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Posted (edited)
do we actually have anti-semitism over here? I never met anyone who gives a fuck either way if people is Jewish or not.


I think we do now people have raised awareness of anti-semitism, before no one gave a toss but now we have people making us aware of it we have been told we care so can all be outraged by it, or something.

Edited by Turkish
The thing people seem to be Ignoring is that it has absolutely nothing to so with Jews, its a Tottenham thing.


Spurs are known as the Y word as they were from a largely Jewish area of London. Other London clubs used the term in chants so Spurs adopted it, in a similar way to how the odd Saints fan is referring to themselves (embarassingly) as a "scummer".


If Spurs had been in a predominantly Asian or black area this wouldn't be a problem because those terms are known to be offensive. Sadly peoples ignorance on the offensive Y word term is forcing Jewish fans of London clubs to sit through hissing when spurs come onto the pitch mimicking the sound of the gas chambers, and regular songs about Auscwitz coming from various sets of supporters.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express


Am I the only one who finds it weird that someone would be offended by a chant at the football? I mean not joining in fair enough or not thinking it is a good chant but is someone genuinely offended?

hissing when spurs come onto the pitch mimicking the sound of the gas chambers, and regular songs about Auscwitz


srlsy? I find this difficult to believe!


I still find difficult to believe! I reckon is bolllocks. Particularly the hissing thing like gas chamber! If I was there and people was doing it, it wouldn't even occur to me it was sposed to be gas chamber! And I can't see them doing it anyway! They'd look ridiculous!

I still find difficult to believe! I reckon is bolllocks. Particularly the hissing thing like gas chamber! If I was there and people was doing it, it wouldn't even occur to me it was sposed to be gas chamber! And I can't see them doing it anyway! They'd look ridiculous!


You could just lie anyway and say you were pretending to be a snake.

Spurs are known as the Y word as they were from a largely Jewish area of London. Other London clubs used the term in chants so Spurs adopted it, in a similar way to how the odd Saints fan is referring to themselves (embarassingly) as a "scummer".


If Spurs had been in a predominantly Asian or black area this wouldn't be a problem because those terms are known to be offensive. Sadly peoples ignorance on the offensive Y word term is forcing Jewish fans of London clubs to sit through hissing when spurs come onto the pitch mimicking the sound of the gas chambers, and regular songs about Auscwitz coming from various sets of supporters.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express


I get the whole thing about the hissing and "spurs are on their way to auchwitz" songs, they should be banned but seriously, calling Tottenham something they call themselves as a term of affection, how is this offensive?


There are two things people seem to be ignoring in their haste to be 'outraged' firstly its a Tottenham thing, not a Jewish thing, its a hatred of spurs, not of Jews.


Also what Jewish players have complained about anti Semitic abuse? If Yosi Benayoun or Ben Haim had been complaining about getting abuse then it might carry some weight, but have they? I can't recall it if they have.


People talk about raising awareness but it seems that its more a case of people being 'outraged' by something that isn't there. As i say I don't condone the auchwitz stuff but who really is offended by calling spurs fans Yids, when that is what they call themselves.


I remember when I went to pantomime + Captain Hook come on there was loads of people in audience giving him anti-semitic abuses, but yet again is just football fans being singled out

I remember when I went to pantomime + Captain Hook come on there was loads of people in audience giving him anti-semitic abuses, but yet again is just football fans being singled out


Hahahahaha. Brilliant Bearsy. Comedy Genius

I am offended by people who get offended on behalf of other people that they think should be offended but aren't


So the myriad of Jewish people on Talksport who said they were offended yesterday were lying about being offended....?


What is offensive is that some people are so ignorant to think something that doesn't offend them therefore shouldn't offend anyone else ever.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

So the myriad of Jewish people on Talksport who said they were offended yesterday were lying about being offended....?



No. They are people that are offended, not people that are offended on behalf of people that aren't. They don't offend me.


Our Language use is so very dynamic and it can soon become a emotive issue. Words that were once seen as merely descriptive and uncontroversial, such as Yiddish (a old Hebrew language) or Negro (Spanish for black), can over time acquire a derogatory overtone that shifts the meaning and renders their use unacceptable in polite society. Very obviously your typical football crowd is seldom classified among the ranks of polite society.


