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Firefighters in London freed a man whose penis was trapped in a toaster.


They rescued another who got his member stuck in a vacuum cleaner, as well as 79 people trapped in handcuffs.


London Fire Brigade says it has attended more than 1,300 incidents involving people being trapped or stuck, often in everyday household items, since 2010.


In the last three years the capital’s fire crews have been called out to:


• 18 incidents involving children with their heads stuck in potties or toilet seats


• Five incidents involving people’s hands being stuck in shredders


• 79 incidents involving people being trapped in handcuffs


• Nine instances of men with rings stuck on their penises


• Four incidents where people had their hands stuck in blenders


• 17 incidents involving children with their fingers stuck in toys, including one with Lego stuck on his finger.


In the past, the LFB has been called out to:


• A man with his penis stuck in a toaster


• A man with his arm stuck in a Portaloo


• A child with its hand trapped in a sweet machine


• A child with its head trapped in an ironing board


• An adult stuck in a child’s toy car


• A child with its head stuck in a massage chair


• A child with its foot stuck in a brass vase


• Someone with a test tube stuck on their finger


• A child with a tambourine stuck on its head


• A man with a sewing machine needle stuck in his finger.


Don't gloat Hatch.


We've all been there.




BTW you omitted the London Fire Brigade spokesman's sage advice:


If the ring doesn’t fit, don’t force it on.


I've led my life by that aphorism and as a consequence I've never been stuck in my own ring, or anyone else's ring for that matter.


Whereas Toke lives in London, has a toaster, knows someone with a ring (FiL) and hasn't posted recently.


Just sayin'...

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