Thedelldays Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously?
Give it to Ron Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Compared to the stuff Burley played its like watching Brazil......until we get 25 yards from goal....then its like watching Green Park Rangers.
Mr X Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I have to admit passing is good at times but like adriansfc says once were in the final third we are one of the worst teams there is, would rather see less pretty stuff more end result personally
Weston Saint Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Certainly not the best football ever. Quality is better than the last few years yes but there is no cutting edge up front and our defending is as bad as ever. Attractive football will bring in the crowds but you need to win your games as well. We are well down the pecking order of Saints teams on that front
ottery st mary Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 We have been over hyped by the look of it....Back to basics in some areas, especially tactics and formations...and proper loans at back and up front..
Toomer Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 All very pretty no end product, in our position I would be happy with three or four ugly 1-0 wins.
St Marco Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 nowhere near. For all it's good looks it is the least effective football i have seen. It is easy to pass around the half way line, nobody will be trying to get the ball from you there. It is what you do with the ball after that and quite frankly in that area i would say this is the worst team we have ever had. It looks like crabs trying to play football to me, it is that predictable.
Andy_Porter Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Some of the best passing and posession at times, but nowhere near the most effective football. Most of it in the final third is just retarded. .
saintjay77 Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Wouldnt say its the best football ever and not sure where that idea has come from but when its good it certainly has been better than some of the dross thats been served up in the more recent years. Trouble is as other have said that when its bad it is completly in-effective and almost a waste of time watching. Not even sure if it is the formation that is the problem or the ability of the players to consitantly put the formation and system into effect. We saw against QPR that with good movement and quick passing we can score fantastic team goals and against reading we can make good teams look very poor. But when the players dont do the right things they look like they have all the penetration of a unic.
JustMike Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 we do at times play some good stuff but when we get into the final 3rd all too often we play it sideways or backwards. I would like to see us be a bit more direct and selfish, dont be afraid to shoot. Fed up with us trying to walk it into the net.
bjk Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously? Ok i may have exaggerated when i said best football ever but i meant at times this season the footballs been good to watch but i did say we need more experience to go with it.
saintrich Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 No it's awful stuff. Whats the use in passing it around neatly without actually creating anything.. what a waste, fed up of this rubbish, supposed fancy football.
monsoon Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 The last few seasons we have had to watch a load of so called experienced pro's, tossing it off, no effort, no commitment, and no results, we only stayed up by the skin of our teeth last season. We may well only scrap through this season, but i would rather watch the kids we have now compared to the shambles that burley put together. It is frustrating, it does your head in watching it week after week, chance after chance just willing someone to have a shot from the edge of the box instead of trying to walk it in, trying to score the perfect goal. But at the end of the day these boys give everything they have got, they give the best they can, yes they make mistakes they **** things up. But week in week out they are being asked to but themselves on the line to stand up in front of thousands of people to be the hero or the full guy. These guys are not being asked to play the odd game here and there to cover for an injured 1st team player, they are the 1st team with no where to hide they cant just disappear back into the reserves for a couple of months like in the old days when you bleed your youngsters into the 1st team. Because of the fact that our club is in such a shambolic mess these lads are the full guys they have been given the s**t end of the stick. YES we can run them down, YES we can be critical of them missing chances, YES we can moan and groan that he is slow or he is lazy or he cant tackle or pass the ball, Yes its pretty football on the halfway line and retarded in front of goal, YES we are poor at the back, YES we need a leader, BUT THESE ARE THE PROBLEMS THAT WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD, FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS WE COULD SAY THE SAME THINGS ABOUT THE SAINTS. But its is the club that is at fault this time, we have been badly run, supporters and our players have been let down be the clowns that have destroyed our club. I will never stop going along to watch "MY CLUB" and when i am there i will back those lads 100% because they are on the frontline it is men against boys out there at times and they have no where to hide they can't hide away in the directors box I raise my hat to each and everyone of them, they are in a no win situation and for that I think all SAINTS supporters should stand and applaud them.
ladysaint Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I have seen the best and the worst football this season and really dont know how we can play exceptionally well against the likes of Reading, Derby and Birmingham and then play exceptionally badly against Swansea and Palace to name a few.
Snowballs2 Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Its all about scoring goals and winning games...all the pretty patterns are totally useless if all you do is lose.