If this revolting story about the hissing is true then anyone engaging in such vile behavior is contemptible as far as I'm concerned. That kind of thing goes far beyond the limits of mere 'banter' does it not? Even at the somewhat less offensive end of the spectrum, those choosing to contract the word Yiddish down to 'Yid' display a similar mindset to the type who habitually choose to describe people of Pakistani origin as 'Pakies' - another term that is no longer considered to be acceptable by most decent people.


As for the idea that this business is yet another example of 'political correctness gone mad' and that Jewish people don't really find the term 'Yid' to be offensive ... well I take it on good authority that plenty of them are actually deeply offended by that. So unless you intend to victimize or cause offence to people of Jewish origin (there's another word used to describe that type of person) then it's probably best to avoid using the 'Y word' in future.


Having never called anyone a 'Yid' in my life, I for one can't see why that should be so much of a hardship to be frank.

When will it all end? What about when someone calls somebody a fat b@@@ard or curly etc etc


it sounds a facile point but if i was making a list of people needing protection in british society, i would have the fatties, gingers and people with poor oral hygiene way above the Jewish community. I don't reckon the Jews is suffering much!

Posted (edited)
U don't think anyone gives a stuff about Jewish people in this country. It's not different from any other race.


Ooh. There's a stickler.


Are Jewish people a race, or just a bunch of different racial groups that subscribe to the same religious beliefs, like Christianity?


The term "Yid" is derived from Yiddish, which is the language that was employed by Ashkenazi Jews.

Edited by pap
Posted (edited)
So the myriad of Jewish people on Talksport who said they were offended yesterday were lying about being offended....?


What is offensive is that some people are so ignorant to think something that doesn't offend them therefore shouldn't offend anyone else ever.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express


But it's not aimed at them (Jews) its aimed at spurs.


These people were offended that some people were calling other people who probably werent Jews 'yids'. It's like someone calling a white person a n*gger or p-ki and someone who was black or asian being offended by it.

Edited by Turkish
Our Language use is so very dynamic and it can soon become a emotive issue. Words that were once seen as merely descriptive and uncontroversial, such as Yiddish (a old Hebrew language) or Negro (Spanish for black), can over time acquire a derogatory overtone that shifts the meaning and renders their use unacceptable in polite society. Very obviously your typical football crowd is seldom classified among the ranks of polite society.


If this revolting story about the hissing is true then anyone engaging in such vile behavior is contemptible as far as I'm concerned. That kind of thing goes far beyond the limits of mere 'banter' does it not? Even at the somewhat less offensive end of the spectrum, those choosing to contract the word Yiddish down to 'Yid' display a similar mindset to the type who habitually choose to describe people of Pakistani origin as 'Pakies' - another term that is no longer considered to be acceptable by most decent people.


As for the idea that this business is yet another example of 'political correctness gone mad' and that Jewish people don't really find the term 'Yid' to be offensive ... well I take it on good authority that plenty of them are actually deeply offended by that. So unless you intend to victimize or cause offence to people of Jewish origin (there's another word used to describe that type of person) then it's probably best to avoid using the 'Y word' in future.


Having never called anyone a 'Yid' in my life, I for one can't see why that should be so much of a hardship to be frank.

One of my best mates is a Jewish Spurs fan from north London, he loves all the 'Yid Army' shouts that Spurs do, very proud of it, should he be banned from using the word?
One of my best mates is a Jewish Spurs fan from north London, he loves all the 'Yid Army' shouts that Spurs do, very proud of it, should he be banned from using the word?


That is the law yo! Alright your mate may not be personally offended, but there is lots of non-Jewish people who are offended on his behalf. I just watched a whole video about them! Frank Lampard, Gary Lineker, they are all very angar about the racist abuses your mate is saying about himself. Someone needs to protect people like Frank Lampard and Gary Lineker from having to put up with this. I hope ur mate does time.


