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RUPERT LOWE insists Southampton are winning their battle for survival.

And the Saints supremo says they are on a better financial footing since the new board took over in May.

In the last financial year losses were put at £4.9million. But Lowe said: “The operational performance in that period was entirely down to the previous board.

“The only justification for this would have been promotion but, in the event, we narrowly avoided relegation.

“The important point to highlight is that costs have been cut and a more responsible approach has been taken in order to return the company to a sustainable financial model.

“Drawing Manchester United in the FA Cup on January 4 will help the process.”

  chocco boxo said:
Self promoting Hockey playing ****
yes it is self promoting, no different to LC or MW saying what they said. I hope what he says is true and we are starting to run the club in a professional manner.
  nickh said:
yes it is self promoting, no different to LC or MW saying what they said. I hope what he says is true and we are starting to run the club in a professional manner.

TYpical Lowe, blame everyone else but don't accept any responsibility. And how can he continue to work with the Quisling, when he had as much responsibility, if not more, than Lowe? It beggars belief that Lowe continues to blame Crouch, when the real blame lies with his partner in crime Wilde, and also that people continue to believe that these two, who between them are responsible for all the financial woe will somehow mircaulously get us out of the mess. Wilde out, and take Lowe with you please, two failed businessmen at the helm is too much to bear.

  nickh said:
yes it is self promoting, no different to LC or MW saying what they said. I hope what he says is true and we are starting to run the club in a professional manner.


Do you believe what he says though? cos hope isn't much to go on ;)

  VectisSaint said:
TYpical Lowe, blame everyone else but don't accept any responsibility. And how can he continue to work with the Quisling, when he had as much responsibility, if not more, than Lowe? It beggars belief that Lowe continues to blame Crouch, when the real blame lies with his partner in crime Wilde, and also that people continue to believe that these two, who between them are responsible for all the financial woe will somehow mircaulously get us out of the mess. Wilde out, and take Lowe with you please, two failed businessmen at the helm is too much to bear.
Is he blaming Crouch? I thought he was pointing the finger at what excesses went on after he was ousted.

I will point to Longshots leaked internal memo where it is mentioned about LC's excesses though.

  Mr X said:
Do you believe what he says though? cos hope isn't much to go on ;)
Perhaps I worded it badly. I would be confident that he would keep to his word. For all his faults he does have an honourable code and he could have sold his shares at a premium but wouodnt do so unless all were offered the same.Many will scoff but I would happy to do business with him because he would keep to what he agreed.

Now as all things ,he has not stated none will be sold whatever but we dont need to sell and if they wish to stay they can.

If you were happy in your work and asked you might say 'im very happy here and dont want to leave.' but the next day a more glamourous company headhunted you at high er pay is suspect youd go

  paris said:
RUPERT LOWE insists Southampton are winning their battle for survival.

And the Saints supremo says they are on a better financial footing since the new board took over in May.

In the last financial year losses were put at £4.9million. But Lowe said: “The operational performance in that period was entirely down to the previous board.

“The only justification for this would have been promotion but, in the event, we narrowly avoided relegation.

“The important point to highlight is that costs have been cut and a more responsible approach has been taken in order to return the company to a sustainable financial model.

“Drawing Manchester United in the FA Cup on January 4 will help the process.”

i agree they have taken the action which should have been taken last season under dulieu and his gangs mismangement of finances,which has led to the firesale of players now.and i

hope we have something to build on now and can get a investor in.


Lowe is so perfect in his deluded mind, I am sure that he has never got less than full

marks in anything he has ever done. After all he has never made a mistake in his entire

life, as that is always down to everyone else.

  corsacar saint said:
Lowe is so perfect in his deluded mind, I am sure that he has never got less than full

marks in anything he has ever done. After all he has never made a mistake in his entire

life, as that is always down to everyone else.


so..what part of the article do you disagree with...?

Posted (edited)

He is one of very few people who will actually know how we are looking financially. A lot of vultures are circling in the hope we go belly up so they can pick up our key assetts for peanuts.


I'm quite gald he is going out there and saying this. Lowe may be one to use a bit of spin, but to outright lie? No.


I'm no fan of Lowe, far from it, but had he not said anything he would be bad, now he has said this he is bad, for pities sake....

Edited by Colinjb

If never ceases to amaze me that Lowe can quite happily look back and blame the previous board and not expect people to look back further and look at his first tenure. We are where we are - shut the **** up about the past. The only thing the past is good for is learning from your mistakes which Lowe will never do as he will never acknowledge them.