VectisSaint Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Some people seem to be forgetting the basic premise of the game of football. It is all about the team that scores the most goals (and in competitive football therefore earns the points). Simple really. We are n't scoring goals therefore we are not playing the game effectively. All this talk about pretty football is complete ******. the football we are playing is not particularly pretty, and is certainly not effective, therefore it is useless. We sometimes look quite exciting, but usually only when we are 2-0 down, and thats because the opposition by that time know they have won the game and are letting us come on to them so that they can conserve energy - this was precisely the case last night. We have to change the way we play, to be incisive and to have effectiveness up front, our "forwards" are powder puff weak and will never score enough goals, we need an old head with some guile and experience (not necessarily saying someone we already have), just for now someone like Kuqi or Windyass could work wonders, but of course is not possible because of our "philosophy". I am somewhat shocked that JP showed his inexperience again by singling out named players that he thought gave their all last night, that is something that should be kept in the dressing room. Thought his remarks were extremely harsh on Skacel and BWP who showed desire and effort. As for McG and Robertson, they may as well have stayed in Southampton, both a total waste of space. Also thought the withdrawal of Pearce while understandable to a degree actually made us even less likely to score, which is what you need to do when 2-0 down, since he is probably our most potent attacking option, at least from set-pieces.
St Marco Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 The last few seasons we have had to watch a load of so called experienced pro's, tossing it off, no effort, no commitment, and no results, we only stayed up by the skin of our teeth last season. . Sorry but i couldn't disagree with you more. This time last year we were 10th. Then the manager lost the plot. Last year in the last 20 games we dropped like a stone BUT we didn't lose many games. In fact as poor as it was we lost 18 games for the whole of last season. Won 13 and drew 15. Those stats are not flattering at all but the fact of the matter is when Pearson was in charge we actually had i believe the 13th best form, not relegation form. Now we have played 22 games and lost 10 of them. Won only 5 of 22. That is a lot worse then last year and if we maintain that rate into the 2nd half of the year would mean 10 wins from 46 games, think we can safely say we will be relegated from that. It is a complete myth that were playing great football. How do you define great football? Passing the ball to the half way line then losing it? That is how we play and our goals for shows that. We have scored only 8 at home and 11 away giving us already -13 Goal difference. That is equal worst in this league. Great football is played in the final 3rd where you create and score chances. The hardest part of football is to put the ball in the net and we don't have a clue how to do that. Playing in front of the opponents 11 with tip tap football does not make it great football. We at time have seriously poor defending moments mixed with no clue going forward, that in comparison to last year makes it a lot worse. For as poor as Burley was as least he understood to create chances you must have bodies up the pitch, they were not always the right bodies but we created chances and scored goals. We shipped a lot of goals to but the results were better and that is what counts. If we get relegated which with each game looks more and more likely we will be amongst it; what will this team be remembered for? The passion, the spectacular team goals, the determination, the skill etc..? I think it will be remembered as the worst Saints team in our after war history.
Frank's cousin Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I think how you feel abouit it generally depends on what your expectations are. We have a good young inexperienced squad that lacks a couple of defenders and a goal scorer... I am sure JP knows this. BUT the cold hard fact is we are skint. As such expectations for this season for me were that we were developng a foundation - starting from nothing - but with hope. IF we were able to keep this squad together, playing as they are, but doing enough to stay up, add to it with a couple in the summer, my hopes for next season would be good - BUT its unlikley - I think the flaw in Lowe's strategy (which in an idealistic world I would support) is that in the CCC with the finances as they are, keeping this squad together will be impossible - so his belief in building a side that will mature together and thus progress is flawed - we will build a side and just when things start to click we will sell the best - a fact of CCC/lower league existence for 70 odd clubs without the cash - then try and build again - a vicious circle if ever there was one. Th irony is that these kids, whilst not all equally technically gifted, do show a spirit and attitude that is good to see, and JP for whatever faults is getting them playing football as it should be played - we lack a defender and a goalscorer for sure, but its easier to support a side that WANTS to play this way with kids that give a feck, than some sides in this division with their 'rough it up game plans' - whose squads make up for lack of finesse with brute strength. At the end of a very long day though it is about points and success that will drive attendences - which in turn will drive revenue and thus give us more chance of holding on the best talent we have and actually building on these foundations. For me that is currently the bigger worry than how we are playing - and I believe the flaw in the current plan... which is also the biggest shame as its been fecked by the modern greed in the game and the dying of the game outside the premier****e.
