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We're in sharm


Camel Bar?


BTW just keep your heads down and eyes open Polish Press reported some concerns/warnings about Hurghada in the last week. Sharm is pretty well covered but better safe than sorry


We are in the jive bar in nabq bay. Have armed police outside the hotel but the biggest danger is keep my temper down from smacking a Russian. They are the biggest bunch of **** heads I have ever had the displeasure of being on holiday with. The locals hate them with good reason.they love the brits

Very weird here. Sharm is a world away from the troubles in the rest the country. Feel very sorry for the staff as they have all have family in Cairo and Alex


It's all very different from Sky/BBC when you are actually with people that are worried for their families.


Enjoy the game! Hope you find an ENG language, if not the Arabic tater's cry of LAMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT when he scores is worth the trip alone


In Fethiye, Turkey, sat by my pool about to get up, showered and out. Have discovered Al Jazerra, every game on, awesome coverage. Have found a bar willing to have us on. Will cost me 6 pints of Efes. Not a problem....


Up the Saints!

I'm in Cyprus, watched srl notch weds from the same bar, so fingers crossed. Just heading up there now


Ha, I'm going to the same bar as Weds for that reason exactly. Owner thought I was a loon the way I celebrated SRL's goal, invited me back for today on promise I get boozed up again. As I say, not a problem...

Very weird here. Sharm is a world away from the troubles in the rest the country. Feel very sorry for the staff as they have all have family in Cairo and Alex


Love Sharm. Best diving in the world for me.


Currently on the Coral Coast in Fiji. Woke up at 2 am on the nose and watched the full 95... The mrs wasn't so impressed but was well worth it

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