  Billy ****e said:
If never ceases to amaze me that Lowe can quite happily look back and blame the previous board and not expect people to look back further and look at his first tenure. We are where we are - shut the **** up about the past. The only thing the past is good for is learning from your mistakes which Lowe will never do as he will never acknowledge them.


That is extremely frustrating, but hardly surprising that he accepts no blame. But then again, it could be some misguided attempt to not appear weak.


At least he is making positive noises now though. THAT is utterly crucial.

  Colinjb said:
He is one of very few people who will actually know how we are looking financially. A lot of vultures are circling in the hope we go belly up so they can pick up our key assetts for peanuts.


In this instance I think he might be doing exactly what he did when we first went down and people came sniffing.


At that point he knew we were desperate, but he went in the press saying no one had to be sold (particularly at that time Crouch) which helped to ensure we didn't sell on the cheap.


In that instance I didn't have a problem with that bit of spin as ultimately it was for the good of the Club (in that it helped us get a good wedge).


Therefore if it's the same bit of spin, then I can't complain. But of course if it is spin and we do have to ship out the talented ones, then it won't make it any easier to swallow (particularly if they really don't want to go).


True to his ego, as the Man Utd game gets closer the more he will take centre stage.

It is all show for this man and not one ounce of love for the Saints..Me, Me and lots more Me...Lowey where is The Football Club Chairman.... You should be in the background as Chair of The PLC but you can't resist it, can you.


The Lowey Luvvies/Agents/I have sat at the Top Table, Merchants, please have a word with your master.

  Colinjb said:
At least he is making positive noises now though. THAT is utterly crucial.


As I have said above, I have no problem wth the positive noises as ultimately it could be for the benefit of the Club (at least financially).


But as Billy points out, he just can't help himself from laying the blame on everyone else, and conveniently forgetting so much happened whilst he was in charge and bullshi77ting about how it's bad when players left under others, but when it happens under him there's nothing you can do about it.


He certainly has appeared to have popped up following his initial period of radio silence but sadly the stations content is still the same and own goals are once again being give airplay.

  ottery st mary said:
...Lowey where is The Football Club Chairman.... You should be in the background as Chair of The PLC but you can't resist it, can you.

There is one thing worse than having Lowe spouting forth with his me me me attitude, and that is having Wilde do it instead. we have a puppet for a FC Chairman, and it can't be long before even the puppet realises that he is being attacked by Lowe in his statements and made to look even more stupid than he actually is (if thats possible). Please don't encourage the Quisling to poke his head above the parapet to make more embarrassing statements. I can put up with Lowe, because we know his style and can ignore it, but Wilde just makes my blood boil these days.:)


It is true that Wildey really can't see how he is being ridiculed by every statement that Lowey makes.

He is not going to get his money back as was promised and he gets very little of the Limelight he thought he would get running the football chair...He has effectively been elbowed out by the lame pretend business man and his mob....I really can't see how Wildey will put up with this much longer..His moment of glory leading up to Man Utd is being stolen by Lowey who is now right out there at every oppurtunity, like the old days...Lowey no one loves you for it and Wildey must be spitting teeth....Wait for the

hand bag fight shortly....Lowey will get in the ring with Wildey but not Crouchey for some reason...I can just see the corner men sponging and rubbing Lowey down between rounds...Step forward, NickG/nickh/dragonov/up and away/jonah and The Lavender Hill Mob...you will have to take turns to towel him down....Saturday night is for fun pixies...


Thanks for the post Tdd.


The only bit I'm interested in at the moment is whether it's true that we are in a much better position to stay afloat! I want to believe we are.......

  Le Goddard said:
Also, it seems that the damage was done when the wages werent slashed as our parachute payment ran out.


I don't doubt for one minute that some damage was done when Hone and Co did not implement Plan B last summer, BUT the real damage was done when we were relegated.


The tens of millions lost from falling from the top table dwarfs the few million overspent last season (which in no way condones that stupid overspend, just pointing out where the real damage was done).

  ottery st mary said:
It is true that Wildey really can't see how he is being ridiculed by every statement that Lowey makes.

He is not going to get his money back as was promised and he gets very little of the Limelight he thought he would get running the football chair...He has effectively been elbowed out by the lame pretend business man and his mob....I really can't see how Wildey will put up with this much longer..His moment of glory leading up to Man Utd is being stolen by Lowey who is now right out there at every oppurtunity, like the old days...Lowey no one loves you for it and Wildey must be spitting teeth....Wait for the

hand bag fight shortly....Lowey will get in the ring with Wildey but not Crouchey for some reason...I can just see the corner men sponging and rubbing Lowey down between rounds...Step forward, NickG/nickh/dragonov/up and away/jonah and The Lavender Hill Mob...you will have to take turns to towel him down....Saturday night is for fun pixies...