solentstars Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously? better than that crap we had last season .
monsoon Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Sorry but i couldn't disagree with you more. This time last year we were 10th. Then the manager lost the plot. Last year in the last 20 games we dropped like a stone BUT we didn't lose many games. In fact as poor as it was we lost 18 games for the whole of last season. Won 13 and drew 15. Those stats are not flattering at all but the fact of the matter is when Pearson was in charge we actually had i believe the 13th best form, not relegation form. Now we have played 22 games and lost 10 of them. Won only 5 of 22. That is a lot worse then last year and if we maintain that rate into the 2nd half of the year would mean 10 wins from 46 games, think we can safely say we will be relegated from that. It is a complete myth that were playing great football. How do you define great football? Passing the ball to the half way line then losing it? That is how we play and our goals for shows that. We have scored only 8 at home and 11 away giving us already -13 Goal difference. That is equal worst in this league. Great football is played in the final 3rd where you create and score chances. The hardest part of football is to put the ball in the net and we don't have a clue how to do that. Playing in front of the opponents 11 with tip tap football does not make it great football. We at time have seriously poor defending moments mixed with no clue going forward, that in comparison to last year makes it a lot worse. For as poor as Burley was as least he understood to create chances you must have bodies up the pitch, they were not always the right bodies but we created chances and scored goals. We shipped a lot of goals to but the results were better and that is what counts. If we get relegated which with each game looks more and more likely we will be amongst it; what will this team be remembered for? The passion, the spectacular team goals, the determination, the skill etc..? I think it will be remembered as the worst Saints team in our after war history. did i say we are playing great football? Did i say we are going to stay up? did i say anything about the managers of last season? Did i say how many games we won, lost or drew last season? The point i was trying to make with the players we had last season we should never have been in the situation we were in at end of season. To me they lacked passion, commitment and interest. Today we have a team of mostly under 20 year olds, playing week in week out against men, boys against men, they are being asked to do the impossible. The whole club is falling apart around them and they have been thrown to the lions. At 19 could your stand up and be counted when the whole of the clubs expectations rest on your shoulders, when the only light at the end of the tunnel for all saints supporters is if we get three points at the weekend, when it is down to you and you alone to bring some hope to the situation, when everyone that you should be looking upto for guidance and direction are involved with petty squabbling and back biting as to who got us in this mess. When there is no leadership at the top, how must it feel when you give your best and all you get back is people knocking you for trying your best. As they say League Tables don't lie Last season we got away with it by the skin of our teeth. If you believe otherwise that is up to you. With the lads we have YES we may go down. but you can't blame them, they are in a no win situation. All that i am saying that i think that we should get behind them a bit more, YES it hard, I agree we need to score goals, and i would love to see some players come in that could make a difference but what are the chances of that happening.
solentstars Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I think how you feel abouit it generally depends on what your expectations are. We have a good young inexperienced squad that lacks a couple of defenders and a goal scorer... I am sure JP knows this. BUT the cold hard fact is we are skint. As such expectations for this season for me were that we were developng a foundation - starting from nothing - but with hope. IF we were able to keep this squad together, playing as they are, but doing enough to stay up, add to it with a couple in the summer, my hopes for next season would be good - BUT its unlikley - I think the flaw in Lowe's strategy (which in an idealistic world I would support) is that in the CCC with the finances as they are, keeping this squad together will be impossible - so his belief in building a side that will mature together and thus progress is flawed - we will build a side and just when things start to click we will sell the best - a fact of CCC/lower league existence for 70 odd clubs without the cash - then try and build again - a vicious circle if ever there was one. Th irony is that these kids, whilst not all equally technically gifted, do show a spirit and attitude that is good to see, and JP for whatever faults is getting them playing football as it should be played - we lack a defender and a goalscorer for sure, but its easier to support a side that WANTS to play this way with kids that give a feck, than some sides in this division with their 'rough it up game plans' - whose squads make up for lack of finesse with brute strength. At the end of a very long day though it is about points and success that will drive attendences - which in turn will drive revenue and thus give us more chance of holding on the best talent we have and actually building on these foundations. For me that is currently the bigger worry than how we are playing - and I believe the flaw in the current plan... which is also the biggest shame as its been fecked by the modern greed in the game and the dying of the game outside the premier****e. spot on post
Andy_Porter Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I have seen the best and the worst football this season and really dont know how we can play exceptionally well against the likes of Reading, Derby and Birmingham and then play exceptionally badly against Swansea and Palace to name a few. We're such a Jekyll and Hyde team, Derby away was one of our best performances which was followed by Blackpool which was probably the worst. I really struggle to understand how the same players can play so much worse, ridiculously inconsistent.
