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Are people more interested in Wednesdays international now?

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There was a thread posted some time ago, maybe round time of the last euros which was along the lines of who are you more interested in, Saints or England. This is when we were in league 1 or championship and the resounding view was Saints.


I made a comment that should cortese prem dream come true we will be likely to see more internationals, and with our academy hopefully English. The more saints players in the England team I'm sure the more interested saints fans will be.


Now is perfect time to test this theory. Who will now watch tomorrows friendly solely based on Lambert featuring, and if he had t of been selected would you have bothered watching?


I'm only interested now that RL has been picked for the squad - never been bothered when there's no Saints representation.


Same applies to the other countries our players are picked for...utterly meaningless without a Saints presence.


Now that SRL is likely to feature I shall not only be interested, I shall probably watch the match.


Earlier in the day my interest will be in the Japan v Uruguay game. The phrase "I am interested in the Japan v Uruguay game" isn't something I would normally post on an internet forum but life has its little ways of surprising us all, doesn't it?


Haven't watched an England friendly for about 8 years. Simply not worth farting around trying to find a feed or paying 8 quid a pint to watch garbage.


This one is a deffo. The gang are gathering down the pub (and using Eric's discount card 8) )


Would I feel the same if it was Clyne or Cork's first game? No, I'd try and get them on the telly or a stream. Think because it is SRL and what he has done to get there that makes this one worth the effort, perhaps the whole shared journey from L1 makes it much more.


Think of us tomorrow. In the winter we have THE best bar in the world to watch Saints on the beach. This time of year it is half closed and has no air conditioning. It'll be around 40C and 85% humidity, but we'll be ready & waiting for SRL's 15 minutes of fame chasing hoofballs from whatever keeper comes on for the last few minutes


Haven't planned to watch an England friendly for years (i.e. have caught the odd 20 mins here and there but only when I've had nothing better to do). Very much planning to watch this one, I've even purchased some beer.


I've been given a club Wembley hospitality ticket so am looking forward to sitting and watching the game, eating some prawn sarnies and cheering Rickie on (not too loudly obviously)

There was a thread posted some time ago, maybe round time of the last euros which was along the lines of who are you more interested in, Saints or England. This is when we were in league 1 or championship and the resounding view was Saints.


I made a comment that should cortese prem dream come true we will be likely to see more internationals, and with our academy hopefully English. The more saints players in the England team I'm sure the more interested saints fans will be.


Now is perfect time to test this theory. Who will now watch tomorrows friendly solely based on Lambert featuring, and if he had t of been selected would you have bothered watching?


It makes no difference to me at all, always watch England live matches.


I havent watched an England friendly in decades, but this was earmarked the moment SRL got called up. Then I end up with work booked tomorrow night, ffs. Should be back for the second half.


I would not have bothered with it. In fact, I would almost certainly have been travelling at the time.


Now, I will make an effort to delay my travelling. I am intrigued to see how he is deployed by Hodgson. To be honest, I am probably being a little naive. I suspect he will be poorly utilised and, unless he smashes one in from 25 yards, will probably be subject to dodgy press reviews afterwards. Hope I am wrong though!


Love my country and proud to be English. Have followed us all over the world and always will.


Club over country types tend to be modern day footie fans that need the excess of 24hr news updates on their club side blinkered to the uplift a good national side could have on their fellow Englishmen. Sad really but a sign of modern, selfish times maybe?


Those that follow England away look to their fellow man and see genuine football fans, supporting clubs that are unfashionable (like us) through to the big boys when abroad, you meet other fans and they will talk football (with a proper grasp of history, unlike most modern type football manager morons) all night - oh and say how they wished Le God got a better run in the 3 lions (Le God being a universally liked player when you speak to others, he's more f an Ambassador than the QE2)!


Personally I'm proud of Rickie, hopefully the day trippers up to Wembley will see him abroad in a proper Match, he deserves a competitive game IMO. Certain he will impress most and do what we expect from him.


Up the Saints

Up the England



Tried to get tickets after he was called up, but to no avail. Probably would have flicked over to see the score before hand but now i'm going down the pub to watch it.


Definitely. I couldn't give two craps about England friendlies, and only patriotically support them in qualifiers and tournaments, but Rickie being called up has given me reason to watch tomorrow night, and thankfully I'm not working so can watch it.


