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Well done bear, you just ruined that game as it was getting exciting.


Ok MLG, one of these is a genuine doubty the others are mostly safe. Which one does bear have to bone?




I'll give you a BIG clue



Is sexy trick or treating not punishable by death in Dubai golfing Phil? Apart from in the hotels of course where is is actively encouraged.


Well. Just back from the Seaview and the BRILLIANT (ah OK not as good as Restless Road on XFactor US) Band were in fne fettle tonight.

I can record 16 WTF's 12 You don't understands and 3 OK good ideas from the Brass in the Seaview. Hopefully in the morning I will be able to read the notes I took and add to Mrs DP's results from the night out. Apparenty I did watch but 9 Bullfrogs and 6 pints of Fosters are playing havoc with my ability to find the rewind button on my Mobile Phone Video App link to You Tube for you all


i jizzed on catwoman last halloween. Srsly. You have to go out tho, the halloween fiteh's that come round ur house delivering boners in this country tend to be under 12 and often accompanied by parent or guardian, making all the carefully prepared roofie lollipops redundant. :(


Yeah fair point - Neighbours are having a noisy party so I wrapped some slug pellets into a pack of Quality Street that I lobbed over the fence. Will let you know how it goes


I'm pretty sure it was an inflatable Catwoman doll, I doubt if it was anything like this




Worryingly, the wife knows which bar she works in in Bangkok ;)


Apparently it is NOT the same one that Tokes went into to get his pics

I'm depressed.


It's 7pm already and no fitteh's have knocked on my door asking if I want a trick or just a treat.


Actually, nobody has knocked on my door today.


Perhaps I shouldn't have put that picture of Bear's Gran's house up there


One of my mates sent me a great Halloween Deterrent ..... A Picture of Jimmy Saville peering out from behind a curtain .... LMFAO.

One of my mates sent me a great Halloween Deterrent ..... A Picture of Jimmy Saville peering out from behind a curtain .... LMFAO.


Around Jimmy laughing your arse off was probably want not happened to it....................


OK Muppet fans. You'll all be ecstatic to know that this weekend is the Grand Final of the European Challenge Tour, Yep, the Top 15 players in the final tournament all win Playing Cards for next Season's European Tour


It really is the lottery ticket to mega bucks and Gold Cards on Easy Jet for the young up and coming Golf Pros.


Your fearless on the spot reporter will be on site this weekend bringing you the latest updates on whether any of them have a fitteh GF worthy of gracing the big time.


Bet you all can't wait. This is what the public want. This'll bring 'em flooding back from their TMS retirement homes.


Ok I'm putting up a reward of +1000 reputations points to anyone who can successfully get Dubai Phil permanently banned from the forum! Good luck all.


Nah, I thought golfing Phil should get some rep points for breaking the Barry Sanchez silence. Obviously when Baz posts, everyone legs it. Phil just storms in with a golf story you can read the first line of and skip on knowing you haven't missed anything apart from a hole in one and a karaoke. It's like a MS foundation stone.

Nah, I thought golfing Phil should get some rep points for breaking the Barry Sanchez silence. Obviously when Baz posts, everyone legs it. Phil just storms in with a golf story you can read the first line of and skip on knowing you haven't missed anything apart from a hole in one and a karaoke. It's like a MS foundation stone.


You get as far as the first line?


As soon as I see his name I move on to another thread.


Old man trying to be the perpetual teenager.


It doesn't get any sadder than that.


Exactly dude! Ain't nothin worse than sum Sado with a user name of a city tryin to keep up with the youngsters by stayin words such as word or Yo.


Seriously Ron, you are just the kind of candidate we are looking for. You make bletch gush and we all get caught up in his juices. You are in.

Exactly dude! Ain't nothin worse than sum Sado with a user name of a city tryin to keep up with the youngsters by stayin words such as word or Yo.


Seriously Ron, you are just the kind of candidate we are looking for. You make bletch gush and we all get caught up in his juices. You are in.


I walk alone.


You mean I actually have to read bletch's posts and then read between the lines of them? I haven't get all day FFS! Saints play at 3.