lordswoodsaints Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 i am enjoying watching the football at the moment,but the final ball is absolute garbage. i am fed up of watching my team playing well and ending up with nothing.
Legod Third Coming Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 We are second worst scorers in the league. We have conceded the third worst number of goals. That tells its own story. We are not good enough as a unit - yet. Having said which, we have played brilliantly at times - for 60 minutes against Birmingham in the league. For long periods against Norwich. For long, long periods against Reading. For forty minutes against QPR. Why? Age and experience is my view. Maybe in one or two cases ability too. With age comes better decision making and wisdom. With experience comes knowledge. When we have more of both, we will be a good football team.
Thedelldays Posted 9 December, 2008 Author Posted 9 December, 2008 We are second worst scorers in the league. We have conceded the third worst number of goals. That tells its own story. We are not good enough as a unit - yet. Having said which, we have played brilliantly at times - for 60 minutes against Birmingham in the league. For long periods against Norwich. For long, long periods against Reading. For forty minutes against QPR. Why? Age and experience is my view. Maybe in one or two cases ability too. With age comes better decision making and wisdom. With experience comes knowledge. When we have more of both, we will be a good football team. playing great in a hand full of games or even halfs does not make us good...even derby did that last season and they were shocking
derry Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 FFS. Its not about passing the bloody ball sideways and backwards, we should only do that if there is nothing on. As soon as we win the ball we should be driving forward, like Surman did for BWP's goal on Saturday. As Palace did last night. Lallana and McGoldrick don't do this and continue to roam, consequently nobody out wide to drive down the flank. By the time we've made the mandatory ten crossfield passes involving most of the team, our opponents have everybody goalside. It's not bloody rocket science FFS. If Jan sat in the stand he would see a lot more, and maybe do a lot more.
Legod Third Coming Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 playing great in a hand full of games or even halfs does not make us good...even derby did that last season and they were shocking Er, is that not what I just said? Are you on auto-disagree... We have played some brilliant football. Your question did not ask whether we have the best TEAM. Lord help us - posters don't even read their own firking posts now... And we complain the manager and refs don't see things...
lordswoodsaints Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 FFS. Its not about passing the bloody ball sideways and backwards, we should only do that if there is nothing on. As soon as we win the ball we should be driving forward, like Surman did for BWP's goal on Saturday. As Palace did last night. Lallana and McGoldrick don't do this and continue to roam, consequently nobody out wide to drive down the flank. By the time we've made the mandatory ten crossfield passes involving most of the team, our opponents have everybody goalside. It's not bloody rocket science FFS. If Jan sat in the stand he would see a lot more, and maybe do a lot more. i think you are right,i hate sitting low in the stadium as you cant see fvck all,i prefer to sit nearer the back,higher up,as you can see the game unfold and with it all of the balls that should be made,perhaps jp should be doing this,or perhaps lowe should be given a walkie talkie.
Whitey Grandad Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that this tippy-tappy football is going to be the downfall of us. It's ponderously slow, all the action takes place in a 10-yard area that usually involves 3 or 4 of our players, and it does nothing to pull around the 'shape' of the opposition who have plenty of time to get goalside and organised. Last Saturday I mad a special effort to watch what was happening off the ball, away from all the pretty patterns, and there was precious little movement or threat to the other side, especially since our players were outnumbered because our midfielders were tied up in little pretty knots. On the occasions when we did manage to create some forward momentum and we were all crying out for a snappy forward pass it would all break down when Lallana or somebody would suddenly get dizzy and pass it back to the full-back who then rolled it back to Davis. I would encourage all those who are bewitched by this football to make an effort to look at the wider picture at what is happening (or not) on the rest of the pitch.
