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Alot of rumours flying about...


Most are thinking that it could be an annoucement for MGS4 port to the 360.


Another strong one is that it's an "Ac!d" title being put on the iPhone or DSi.


Or it could just be that MGS5 is going multi-platform. Which wouldn't surprise me in the least. Barely any 3rd Party studios commit to one system anymore.


Indeed it is however the colours are different. e.g red for Wii, Blue for PS3 and green for the 360. Personally i haven't a clue what it will be but i think the fact they chose that colour is a bit clever; they knew there had been rumours of MGS4 going to 360 for a long time and by having a teaser with MS green would obviously generate publicity. If it was just a simple piece of news about another Acid release for the PSP then people would not really care seeing as Acid 2 only sold 100k worldwide in 3 years. So either way the devs knew by doing it like that would generate publicity even if it wasen't anything at all for 360.

So i doubt it will be the MGS4 announcement for 360 as it is too soon from the release of it on PS3.

An interesting thing though that people have noted is if you turn your 360 on it's side you can see the memory card slots and the two sensors make the symbol of one exclamation mark upside down next to one the right way up. So again very clever marketing.

So if i had to take a guess at it i think the key word there would be "Next" so must mean something new. Possibly something for xbox live arcade.


My m8 in LA thinks there could be some sort of announcement about this tonight at the VGA awards (video game awards). She seems to think it could be that Hideo Kojima will get some sort of award for Metal Gear Solid 4 then confirm the new game. If that is true i would bet it is the 360 announcement seeing as the VGA's are a massive american event watched by millions on Spike tv. Seeing as in america the 360 has sold near 15m units compared to just 6m for the PS3 would make a lot of sense to announce it on 360 due to it's large user base there.

If anyone is interested in watching the awards it is being hosted by Jack Black this year and can be watched here http://www.spike.com/event/vga/ at around 2am.

There will be some big exclusives with an expected 10 world exclusive titles being announced and shown. Confirmed are 1st look at God of War 3, Fight Night round 4 and a Gears 2 announcement. Plus first look at Mafia 2 which i can't wait for personally! Also rumoured maybe 1st look at Uncharted 2.

bet your mortage on a PC release


Could be but Cliffy B said they had no plans to bring it to PC a few months back. But it is definatly something you would expect eventually. It could just be the announcement of some map pack or something. They say there is a HUGE surprise going to be announced on that website.


GTA4 was fun but once it was over i never went back to it, the old GTA's had you playing for years. Personally i felt Fallout 3 should of won. As for the multi-platform comment it has always been multi-platform and actually the 360 version was better then the PS3 version. Eurogamer did a scientific comparison and the 360 out perfomed it in every section.


Either way i think i've played better games then GTA4 this year, had more fun with Ninja Gaiden 2 then i did with that and i've still not completed it!

Typical saints fans...


Indeed. But this one im told thinks he is the epitome of cool and a post whore whatever that is. Someone who hangs around post boxes?

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