Quality. Lowey, Wildey and Crouchey. Who are the fun pixies though?


It's a shame the ever popular and brilliant Lowe didn't tell us what the average attendance is now compared with seasons past........


LOL at the man's delusional arrogance.

  ottery st mary said:
.Step forward, NickG/nickh/dragonov/up and away/jonah and The Lavender Hill Mob...you will have to take turns to towel him down....Saturday night is for fun pixies...
Well to put in the same category as intelligent posters like Nick G , Draganov , Up and Away and Jonah is a plus and so Im more than happy to be associated with them.

You are obviously LC's gofor and on here to try and rubbish the opinions of fans of SFC who are not blinkered.Because we can see that RL has not got 666 tattoed on his head we are in your small befuddled mind worshippers of his. I am comfortable being in his that group you put me with. Ps I wish i was paid and got perks.


When Saints win, hopefully to-day 3-1, I am turned into a Fun Pixie for the night.

But when we lose, I love to josh The Lowey , not so much fun pixies, for a few days.


One day soon, all Saints supporters, will become fun pixies again..But thats, when some of the naughty little pixies will vanish for a while. But in truth some of these naughty posters say I am a big fairy and not really a fun pixie.

  ottery st mary said:
When Saints win, hopefully to-day 3-1, I am turned into a Fun Pixie for the night.

But when we lose, I love to josh The Lowey , not so much fun pixies, for a few days.


One day soon, all Saints supporters, will become fun pixies again..But thats, when some of the naughty little pixies will vanish for a while. But in truth some of these naughty posters say I am a big fairy and not really a fun pixie.

I suggest that the fun is in the Stronbow, that cider down there is potent
  nickh said:
Well to put in the same category as intelligent posters like Nick G , Draganov , Up and Away and Jonah is a plus and so Im more than happy to be associated with them.

You are obviously LC's gofor and on here to try and rubbish the opinions of fans of SFC who are not blinkered.Because we can see that RL has not got 666 tattoed on his head we are in your small befuddled mind worshippers of his. I am comfortable being in his that group you put me with. Ps I wish i was paid and got perks.



You little Lowey Fun pixie, it is really good to hear you still flying around the forum sprinkling your Lowey majic dust everywhere.


Lets hope win we win to-day you little Luvvie.

Before I forget, Merry Xmas to you and your nearest and dearest..Keep up the good work.

  ottery st mary said:

You little Lowey Fun pixie, it is really good to hear you still flying around the forum sprinkling your Lowey majic dust everywhere.


Lets hope win we win to-day you little Luvvie.

Before I forget, Merry Xmas to you and your nearest and dearest..Keep up the good work.

I cant go today due to a business commitment.I am more than happy to see the club trying this way. If it is RL's plan then on this Iam a Lowe luvvie, and loving it. I do not expect us to win every week, I got thato ut of my system a few years ago when i realised it was just a bag of wind being kicked around by our mercenaries against their mercenaries.

Having young players who have some attatchment to the club gives me more enjoyment than seeing a load of overpaid players going through the motions.

Imnot wishing you seasons greetings yet as it is too soon, I like to wait until christmas.

By the way I think some of the dust might have got in your eyes as you dont seem to be seeing clearly

  nickh said:
I cant go today due to a business commitment.I am more than happy to see the club trying this way. If it is RL's plan then on this Iam a Lowe luvvie, and loving it. I do not expect us to win every week, I got thato ut of my system a few years ago when i realised it was just a bag of wind being kicked around by our mercenaries against their mercenaries.

Having young players who have some attatchment to the club gives me more enjoyment than seeing a load of overpaid players going through the motions.

Imnot wishing you seasons greetings yet as it is too soon, I like to wait until christmas.

By the way I think some of the dust might have got in your eyes as you dont seem to be seeing clearly


You seem to mention the mighty one at every oppurtunity, now you never see me mention him....but then again..I do not see clearly as I stand in the line at Specsavers...

I await my little xmas present from you nickh.......Its not someones resignation by chance?

  nickh said:
Is he blaming Crouch? I thought he was pointing the finger at what excesses went on after he was ousted.

I will point to Longshots leaked internal memo where it is mentioned about LC's excesses though.


He doesn't just blame Crouch does he .................he blames the whole regime. Get a life you lot of blame culture people, you would defend your self too in RLs position. Just because he speaks posh doesn't make him a bad thing for Southampton - your hatred is tiresome and unbalanced.

  nickh said:
Is he blaming Crouch? I thought he was pointing the finger at what excesses went on after he was ousted.