St Paul Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Some of the football we played in the play off season was very very good. Certainly better than we're seeing now. On our day we were the best side in the league, capable of taking any side apart. Now were just a bunch of kids who every other team will fancy bullying out of the game.Yes we pass the ball about nicely, but there's not one opposing Manager who'll not fancy his chances of 3 points when we play. There is no way we're tough enough mentally or phyiscally to do what we did at the end of last season. Point at WBA, then winning a tough home game to stay up. This league will swallow us up and spit us out, unless we toughen up, defend properly and realise the result is everything.
Legod Third Coming Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 I think we all agree last night was a disaster. But to say we play 'tippy-tappy' football is not true and not a fair reflection on what the lads are trying to do. One thing the opposition cannot do is score if they do not have the ball. Every succesful manager in the world understands that possession is ten tenths of the law... We, however, lack movement and people breaking into space forward so sometimes players revert to a short sideways or backwards pass when nothing is on in a forward position. It's understandable because we don't have the kind of striker that we can hit from distance!! They're on loan, different story... And the boys know it is better to keep the ball and loko for another opening. Last night Lallana hit a mighty 40 yard ball and landed it on Surman's chest in the box - he was pulled back but that's another story... Holmes, Morgan and James can all hit decent raking passes - we badly miss the former two when they are not playing. We lack penetration which comes from confidence and having the kind of strikers who can pull the opposition out of shape and create space. James did a good job last night of attacking the right flank but then didn't pick out anyone with a cross. BWP did the same down the left. Who was in the box waiting - answer no-one!!! Everyone understands that passing the ball around without inflicting damage on the opposition is irrelevant. But it is only from confidence on and with the ball that players will ever learn how to penetrate and score. What is our alternative? Direct football to strikers whose combined height is 4' 11"? And who still won't be in the right place!!! If the kids are left alone or encouraged to believe in the philosophy - one that they have been taught from a young age - it has a chance. If they are thrown to the wolves halfway through their education, they and we have no chance. Last night was not a reflection on whether our system works - otherwise you could equally base the decision solely on the Reading game and say we're world beaters. In recent games we have been undone by schoolboy errors from schoolboys - I will still not blame the symptom but the cause. We need some experience in attack, just as it has (yesterday aside) really improved our defence.
ALWAYS_SFC Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously? Not me, but i`m sure some will feel that way.
Saint Billy Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 Got to admit I even prefer direct football to this!
benjii Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 It's better than some of the bad stuff last year for about 20 minutes a match. It's nowhere near as good as under Redknapp or Burley prior to last season or some of the performances last season under Pearson.
krissyboy31 Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 WGS used to call it propaganda football. Look nice and tidy on the ball but have no end product. We are one dimensional making it easy for the opposition to defend against us.
beatlesaint Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 WGS used to call it propaganda football. Look nice and tidy on the ball but have no end product. We are one dimensional making it easy for the opposition to defend against us. Absolutely right. In the middle third of the pitch we look great, lovely passing and plenty of movement and options. Its when we get to the attacking third or defending third it all goes tits up !
St Marco Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 It's better than some of the bad stuff last year for about 20 minutes a match. It's nowhere near as good as under Redknapp or Burley prior to last season or some of the performances last season under Pearson. It would be interesting to hear what Pearson would of said if we had the performances we have had especially the past 4 games. I can imagine he would of told some of the players a few home truths if he were in charge! Pearson: DMG why did you not do what i told you to do? DMG: I didn't feel like it i can just imagine the reaction to that one
alpine_saint Posted 9 December, 2008 Posted 9 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously? Come off it TDD, we are playing superb attractive football. We can knock that little white thing round in the middle of the pitch and we never lose it in the net where the opposite team's goalie stands.
