fairly easy for an experienced shot.

McCartney, famous one, all based on elements you can see on the cover of Sgt Pepper's. Wilson a soviet agent? Many gave a lot of creedence to that at one time, 5 just kept looking and looking but couldn't ties up enough ends to make it stick. I'd tend to believe that myself or it could be that there was an agent in his immediate entourage. Burgess, Philby,McClean,Blunt,Cairncross but in theory there should have been up to 12 more deeply enrooted moles.


No, not just based on Sgt. Pepper's. A lot more. For example: In the choreography that goes with "You Mother Should More" on Magical Mystery Tour, Paul is wearing a black flower (the other three are wearing a red one); on "Come Together" (Abbey Road), Lennon sings "One and one and one is three"; in "Glass Onion" (White Album), Lennon sings "Here's another clue for you all, the Walrus was Paul" - the Walrus, it was claimed at the time, being a symbol of death; in the Magical Mystery Tour film there is a scene with Paul dressed in an army uniform and in front of him there is a psychedelic sign that reads "I was"; on the Abbey Road front cover the license plate for the VW Beetle reads, in part, 28IF - McCartney would have been 28 on the release of the album if he wasn't dead (well, he would have been 27, actually); and here's a really obscure one - on the back of the Abbey Road cover, if you turn it upside down and look closely at the woman's leg (just below the hem of the blue dress) you can see the letter P (P for Paul!).


OK, now Sgt. Pepper. If you look at Paul on the front cover, the figure behind him is holding an outstretched hand over his head - this is supposed to signify death or doom, or whatever! The yellow flowers underneath the red flowers that spell Beatles are rather indistinct - but they spell Paul, perhaps? His grave? On the back cover of Sgt. Pepper, Paul has his back turned. One of the lines from "Within You Without You" printed across his back reads "If they only knew". And so it goes on. A lot of fun, really. But nonsense.


My favourite clue, because it has a local Ontario angle, is the photograph on the inner sleeve of the Sgt. Pepper gatefold cover. On "Paul's" left shoulder there is a large insignia made of fabric which reads, so the conspiracy theory had it, O.P.D. (for Ontario Police Department) - which was supposed to mean Officially Pronounced Dead. And the person who was supposed to be replacing Paul was an imposter from Ontario. Unfortunately, the insignia is actually O.P.P., for Ontario Provincial Police. I guess that stands for Officially Pronounced Preposterous.

He was a qualified marksman in the US marines firing an Italian military rifle with a telescopic sight at a target 81m away - fairly easy for an experienced shot.

Say it was him how did he that sort of information?

A lone gunman takes out a president?


What sort of information? He worked at the book repository and the visit of the President was well publicised. This is 1963 remember - sure all lines of sight would be checked by the police now and no senior figure would go around in a convertible. Thems the signs of the times.

What sort of information? He worked at the book repository and the visit of the President was well publicised. This is 1963 remember - sure all lines of sight would be checked by the police now and no senior figure would go around in a convertible. Thems the signs of the times.


He was sent to Dallas to die, I believe that much, if Oswald did it he could not have done it alone, why was he killed by Ruby?

He was sent to Dallas to die, I believe that much, if Oswald did it he could not have done it alone, why was he killed by Ruby?


Bazza I don't believe the conspiracy guff so am not really interested in debating the ins and outs. The conspiracy theories are usually so convoluted, improbable and impossible to pull off that the truth is mundane by comparison.

He was sent to Dallas to die, I believe that much, if Oswald did it he could not have done it alone, why was he killed by Ruby?


Ruby was involved with the Mob. Oswald was assassinated to cover up his relationship with the Mob.

Bazza I don't believe the conspiracy guff so am not really interested in debating the ins and outs. The conspiracy theories are usually so convoluted, improbable and impossible to pull off that the truth is mundane by comparison.

Have you read the American history of around that time, very interesting and a time of huge social change, he was a deeply unpopular man.

Bazza I don't believe the conspiracy guff so am not really interested in debating the ins and outs. The conspiracy theories are usually so convoluted, improbable and impossible to pull off that the truth is mundane by comparison.


Exactly so. Occam's Razor, innit.

Have you read the American history of around that time, very interesting and a time of huge social change, he was a deeply unpopular man.


Thats exactly it. Divisive policies in a divided country where anybody can order a rifle through mail order and low security levels = dead President. You don't need to go hunting for fantastic storylines. I stayed in the Washington DC Hilton a few weeks ago, where Reagan was shot by another disaffected mentally ill loner. Why don't people say that was a conspiracy? because he didnt die?