I'm a Saints fan first and foremost, and a distant England fan after that.

Love my country and proud to be English. Have followed us all over the world and always will.


Club over country types tend to be modern day footie fans that need the excess of 24hr news updates on their club side blinkered to the uplift a good national side could have on their fellow Englishmen. Sad really but a sign of modern, selfish times maybe?


I admire your passion for supporting England and to some extent I envy it. Watching the devotion of fans of other nations has also often had me wishing I could feel the same level of pride towards my country. I'm a Saints fan of 30 years, not a 'modern day footie fan' but I simply can't get emotional about supporting England. This is due to (1) a succession of uninspiring national managers picking the same old players and (2) the fact that the squad is almost entirely comprised of players I do not admire and cannot bring myself to support. Hodgson picking players like Raheem Stirling and Jonjo Shelvey in recent squads has only strengthened this view.


Having said that I hope Lambert goes and smashes the Scots apart and will hope he can trail-blaze a path for some other unfashionable types! (I won't hold my breath)

Definitely. I couldn't give two craps about England friendlies, and only patriotically support them in qualifiers and tournaments, but Rickie being called up has given me reason to watch tomorrow night, and thankfully I'm not working so can watch it.


I'm a Saints fan first and foremost, and a distant England fan after that.

Certainly this, when you see some of the crap that have earned an England cap it devalues it big time. To see a hard working pro that has come up through the divisions because of hard work makes this worth while and because he's one of ours makes it more special


Used to go to all the England matches home and away until McLaren's dismal reign. since then couldn't give a monkey's

Will be going out and finding a bar to watch it now Lambert is involved. Just hope he gets a game.


Was going to go to Wembley for this one, being a Scotland fan it's not often we get to play the Auld Enemy (as we don't tend to qualify for tournaments anymore). Unfortunately i've been called into work. Will see if I can get a link on my phone though so I can watch a few minutes at a time when I "nip out back".

Definitely. I couldn't give two craps about England friendlies, and only patriotically support them in qualifiers and tournaments, but Rickie being called up has given me reason to watch tomorrow night, and thankfully I'm not working so can watch it.


I'm a Saints fan first and foremost, and a distant England fan after that.


My view mirrors this.

I've been given a club Wembley hospitality ticket so am looking forward to sitting and watching the game, eating some prawn sarnies and cheering Rickie on (not too loudly obviously)




And when he scores?:-)


Having made it to 3am (aus time - Ashes rhythm), if I stayed awake another 2 hours, would I be able to watch the match? Or, I realise, it is tomorrow. :-( I will have to repeat tomorrow night.


I can't recall a saints player ever making a real impact in an England game (pre 1980s), maybe oldsters can tell us when Saints were a force in th England team!

I admire your passion for supporting England and to some extent I envy it. Watching the devotion of fans of other nations has also often had me wishing I could feel the same level of pride towards my country. I'm a Saints fan of 30 years, not a 'modern day footie fan' but I simply can't get emotional about supporting England. This is due to (1) a succession of uninspiring national managers picking the same old players and (2) the fact that the squad is almost entirely comprised of players I do not admire and cannot bring myself to support. Hodgson picking players like Raheem Stirling and Jonjo Shelvey in recent squads has only strengthened this view.


Having said that I hope Lambert goes and smashes the Scots apart and will hope he can trail-blaze a path for some other unfashionable types! (I won't hold my breath)


Some decent points in there I agree with if I'm honest. At least you've been, seen and done it. Unlike most morons on here that can't see beyond their club side as they are too busy tweeting fake football agents about Osvaldo. Modern football at its worst, will no doubt be all over the ferries at the Euros in 3 years time making it harder for the regulars with a new found sense of patriotism. Only clubs you don't see represented abroad are the scousers (not fair on EFC really but you get my point), the day we turn into England hating republicans like them is the day I am ashamed to be a Sotonian.


Luckily we are well represented abroad, unsurprisingly by a hard core that do every Saints game home and away. These people are football fans first, Saints and England after that (in no order), "club before country" types tend to be the sort that get their fix from Sky Sports or Internet streams in my experience.


Up the Saints

Up the England


Was going to go to Wembley for this one, being a Scotland fan it's not often we get to play the Auld Enemy (as we don't tend to qualify for tournaments anymore). Unfortunately i've been called into work. Will see if I can get a link on my phone though so I can watch a few minutes at a time when I "nip out back".