Saint 76er Posted 10 December, 2008 Posted 10 December, 2008 There seems to be a telling quote on the OS from Jan re Dean Gorre's appointment, in which Jan talks of his passion for playing the Johan Cruyff style of football and indicates Gorre will assist him with this. Problem is, Jan, that Cruyff and Dutch football at that time were way ahead of the game and the others were always playing catch up to them. Guess what... everyone else has long since caught up and overtaken them. I agree that Cruyffian football was more beautiful to watch and it worked a treat in that small window of opportunity thirty years ago when it took a gob smacked world by surprise. However, it stands to reason that professional opponents would quickly learn to neutralize it for the sake of winning games. These days I would guess any decent junior coach could tactically circumvent what Saints are playing and for good measure we simply don't have any players fit to lace up Cruyff's boots so how were we ever going to be expected to emulate that level of play? The only reason we are slightly above relo spots is probably due to Kelvin and has little or nothing to do with Jan's coaching. IMO Lowe's vindictiveness in getting rid of Pearson could have terrible consequences (forget the lie about money, we have just added another coach FFS!) Lowe + Jan = Pipedream.... sort it quick you two with tactics and players applicable to this league or we are doomed. League 1 and administration will do nothing for your precious shareholding Rupert Lowe (and stay out of Jan's way prior to matches as well).
um pahars Posted 10 December, 2008 Posted 10 December, 2008 I find it rather patronising, and also somewhat naive, to be continually told we are playing exciting and attacking football, only to look at the table to see we're in a relegation battle and a point a game!!!! For every win we have managed (and there's only been 5!!!), we have lost double that amount. In some ways, if people really believe this then they have lost sight of how much trouble we are in. As Lowe himself would say, watch what the hands are doing and this is a results driven business. And for those that compare it to last season, well two facts stand out for me: 1. At the same date in last season we were 10th. 2. In the second half of last season, which I think all sides agree was poor, our points tally was comparable to the start of this season. There's a time for the best football we have ever had and there's a time for getting results.
Thedelldays Posted 10 December, 2008 Author Posted 10 December, 2008 I find it rather patronising, . as do I...the usual apologists are the ones who say such things..and I tend to find the more riduclous statements that come out the more they are covering up....
Daren W Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 Sorry but i couldn't disagree with you more. This time last year we were 10th. Then the manager lost the plot. Last year in the last 20 games we dropped like a stone BUT we didn't lose many games. In fact as poor as it was we lost 18 games for the whole of last season. Won 13 and drew 15. Those stats are not flattering at all but the fact of the matter is when Pearson was in charge we actually had i believe the 13th best form, not relegation form. Now we have played 22 games and lost 10 of them. Won only 5 of 22. That is a lot worse then last year and if we maintain that rate into the 2nd half of the year would mean 10 wins from 46 games, think we can safely say we will be relegated from that. It is a complete myth that were playing great football. How do you define great football? Passing the ball to the half way line then losing it? That is how we play and our goals for shows that. We have scored only 8 at home and 11 away giving us already -13 Goal difference. That is equal worst in this league. Great football is played in the final 3rd where you create and score chances. The hardest part of football is to put the ball in the net and we don't have a clue how to do that. Playing in front of the opponents 11 with tip tap football does not make it great football. We at time have seriously poor defending moments mixed with no clue going forward, that in comparison to last year makes it a lot worse. For as poor as Burley was as least he understood to create chances you must have bodies up the pitch, they were not always the right bodies but we created chances and scored goals. We shipped a lot of goals to but the results were better and that is what counts. If we get relegated which with each game looks more and more likely we will be amongst it; what will this team be remembered for? The passion, the spectacular team goals, the determination, the skill etc..? I think it will be remembered as the worst Saints team in our after war history. You don't seriously believe that? Did you ever watch a Branfoot side?? They're a long way away from being the worst Saints team in our after war history....
Daren W Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 I find it rather patronising, and also somewhat naive, to be continually told we are playing exciting and attacking football, only to look at the table to see we're in a relegation battle and a point a game!!!! For every win we have managed (and there's only been 5!!!), we have lost double that amount. In some ways, if people really believe this then they have lost sight of how much trouble we are in. As Lowe himself would say, watch what the hands are doing and this is a results driven business. And for those that compare it to last season, well two facts stand out for me: 1. At the same date in last season we were 10th 2. In the second half of last season, which I think all sides agree was poor, our points tally was comparable to the start of this season. There's a time for the best football we have ever had and there's a time for getting results. But if you ask some posters on here you'd swear that Pearson was the anti christ, a one dimensional bootboy who'd pack the team with expensive, old players... Time will view Nigel Pearson quite kindly I think....
eelpie Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 We are playing moderately good football. Stronger, neater passing skills that Burley would have cried into his whisky glass for. The rest is just potential, not yet consistently of Championship standard, except between the sticks. But we do have in our employ players out on loan who could make a real difference. Doesn't it make you sick.