The university I attended in South Africa has a similar story, they had a large number of Jewish students and were called the "ikey's" in a derogatory sense. To defuse this, the name was adopted as a badge of pride instead by the university and its teams. They still play under the moniker proudly and there has been no complaint from the Jewish community as they understand that, far from being an insult, it is in fact a symbol of the Jewish students refusing to be ashamed of who they were and being proud of their culture and history.


We don't sing about Auschwitz though to be fair...

sit through hissing when spurs come onto the pitch mimicking the sound of the gas chambers, and regular songs about Auscwitz coming from various sets of supporters.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express


What a load of b*llocks.


The hissing was most likely just "shhhh" - hear it all the time at St Marys when both sets of supporters go quiet.

What a load of b*llocks.


The hissing was most likely just "shhhh" - hear it all the time at St Marys when both sets of supporters go quiet.

Exactly. No-one would disagree that such things should be out-lawed, but they don't happen in English football grounds anymore and would have been very rare back in the 80s, with only Chelsea really playing up on it in a big way. If Nolan had read the link in the OP, he will see what this is about.
it sounds a facile point but if i was making a list of people needing protection in british society, i would have the fatties, gingers and people with poor oral hygiene way above the Jewish community. I don't reckon the Jews is suffering much!
Lol, but calling names can hurt a ginger as much a a Jew. It is just erosion. I suspect the fans who sing the Y word would never think about gassing or genocide, just taunting the opposition fans. it is mob culture, 1to 1 and you rarely get any greif

Seems like another case of "it happens at football, so it's ok". For some reason some people seem to think that whatever happens at football isn't governed by the common rules of decency. If it's not right to use the word Yid away from a football context, then it shouldn't be right at football.

Seems like another case of "it happens at football, so it's ok". For some reason some people seem to think that whatever happens at football isn't governed by the common rules of decency. If it's not right to use the word Yid away from a football context, then it shouldn't be right at football.


I've never heard the term used in any other way but a football context.


its all b0110cks

Pakastanis are pakis, the same way as people from Sweden are swedes, australians are ausies, polish are poles. Eh?

Heard someone got done for calling a french guy a frog. WTF


Can we prosecute anyone calling us a Pom or a Limie? No, its no big deal.


Who the hell really cares about the term Yids being chanted at some games. I am sure its people that dont go and dont hear it. Just wanna stir it up. The f00king PC brigade.


Rant over

its all b0110cks

Pakastanis are pakis, the same way as people from Sweden are swedes, australians are ausies, polish are poles. Eh?

Heard someone got done for calling a french guy a frog. WTF


Can we prosecute anyone calling us a Pom or a Limie? No, its no big deal.


Who the hell really cares about the term Yids being chanted at some games. I am sure its people that dont go and dont hear it. Just wanna stir it up. The f00king PC brigade.


Rant over


Yea agree mate! So I can use this all correctly, how do you tell that someone is from Pakistan? Bit worried that if I call the next brown person I meet a Paki they might not be from there? Do you ask first?

I just mix it up diggers. Sometimes I use Indi sometimes bangi others shilanki and sometimes paki. This way you have been fair and have a decent chance of getting it right now and again.


It's a shame that you even have to. It's bloody PC gone mad.


Yeah I know! I was once having a chat with this Iranian guy and I was like "you pakies..." And he said "I'm not a paki" so I was like "yeah whatever, it's all the same ain't it?" And he said "no I'm not from Pakistan I'm Pursian." I was like "for gods sake! I'm sick of this PC gone mad stuff. You're a paki I'm a Japi, lets just get on with it".


I couldn't believe how dumb he was.


Same thing happened to me recently. I was walking down the street and I saw this blond hair, blue eyed bloke coming towards me. As he got closer I heard what I thought was a Swedish accent so I just shouted at him "**** OFF BACK HOME YOU DIRTY ****ING SWEDE". Turned out the guy was from Norway.


I've never been so embarrassed.

Yes, it is. Spurs fans refer to themselves as Yids. The only time I've ever heard the term Yid is in reference to Spurs.


Fair enough, you don't have the experience of others.

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