Do One Stop appreciate how committed you are that you turned down a ticket for the first England v Scotland game in 14 years for a shift in their store?

. Who will now watch tomorrows friendly solely based on Lambert featuring, and if he had t of been selected would you have bothered watching?


Darn right !...I wouldn't have gone out of my way to watch young players from the top six clubs who hardly get off the bench in their club games....and then get given an England shirt as though it were a PR giveway from Tesco.


I don't know how many England games Rickie will end up getting but he deserves every one of them ...

Darn right !...I wouldn't have gone out of my way to watch young players from the top six clubs who hardly get off the bench in their club games....and then get given an England shirt as though it were a PR giveway from Tesco.


I don't know how many England games Rickie will end up getting but he deserves every one of them ...


Go watch an England game in person, watch one of the fully paid up "top 4 player that couldn't give a ****" players like Jack Wilshire play his heart out then tell me he doesn't care.


Disgusting and every bit as ignorant as the 99% on here that complain our players get no recognition as no one watches/ gives a *** about players from outside the biggest clubs.


Blame the media for expecting bigger things or the Spanish for setting new standards. Most (not all admittedly) of our lads at least try, hate it when people write them off without bothering going to games and seeing the effort they put in off the ball. Like some of our more outspoken morons on here that slag Saints off without actually going to games and getting info from dodgy streams.


Up the Saints

Up the England



Now is perfect time to test this theory. Who will now watch tomorrows friendly solely based on Lambert featuring, and if he had t of been selected would you have bothered watching?


I'd have watched anyway, it's England v Scotland, but I'm a lot more interested in how Lambert does than any of the other players.


Used to go to England matches time we played from about 2007-2009, be part of Englandfans+ and everything but just can't be arsed with all the hassle going upto Wembley these days.

Go watch an England game in person, watch one of the fully paid up "top 4 player that couldn't give a ****" players like Jack Wilshire play his heart out then tell me he doesn't care.


Disgusting and every bit as ignorant as the 99% on here that complain our players get no recognition as no one watches/ gives a *** about players from outside the biggest clubs.


Blame the media for expecting bigger things or the Spanish for setting new standards. Most (not all admittedly) of our lads at least try, hate it when people write them off without bothering going to games and seeing the effort they put in off the ball. Like some of our more outspoken morons on here that slag Saints off without actually going to games and getting info from dodgy streams.


Up the Saints

Up the England



Why were England fans booing Rooney and the team in South Africa.


Of course, it's against the Jocks, I've been wishing for this fixture for years. But now Rickie is likely to play there's an extra incentive. It'll be 3am where I am (China) and if Rickie scores I'll go nuts.

Why were England fans booing Rooney and the team in South Africa.


Because we were drawing against Algeria and failed to score a goal, we were playing **** and the team looked like it could not be ****ed, all this after spending £10,000 to get there, fans were well within their rights to boo, yet again England fans were out there in ther 1000's, no other Country on the planet travels like we do and for what? Success?


In response to the original question - you bet your life I am!!


Can't remember the last time I watched an England Friendly - probably pre Japan / Korea World Cup, Eng v Germany played in Doha, but watched here in Dubai. It was the "support act" to Matt Le Tissier Evening Dinner & Speech at The Emirates Golf Course. Matt took time off to come and sit on our table for nearly half an hour. Told us to get to the Dessert Buffet before he did, otherwise there wouldn't be much left for us :lol:


Hotdog Sausage Roll,

Come on on Rickie score a goal!!

In response to the original question - you bet your life I am!!


Can't remember the last time I watched an England Friendly - probably pre Japan / Korea World Cup, Eng v Germany played in Doha, but watched here in Dubai. It was the "support act" to Matt Le Tissier Evening Dinner & Speech at The Emirates Golf Course. Matt took time off to come and sit on our table for nearly half an hour. Told us to get to the Dessert Buffet before he did, otherwise there wouldn't be much left for us :lol:


Hotdog Sausage Roll,

Come on on Rickie score a goal!!


Think that wasn't Germany, more likely Brazil, but then MLT downed those Malibu's so fast it was a nightmare trying to keep up and remember anything! Must try and dig up the photo of him with the flag for the FB page.


Now where the hell did I put THAT?

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