I will point to Longshots leaked internal memo where it is mentioned about LC's excesses though.

His references on the radio the other night and in the Annual Report are to "the previous board". The previous board was chaired by Crouch. Quite simple. If he was to say the board previous to the previous board, then he would be referring to Wilde and/or his appointees where the blame should squarely lie, but of course that would upset his current mate Mikey the Quisling

  View From The Top said:
I'll put it bluntly, so everyone can understand it.


If you support Lowe, in any way, shape or form, you're a c*nt and you'll end up getting the club you deserve with him and the quisling at the helm.

well if you didnt already know Iam one.

I assume you were not at Cardiff for the cup final or when the stadium was opened, or does that not count but only because we like every league club except 3(?) has never been relegated

  Thedelldays said:
saying that we are winning the financial battle to stay afloat.......



hope so...


:D Well this news should make you feel safer in your bed tonight,,,,,,Shame winning on the pitch wasn't such a hooot COYA!:smt047

  nickh said:
well if you didnt already know Iam one.

I assume you were not at Cardiff for the cup final or when the stadium was opened, or does that not count but only because we like every league club except 3(?) has never been relegated


I hope he's good enough to give you a reach around as he slips you one.


OOoooo, look what supa dupa Rupes did for us then, he's great, no really he is.


Let's not recognise all the fu ck ups in the last 5 years.


Fans like you make me puke and when he's driven the club to the edge of existence then your, perhaps, pull your head out of his ar*e.


Until Lowe explains the period between Strachan leaving (Feb 04) and him getting ousted (May 06) and who was to blame for what happened there (which resulted in our revenues approximately halving) then I cannot take any of his 'blame' statements seriously. Shut the **** up you tool.


Also, I'd like to know what the other board members like Askham thought of Lowe's performance over that period of time.

  ottery st mary said:
True to his ego, as the Man Utd game gets closer the more he will take centre stage.

It is all show for this man and not one ounce of love for the Saints..Me, Me and lots more Me...Lowey where is The Football Club Chairman.... You should be in the background as Chair of The PLC but you can't resist it, can you.


The Lowey Luvvies/Agents/I have sat at the Top Table, Merchants, please have a word with your master.


He is indeed taking centre stage...forcing himself on the media...


Despite the fact that the first two quotes are obviously a direct lift from the annual report...

  Thedelldays said:
saying that we are winning the financial battle to stay afloat.......



hope so...


shame the Shirley based electrical company that Rupert was a director of, didn't win the battle to stay afloat!!!

  Long Shot said:
shame the Shirley based electrical company that Rupert was a director of, didn't win the battle to stay afloat!!!
???? Webbs are still trading.

Typical Lowe 'Its not my fault but someone elses', but understandable given the AGM is approaching.


There is one positive at the moment - that Lowe has said the Club is up for offers (see Echo article). This is very very important - doesnt go as far as I would like in actually saying the club is for sale but it does acknowledge that there is hope.


However, given that Lowe himself is the reason why the club is imploding - fans staying away, Portaloo discontent, players being sold, media starting to poke at the club etc etc whether Lowe posts this sort of stuff to save his skin at the next shareholders meeting or not the fact is that he divides the club. We're in this league because of him remember.


Lowe HAS to be voted out at the AGM. We simply must sack him to stand a chance of recovery. But most of all we simply MUST encourage a takeover.


Lowe may have steadied the ship financially - maybe not - but he is still causing division, still interfering and still taking us divided into League 1.


Please shareholders - vote him out or please those who would step forward to buy the club - do it now.

  View From The Top said:
I hope he's good enough to give you a reach around as he slips you one.


OOoooo, look what supa dupa Rupes did for us then, he's great, no really he is.


Let's not recognise all the fu ck ups in the last 5 years.


Fans like you make me puke and when he's driven the club to the edge of existence then your, perhaps, pull your head out of his ar*e.

you didnt answer were you there on the occasions I mentioned? Hypocracy alert
  Red and White Army said:
I missed that, do you have a link?
This is the piece from the leaked memo on the @what Wilde really thinks of Lowe


to the non executives - it is interesting that during the last 2 months since their removal - a critical time for the club - nothing has been done - meaning that we now have an impotent PLC board with no-one to put a check on LC's excesses - Trant is more concerned with his own business - Wiseman is waiting to retire and secure his Vice-Presidency - Hoos has been appointed beyond his competence and Jones has insufficient strength to be regarded as a Finance Director within the proper meaning of that term"

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