Why did he have a relationship with the mob?


Well, the theory is that he was a troubled, confused loner, who was enticed into assassinating JFK, so that the Mob could avoid any connection to the plot. The theory also has it that Ruby was "told" or "manipulated" into killing Oswald in order to ensure that he wouldn't reveal any connection to the people who hired him. Ruby said that he killed Oswald because he was very upset by the grief Jacqueline Kennedy was going through.

Thats exactly it. Divisive policies in a divided country where anybody can order a rifle through mail order and low security levels = dead President. You don't need to go hunting for fantastic storylines. I stayed in the Washington DC Hilton a few weeks ago, where Reagan was shot by another disaffected mentally ill loner. Why don't people say that was a conspiracy? because he didnt die?


They do!



Seeing as it is the 50th Anniversay of the Kennedy assassination, you'll all have the chance to watch HUNDREDS of hours of TV about it. The History & Discovery Channels & their spin offs over here have been advertising it for weeks.




Meanwhile, there is obviously a New World Order of some description. Maybe not the version in that list but the Ruling Elite in UK, the insane Policy decisions destroying the EU periphery, the Rich get richer and the rest of us are just





The latest comment on that DT article is a cracker


Osama Bin Laden isn’t only a name, it’s a code, a riddle. I believe that Osama represents Obama and Biden (Bi)n la(den.)

What is the new world order? From what I can tell it’s when the richest people in the world take over the government of the most powerful nation in the world, the United States of America. It appears their goal is to implement socialism, monopolize their industries, and collapse the dollar in an effort to create a one world currency. It sounds like science fiction, but from what I discovered, they came close to achieving it with the election of Obama.

Here are some straight facts. You should really follow up on this and draw your own conclusions.

There is an enormous organization online behind an endless number of work-at-home opportunities, affiliate marketing, and get-rich-quick schemes. This group is positioned to cash in with a tanking economy. Let me tell you about just a few of them and the code they created.

Lorrie Morgan Ferrero is posing online as a copywriter. On her sites “Red Hot Copy” a play on words, there are several look a likes of people involved with the current administration, CEO’s, and some media moguls.

Here’s a few;

Cathy Goodwin a look a like for Du Pont CEO Ellen Kuffman

Denise Wakeman a look a like for Anne Duncan the Secretary of Education

John Childers a look a like for SEIU Andy Stern

Mari Smith a possible look a like for Carly Fiorina who ran in Caly fornia for Senate

Terry Dean a look like Michael Dell

Tom Beal a look a like for Time Warner CEO Jeffery L Bewkes

Jay Conrad Levinson a look a like for George Soros

These are just a few people that Lorrie Morgan Ferrero has on her sites. She can also be seen with relatives of 72 Virgin records Richard Branson’s family and The Whitehouse party crashers the Salahi’s. A search on Salahi reveals a picture of her in a Washington “Red”skins jersey posing next to a much younger Jill Biden. Jill, or a look a like, also appears on the cover of a product called The Super Affiliate Handbook.

Lorrie Morgan Ferrero claims her husband is John Ferrero. John appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Ramadan Shallah. Lorrie is also seen with Stephen Pierce who I believe is supposed to represent radical Van Jones. Also appearing with Lorrie is a guy who interviews other online marketers, Armand Morin. Armand appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Noordin M Top. He’s wanted for the financing of Al-Qaeda and since cracking this code has been removed from the FBI’s site.

There’s a site online called the Rich Jerk. First he was a cartoon character, and later in the videos released on Youtube, the Rich Jerk appears to be Billionaire Mark Cuba(n) of the Dallas Mavericks. Another person on Youtube claiming to be Robert Johnson Rich Jerk is in fact Tony Rezko, the guy who sold Obama some property in Chicago. The first testimonial on the Rich Jerk website is from Mark Joyner. Joyner claims to be the godfather of internet marketing. Joyner also appears to be FBI Wanted Terrorist Saif or Seif al-Adel. After collecting email addresses for years at the Rich Jerk site, his first email he sent out was about Stompernet. Stompernet was selling an $800 a month program teaching you how to optimize in search engines for anything.

These online marketers operating in code are masters at deception and search engine optimization. Like they do for their products, it appears they controlled the conversation, the feedback, the headlines, and the finance of the last presidential election with the most optimized site in Google search, Youtube.

Several of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists posing as internet marketers, are wanted for US embassy bombings in Kenya and Indonesia. These are 2 places that Obama also has ties to as well.