Update - Can't someone just tell me? I've looked through bletch's posts and some of them are really long. The sexual tension between him and sour mash is giving me a bona, reading between the lines of those posts would be filth.


He used only three words, each spelt correctly, with the predicate in the correct tense, and yet he still puts a smile on my face.


He single handedly turns the forum into a David Lynch film.


I'd like to post more in The Muppet Show, but I'm too lazy. I will pay someone's 5 pound (aside, I won't pay someone's 5 pound) if they become my writer.

This is a genuine offer (aside, its not a genuine offer).

You talking bout my 'not really bletch' post?


I'm glad you liked it but haven't seen any film that reminds of it or not. Could you mean a song instead?


No Toke, apologies I should have been clearer.


Look, I know for a fact that you're more familiar than most with the saying "Less is more".


But, where you scream that at the unfair world in a hopeless attempt to justify the trouser-hand you've been dealt, Ron Manager's posts share just enough words from his personal lexicon to allow us to glimpse the mentally surreal world he inhabits.


I think my love for him is so strong because, by contrast, I always end up using more words than are needed in a vain, vain attempt to show how clever I think I am. (See my vain/vain pun as an example. Oh, that's recursive irony. See, I just can't stop myself).


He's my heaven, my stars, my hypnagogic whore, my board bitch.


He's my everything.


Well that's a let down! What was all that "what a great 3 word post Tokyo, great grammas and stuff"? Eh?


You should play with people's emotions like that bletch.


Percy, please let me know your log in. I think you have a few porn links you've been dying to share on here. I'll do it for free. Donate the fiver to bear's Ibiza foundation.

I'd like to post more in The Muppet Show, but I'm too lazy. I will pay someone's 5 pound (aside, I won't pay someone's 5 pound) if they become my writer.

This is a genuine offer (aside, its not a genuine offer).


Hi percy, the lads have put me in charge of interviewing the born again posters today. The weekend shift, eh? Talk about short straw.


Anyway, can you tell us a little more about the style that you'd like your on-line persona to project?


I'll then see if I can get one of the regulars to write on your behalf.


We'd obviously need your forum login details (including password), and you won't believe it, but to complete all the necessary paper work we also need DoB, Address, NI number, bank account/sort code/pin and inside leg measurement.


Bureaucracy eh?


Well that's a let down! What was all that "what a great 3 word post Tokyo, great grammas and stuff"? Eh?


You should play with people's emotions like that bletch.


Percy, please let me know your log in. I think you have a few porn links you've been dying to share on here. I'll do it for free. Donate the fiver to bear's Ibiza foundation.


OK gang, here it is THE big TMS save.


Here is the update from the golf of ALL the new recruits I managed to sign up today




See, my version is working as well as Spudders

OK gang, here it is THE big TMS save.


Here is the update from the golf of ALL the new recruits I managed to sign up today




See, my version is working as well as Spudders




DO you lot have ANY idea how much persuading it took to get 25 Promo Girls to stand in a semi circle and all show their Bewbs at once.


And now Tinypics have DELETED IT!!!





Well, at least I still have the memory


Phil, don't forget there's a 1000 reputations points bounty for your banning, I've checked the small print and there's nothing to prevent you going after the points if you want! :lol:


I'm glad to see things picking up in here - the four of you provide a great service of providing inane drivel for lurkers' humourous consumption. Think I've said that before. I would contribute more, but I am boring, frankly, well that is the conclusion I have come to since I've been interviewed twice for Vox Pops and the interviewer has terminated the conversation before I've finished talking. Think I've said that before.


I would also be a full member if we could pay by Google Wallet rather than Paypal. I've definitely said that before. If one of you offered to pay my membership, you could claim the rep points, and I'd pay you back when I am in England next Easter. That's if the Alzheimers doesn't stop me. Haven't said that before, don't think so, anyway.


Who are the 4? Place your bets now.


