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This would be the same Osvaldo who was glad to be out of Italy because of the attitude of the supporters, how they don't leave players alone and their general lack of respect. I doubt very much that Dani is looking for a move back to Italy, seems like a poorly researched made up story by one of this country's trashy so-called newspapers. Its not like he needs to be in Italy to play for the Azzurri, he has been in the team and scored since he joined Saints. I will file this article along with some of the other trash in the circular file.

This would be the same Osvaldo who was glad to be out of Italy because of the attitude of the supporters, how they don't leave players alone and their general lack of respect. I doubt very much that Dani is looking for a move back to Italy, seems like a poorly researched made up story by one of this country's trashy so-called newspapers. Its not like he needs to be in Italy to play for the Azzurri, he has been in the team and scored since he joined Saints. I will file this article along with some of the other trash in the circular file.


Agreed, articles like this are disrespectful to all parties involved, us included. Nothing but idle rumour mongering.

ANOTHER negative article from the Mirror, after their last one about Dani which was refuted. What have we done to the Mirror to deserve this?


we proved them wrong when they wrote that we didn't have the quality for a Premier League club....


It's only the Mirror. They're only one step up from the Star and not to be taken too seriously. They might gain some credibility if they gave some credence to their story by providing some evidence to support it, rather than basing it on gossip or comments taken out of context.


I think that we ought to start playing this game too. Why doesn't Cortese declare an interest in taking Messi or Ronaldo on loan and see whether the Red Top journos would take that as seriously?


As for the Shaw rumours, we have had these journos reporting it as a done deal that he will be going to Man Ure, Chelski, Citeh, etc up to the closure of the last window and despite him signing a lengthy contract on his 18th birthday, they have started yet again. Mind you, since Man Ure began to believe that they could get him for around £12 million or so, reality has upped the assumed valuation to secure him to £25 million. But I suspect that we would not sell him even for that. I really do wonder when the penny will finally drop with these journos, that we do not need to sell any of the players we wish to keep.


I think this is to do with Alan Nixon.


In our Champioship Season/early last year we were obviously feeding Alan Nixon info about our transfers, and he was very complimentary about the club. He was near on perfect in predicting transfers.


Fast forward a year and he obviously wasn't being given the info he was the previous year as his rumours were quite off, he became critical of us and our activity and we start seeing negative Mirror articles...


And who does Nixon work for? Exactly.


Not sure some of you get the fact that rumours/gossip all VARY in level of credibilty depending on source - which is never quoted - irrespective of which paper something is in. The issue many have with the 'Mail' is not transfer gossip, but Martin samual - who has written several pieces that obviously had their basis in some sort of spat first with Lowe and subsequently NC after NA was sacked. (in addition to its right wing reactionary headlines - '' Asylum Seekers give you cancer shock'' is one we will see at some point I am sure)


Sure any paper is in the business of selling papers - and 'controvercial' stories do that better than anything else - but as MPs current success shows, it was the right move no matter how Martin felt about it, yet we dont see him taking it back....


Turks, you like to troll your way on ...and on... about 'chosing which stories to believe' like a broken record - and a crappy annoying birdie type song at that... its a good wind up, but not very funny and suggest an ignorance about a very simple fact. As i have said many times - yet you still struggle with the simple context - when rumours appear that are 'negative' eg players wanting away or other coming in for them etc - quite NATURALLY, fans look for more deatil and idealy evidence - no one WANTS to believe crappy stories, so there is an expectation of for moire than just a 'rumour'


When positive links or stories appear - the level of credibilty behind them does not matter - even if unlikely to be true - because no harm done except raise a few expectations - inded some would say its positive just to be linked as its all about profile.


So your continual snipe at anyone who is 'excited' by or believes positive rumours, yet seeks more detail in negatives ones is as churlish as it is ignorant.

Not sure some of you get the fact that rumours/gossip all VARY in level of credibilty depending on source - which is never quoted - irrespective of which paper something is in. The issue many have with the 'Mail' is not transfer gossip, but Martin samual - who has written several pieces that obviously had their basis in some sort of spat first with Lowe and subsequently NC after NA was sacked. (in addition to its right wing reactionary headlines - '' Asylum Seekers give you cancer shock'' is one we will see at some point I am sure)


Sure any paper is in the business of selling papers - and 'controvercial' stories do that better than anything else - but as MPs current success shows, it was the right move no matter how Martin felt about it, yet we dont see him taking it back....


Turks, you like to troll your way on ...and on... about 'chosing which stories to believe' like a broken record - and a crappy annoying birdie type song at that... its a good wind up, but not very funny and suggest an ignorance about a very simple fact. As i have said many times - yet you still struggle with the simple context - when rumours appear that are 'negative' eg players wanting away or other coming in for them etc - quite NATURALLY, fans look for more deatil and idealy evidence - no one WANTS to believe crappy stories, so there is an expectation of for moire than just a 'rumour'


When positive links or stories appear - the level of credibilty behind them does not matter - even if unlikely to be true - because no harm done except raise a few expectations - inded some would say its positive just to be linked as its all about profile.


So your continual snipe at anyone who is 'excited' by or believes positive rumours, yet seeks more detail in negatives ones is as churlish as it is ignorant.


You're odd.

Great come back... LOL


Only thing 'odd' with this thread is your obsession with the 'lying journo' 'Daily Fail' (sic) comments...


You are though


Drunken rants, endless typing, posting lots but saying nothing, obsessions with internet posters.



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