In my strongest opinion, Osama Bin Laden isn’t only a name, it’s a code, a riddle. I believe that Osama represents Obama and Biden (Bi)n la(den.)

I’ve written a great deal online regarding this subject. You can research my name to learn more. It’s very important though that you draw your own conclusions and that you share this information by email with everyone possible. You also have my permission to copy and paste anything you find online that I’ve written. Our democracy is seriously at stake.

Thank you,

Aaron Fleszar


Some clarification about how good a shooter Mr Oswald was...he wasn't anything like as good as some think.


For those not familiar with those terms, a marksman is the lowest possible ranking given to a shooter. Barely above

the minimum requirements to pass.

Sharpshooter is decent. But he only shot that once. (The next step up is Expert. Not terribly difficult to obtain but

you do have to be a damn good shot. )

Some clarification about how good a shooter Mr Oswald was...he wasn't anything like as good as some think.


For those not familiar with those terms, a marksman is the lowest possible ranking given to a shooter. Barely above

the minimum requirements to pass.

Sharpshooter is decent. But he only shot that once. (The next step up is Expert. Not terribly difficult to obtain but

you do have to be a damn good shot. )


It seems to me the evidence that Lee Harvey was an intensively trained and qualified USMC 'Marksman' or 'Sharpshooter' is beyond all dispute. Both those terms are surely self explanatory - IE one of the worlds elite fighting forces considered him to be capable of handling a rifle with a degree of competency well beyond that expected of a ordinary infantry soldier.


He had the benefit of a telescopic sight of course and in any case the target range criteria required to pass the aforementioned USMC exams are within the recorded distances involved in the JFK assignation.

It seems to me the evidence that Lee Harvey was an intensively trained and qualified USMC 'Marksman' or 'Sharpshooter' is beyond all dispute. Both those terms are surely self explanatory - IE one of the worlds elite fighting forces considered him to be capable of handling a rifle with a degree of competency well beyond that expected of a ordinary infantry soldier.


He had the benefit of a telescopic sight of course and in any case the target range criteria required to pass the aforementioned USMC exams are within the recorded distances involved in the JFK assignation.


Isn't one of the main points something to do with the capacity of the arm used to fire the number of shots in the time taken though. I've seen Oliver Stone's film but have never taken any great interest in the affair outside that.

Posted (edited)
Isn't one of the main points something to do with the capacity of the arm used to fire the number of shots in the time taken though. I've seen Oliver Stone's film but have never taken any great interest in the affair outside that.


Correct, and it has been shown that the WWII Italian army rifle in question - in trained hands - is capable of firing the number (3 or 4 I can't remember) of aimed shots in the time available.


Now no one says it's easy, - but crucially it is possible.

Well, the theory is that he was a troubled, confused loner, who was enticed into assassinating JFK, so that the Mob could avoid any connection to the plot. The theory also has it that Ruby was "told" or "manipulated" into killing Oswald in order to ensure that he wouldn't reveal any connection to the people who hired him. Ruby said that he killed Oswald because he was very upset by the grief Jacqueline Kennedy was going through.



So you have a monopoly on rumour and conjecture? Americans have a history of killing their president and there has to be a bit more than a crazed gunman surely.

As well as Diana's death, I am intrigued with Dr.David Kelly's "suicide". What are peoples thoughts on his death?


If it was an assassination, it was pretty sloppy and ill-timed. You'd have thought that he'd be taken out before testifying, or they would have waited a while to make sure things calmed down a bit. Basically if the US/UK governments are executing civilians in cold blood, I'd rather they show a bit more finesse and patience (I'd have picked a skiing accident in the winter of 2005-6 but that's just me).


What I think may have happened is that a very shy individual who was already prone to depression, was pushed over the edge. However we will never really know - and this is the root problem with conspiracy theories - as all interested parties also have a political agenda to promote.


On a side note I always found it odd that John Denver 'crashed his own plane' so soon after Diana's death. Tying up loose ends?

So you have a monopoly on rumour and conjecture? Americans have a history of killing their president and there has to be a bit more than a crazed gunman surely.


I have a monopoly on rumour? I don't get your point. You asked; I passed on what the common theory has been for many years.

I have a monopoly on rumour? I don't get your point. You asked; I passed on what the common theory has been for many years.


The point is you can have an unsubstantiated rumour set in stone but another viewpoint (quite valid) is dismissed, thats not fair nor reasoned.

The point is you can have an unsubstantiated rumour set in stone but another viewpoint (quite valid) is dismissed, thats not fair nor reasoned.


I'm not dismissing anything. I don't hold to any particular theory on this.

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