My bets, best 4:


Me (obviously)



Matthew le God


Worse 4:

Bear (obviously)

Bletch (even more obviously)

Golfing Phil (goes without saying)

Baz (everyone legs it for 4 hours after he posts)


Well the four are clearly: Bearsy (retired to main forum), Tokyo, Spuddersgun, and Bletch, who seemed to have retired, but has returned. Basically, it's just Tokyo who keeps the entire forum moving. I do believe you have mental issues mate, and shoud see a counsellor, or a councilor, depending on your political persuasion. Anyway, if you want to recruit my pert little username, then pay me up. My memeber has been full before on this site, many times, over the years. I was thrilled when I saw the muppet show for the first time - thought it was dangerous. Maybe I've become more dangerous or TMS has become less. Been trawling through historical posts back to 2009 and find that I remember all the threadseZ, even though the lounge and muppet shows are shown in the same search history. I will now submit this post, open another tab and see if it has been submitted. Eventually, I will close this window when it stops asking whether I want to 'Leave this Page'.

Well the four are clearly: Bearsy (retired to main forum), Tokyo, Spuddersgun, and Bletch, who seemed to have retired, but has returned. Basically, it's just Tokyo who keeps the entire forum moving. I do believe you have mental issues mate, and shoud see a counsellor, or a councilor, depending on your political persuasion. Anyway, if you want to recruit my pert little username, then pay me up. My memeber has been full before on this site, many times, over the years. I was thrilled when I saw the muppet show for the first time - thought it was dangerous. Maybe I've become more dangerous or TMS has become less. Been trawling through historical posts back to 2009 and find that I remember all the threadseZ, even though the lounge and muppet shows are shown in the same search history. I will now submit this post, open another tab and see if it has been submitted. Eventually, I will close this window when it stops asking whether I want to 'Leave this Page'.


If I may, tpbury, you forgot the words "in reverse order", or at the very least "in no particular order".


None taken. I'm sure you can edit it.


Using your full member analogy, Toke has one of those sexual mental illnesses, where he has to drain his vein, deplete his meat, or rob his knob 40-50 times each day.


That is actually what is causing all these double posts, basically they're getting stuck together with Toke's glans-gloy.

I want to post on here more but I don't trust Spudders. He tried to lure me into his gingerbread house.


Spudders would never try and lure you into anything, he's harmless, like the local village idiot.


Anyway if he does frighten you just carry this anti-spudders device around, it's guaranteed to ward him off...



or if you prefer something a bit less conspicuous



^ looks about right Tokyo. Feel a bit sorry for Bob not getting a look in at number 5


I don't think my infrequent visits and contributions would let me get near that lofty height, but thank you for your kinds thoughts..

Quick question, whys Bearsy not been posting much? Did Tokes upset him?


He's such a price pikey that he's been banned from all the free WiFi outlets in his area, something to do with the large amount of bandwidth he was using up, heaven's knows what he was downloading to use up so much bandwidth.


Oh, and it was the coppery smell around him that was putting paying customers off too...


Oi oi! Saintsweb is ban on our work servers. Apparently it gets more hits than Facebooks. :(


I tried to defend it as a perfectly innocent football website, but unfortunately when I logged in to demonstrate to IT department we were immediately confronted by pm from tokyo-saint featuring two naked japanese women urinating on a live octopus :(


It's been confiscate! Dumb IT weirdo has taken images home to "check for viruses". He said i can have it back tomoz, but i was like i don't want it after uv splurged java-script all over it FFS!


It's been confiscate! Dumb IT weirdo has taken images home to "check for viruses". He said i can have it back tomoz, but i was like i don't want it after uv splurged java-script all over it FFS!!


Hey Bear, I also opened up that PM at work without thinking about the dangers of it being from Tokyo! I nearly had a heart attack when that appeared on the screen, thankfully I looked behind me and no-one was at their desk!


yeah just cos tokyos spends his working days fisting RPS and urinating on live octopus he fails to consider that some people hold down important positions at automotive food delivery enterprise!


It was quite lols gif tho. I mean, under different circumstance i would of been pleased to witness the effect of asian excretions on cephalopod mollusc when applied under controlled scientific conditions.

lols did tim drop the octo-bomb?


+1 reputations!


not for long though Bear, shame, I was just getting ready to start the 'buctootim was a good poster, is his ban temporary or permanent, he'll be missed' thread.

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