CB Fry Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 But if you ask some posters on here you'd swear that Pearson was the anti christ, a one dimensional bootboy who'd pack the team with expensive, old players... Time will view Nigel Pearson quite kindly I think.... Very true, but by the same token - and I say this as someone who saw faults in Pearson and Burley - if you ask some posters you'd swear the Burley era was one long unmitigated disaster and he destroyed the club etc...... If UP is right and we were tenth this time last year then that suggests something I have always said - the slide to relegation only really got going on Burley's departure and the lunatic appointment of Godd and Doorman because "the ship is steady" ("Football Man" Lawrie's words at the time) and then the appointment of Pearson just weeks later to "steady the ship" (again "Football Man" Lawrie's words at the time) were the things that plunged us into a relegation scrap. Burley's failure to do better than mid table nothingness is undoubtedly a faulure, but it was his departure rather than his presence that turned us into a seriously relegation threatened team. Burley was awful on what he was there to do (promote us) but he was good enough for us to finish solid mid table any day. Anyway, the point is we are currently rubbish and the past is the past. This "revolution" is creating a team that flatters to decieve and is more than likely to be relegated come May unless serious changes are made. I had to laugh at a few posters who said we would have won the Palace match "on points" if it was a boxing match! Nil-three, FFS. "Propaganda football" is working on some, no doubt. That is all!
Whitey Grandad Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 I had to laugh at a few posters who said we would have won the Palace match "on points" if it was a boxing match! Nil-three, FFS. "Propaganda football" is working on some, no doubt. We would only have won if points had been awarded for artistic impression.
um pahars Posted 11 December, 2008 Posted 11 December, 2008 (edited) If UP is right and we were tenth this time last year! Of course I'm right , here's the comparison lifted straight from the stats site: Southampton - 21st, The Championship Factfile League Record 2008-2009 Pld W D L F A GD GFA GAA PpG Pts Rank Home Record -------------11 1 5 5 8 13 -5 0.72 1.18 0.72 8 24 Away Record -------------11 4 2 5 11 19 -8 1.00 1.72 1.27 14 11 Overall Record ------------22 5 7 10 19 32 -13 0.86 1.45 1.00 22 21 League Record 2007-2008 [for the same period]PldWDLFAGDGFAGAAPpGPtsRank Home Record ---------------------------------11 5 3 3 16 13 3 1.45 1.18 1.63 18 6 Away Record ---------------------------------10 4 0 6 15 23 -8 1.50 2.30 1.20 12 13 Overall Record --------------------------------21 9 3 9 31 36 -5 1.47 1.71 1.42 30 10 And what is interesting is that: a) In 21 games we gained 1.4 points per game in the same period last season (up until 11/11/07). A pretty decent return. b) In Pearson's 13 real games we managed 16 points, which works out at 1.23 points per game. A not bad return, particular considering he inherited the following: c) Which means the bit in the middle from 11/11/07 until Pearson' s appointment we must have got 8 points from 12 games!!!! (that's even worse than our Jan!!!). Edited 11 December, 2008 by um pahars
eelpie Posted 12 December, 2008 Posted 12 December, 2008 do people really believe this? seriously? Surman: "We're not far off being a good team in this league." The lad has got it about right. BUT - and it is a massive 'but' - can Jan on his own resolve the weaknesses and issues we all know about only too well? Lowe needs to be more positive in his conversations with the bank and provide or bring back players that make the difference upfront. That is his role. Not on the pitch nor in the dressing room. And neither is it his role to capitulate to Premiership dosh. Stability and steady improvements to the team are what we need. Not knee-jerk grab-the-money cut-and-run decisions. Nor do we need more indifferent 'make-do' waste of money replacements brought in who are simply not good enough. Mr Lowe, January is where you may finally make or break your reputation for ever.
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