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Save our Stripes campaign - T-Shirt now available

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Posted (edited)
I'm relaxed, as always. So have you thrown the towel in? Given up? No belief in your convictions?


It's a good job Noah didn't quit when a few people Questions his motives otherwise he'd have never built the ark and the human race would have been wiped out.


Noah had the will of god behind him. I have the will of.... well, seemingly no-one. Despite the indicated numbers of people who want stripes as our kit there has been no uptake of support. I was the wrong person to try the campaign, that much is clear.

Edited by Colinjb
Noah had the will of god behind him. I have the will of.... well, seemingly no-one. Despite the indicated numbers of people who want stripes as our kit there has been no uptake of support. I was the wrong person to try the campaign, that much is clear.


I expect most of them just didn't buy the new shirt.

Well, at least the first sentence was reasonably positive.


Frankly, the focus on me personally rather then the point of the campaign is a shame. Particularly from people who do want a return to our traditional colours.


Am I the right person to front up something along these lines? Probably not in fairness. It has however astounded me that no-one, and I mean, no-one else, despite the moaning and disappointment when the shirt design was released hasn't tried to focus this and make the desire for the stripes to remain to be more visible. It was a hope of mine that based on the obvious numbers that did want this that the campaign would snowball from the initial effort I made, this obviously isn't happening.


Regarding the T-Shirt design itself, that was chosen after a vote on a some member submitted designs was held on the Save our stripes facebook page. As was the nominated charity. No-one is forcing people to buy them it was however a logical way of keeping things visible.


Do I feel proud? How I feel is irrelevant. This should be about something the majority of fans want. Obviously people don't care. It was evidently a mistake on my part to try.


Oh mate, don't get all down, I was only messing. It's from dragons den. Keep up the good work soldier!

Oh mate, don't get all down, I was only playing (sort of). It's from dragons den. Keep up the good work soldier!


ur penance is to buy SOS shirt. I have not received mine yet but I'm sure it is quality! I'm gonna save it for special occasions, like weddings+funerals.

Noah had the will of god behind him. I have the will of.... well, seemingly no-one. Despite the indicated numbers of people who want stripes as our kit there has been no uptake of support. I was the wrong person to try the campaign, that much is clear.


My protest consisted of not buying the shirt. My protest has therefore achieved a hell of a lot more than yours and for much less effort. You could have joined in too but chose not to.

My protest has therefore achieved a hell of a lot more than yours


You are incorrect, the SOS movement is increasing public awareness of us not having stripes on kit! My girlfriend for example is gonna come home one day and say "What the fuck are you wearing?" and then she will be educated in excruciating detail bout all the stripes that Cortese is keeping locked up in SMS dungeons. Free Nelson Stripes!

Posted (edited)

Post 3 in thread from Dubai Phil, "Everyone has been out shopping today and will all be wearing Lambert 20 England shirts in Protest instead"


This will be more of a celebration than a protest.


The issue is not dead. I not buy this year's shirt and I wore R&W stripes to yesterday's game as a form of protest.

Edited by red&white56
Post 3 in thread from Dubai Phil, "Everyone has been out shopping today and will all be wearing Lambert 20 England shirts in Protest instead"


This will be more of a celebration than a protest.


The issue is not dead. I not buy this year's shirt and I wore R&W stripes to yesterday's game as a form of protest.


That was intended to be slightly tongue in cheek :)


But saw one up close for the first time yesterday and it is even worse than I thought.


My protest is that their take from my trip back will be 80 quid down on last year as neither myself nor Mrs D_P want to be seen out in public in one of those nasties.


I think that the slogan is brilliant.


HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? is so catchy and witty, I reckon Colin is probably out of pocket from employing the team of writers who came up with this.


And what's more, everyone is saying it now. Everywhere I go, Saints fans are chanting 'Have you seen them?'. It's graffitied all over Southampton too. 'Have you seen them?'



I think that the slogan is brilliant.


HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? is so catchy and witty, I reckon Colin is probably out of pocket from employing the team of writers who came up with this.


And what's more, everyone is saying it now. Everywhere I go, Saints fans are chanting 'Have you seen them?'. It's graffitied all over Southampton too. 'Have you seen them?'




If you are going to be sarcastic at least get the slogan correct.

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