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Crazy B!tches, their mood swings during their periods and what you do about it

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RP has ask me to start a thread on this as he is personally affected by this terrible affliction. Some bitches can be perfectly normal for 25 or whatever days per month, even nice at times, then for the last 5 days just go mental and completely irrational.


Think of this thread as a kind of AA for guys with crazy bitches.


Say your name, how long you have been with your crazy bitch, what she does when she is mental and what you do to cope with this. Maybe together we can fight this terrible affliction.




Not just wags but any women in the daily grind of life.


For example, in the midst of an argument, said woman will see she is losing and doesn't have a leg to stand on, but rather than hold her hands up (as this will cause a shift in the cosmos and remove all her powers for future arguments) she will:


option 1: choose to take offence to something where clearly no offence was intended

option 2: accuse you of raising your voice (which you aren't), you deny it, she says yes you were, then the argument becomes about that. Classic deflection tactic

option 3: make it about you always having a go at her and she doesn't have to take it


Can see it happening, but no idea how to stop it! Any advice would be much appreciated


You cant stop the innevitable, just try to make sure you are elsewhere during the afforementioned week.


Do all that you can, even though you want to point it out so badly, and aware that the irrational has started.... Not to mention the words "is it that week again ?" Or anything that resembles it

Posted (edited)

Hi, my name is Brian and my bitch is mental.


*hi brian*


Nah, I ain't got it so bad to be honest. I ain't been seeing her all that long, and she don't even live here officially, tho she's started putting her dumb clothes in MY wardrobe :x Even the stuff people normally moan about don't bother me that much. If she is irritable & we have argument she just fucks off home. If she is not wanting to bone i just have wank. If she is being lazy bitch and leaving dirty plates in sink, well then yeah that pisses me off.


One thing that is annoying is she ain't on pill like a normal bird where you can skip a month by upping her dosage, this bitch is got The Coil. I am terrified of The Coil! I'm terrified that one day I'll go too deep and The Coil will snag on my urethra like a fish hook, or I'll accidentally trigger the release and it'll sever my knob like guillotene.


One thing though, is that if men had periods we would organise them better by calender so they is always on same day of month. Bitches don't do that. That's why you never see it coming. They do it on lunar cycle, like werewolf.

Edited by Bearsy
Posted (edited)

My bitch isn't bad when she's actually on, quite pleasant to be fair, it's the week before when she become psycho bitch from hell. Tetchy, irritable, violent, moody, etc. etc.

Edited by Big Bad Bob

Every warm-blooded creature in this house apart from me is female and prone to monthly madness.


If they seem particularly mental, I flat out ask them if it's their time of the month. I have never been wrong when asking this.


PLEASE no men take paps advice. Asking them straight out if they are on their period or if their period is near is a highly dangerous strategy. In my experience it is never the crazy bitches fault that she is a crazy bitch. Therefore even implying that the crazy bitch may be acting like a bitch because of something going on in the crazy bitches body/mind - is really playing with fire. This is especially dangerous if there are multiple crazy bitches involved. Pap is obviously highly trained and very experienced, do not try this at home.


I live in a house of 3 of the fairer sex, they say that by some quirk of Mother Nature's sadistic side when the painters rock up to put up the scaffolding up on a monthly basis in a house of Women that synchronisation will develop with this phenomena. In our house Mother Nature decided to wind me up by letting them work as a tag team, overlapping as they go resulting in 2.75 weeks out of 4 weeks being a joy to behold. Thank god for Golf! Or maybe not: one week are you playing Golf on Saturday next week "don't you dare even think about playing Golf his weekend!!???!!".

Thankfully one has gone through the personal summer experience ( however the 'fingerprint' is still there!!), but the youngest has decided she will make up for her Mum by dishing out double the vitriol onto her poor old Pa!

Every warm-blooded creature in this house apart from me is female and prone to monthly madness.


If they seem particularly mental, I flat out ask them if it's their time of the month. I have never been wrong when asking this.


Just give it the old its ok its her time of the month backhanded compliment, I am sure they see it as a term of endearment and will love you more for your sensitivity and this emotional time for them.


Mine went completely nuts, despite being on the implant!


She stopped talking to me for ages (5 months and counting) after ripping me a new one and openly critising me to anyone who was unfortunate enough to get too close. Even religious callers weren't safe and samaritans barred her number.


I'm wondering if it is safe to put my head above the parapet now in case I am hit by a flying ornament or worse.


That ***** is fully crazy!

I live in a house of 3 of the fairer sex, they say that by some quirk of Mother Nature's sadistic side when the painters rock up to put up the scaffolding up on a monthly basis in a house of Women that synchronisation will develop with this phenomena. In our house Mother Nature decided to wind me up by letting them work as a tag team, overlapping as they go resulting in 2.75 weeks out of 4 weeks being a joy to behold. Thank god for Golf! Or maybe not: one week are you playing Golf on Saturday next week "don't you dare even think about playing Golf his weekend!!???!!".

Thankfully one has gone through the personal summer experience ( however the 'fingerprint' is still there!!), but the youngest has decided she will make up for her Mum by dishing out double the vitriol onto her poor old Pa!



This for me.......Managing Director and her 2 female trainee leaders.........


All three have me exactly where they want me......


I know my place but hoped to be released some time in the fduture;)


1 wife 2 daughters 3 female house assistants all rocking up with the curse at the same time, ask for a bacon sarnie and its like you have asked to eat the youngest born after ripping it from the womb. then they want to know why you dont speak or ask them to get you anything. and they are already training the next generation of grandkids to be the same way its hell on earth sometimes. When your going for the red wings the mess which has to be cleaned by one of the housemaids always causes another argument.

Just give it the old its ok its her time of the month backhanded compliment, I am sure they see it as a term of endearment and will love you more for your sensitivity and this emotional time for them.


Nah, it doesn't work like that, and I daren't dismiss anything they said on that basis. But if, and it's a big if, you've got a female in your face arguing the toss over something she'd not normally give a crap about in a stroppy way, I think the question is fair.

  • 4 weeks later...

Whatever you do, dont tell them their period is also a hard time for you too as you have to put up with her irrational moods, poor parking, cooking, oral skills, her family, her freinds, her dress sense and uninteresting life in general. I did that. I live alone now......calm..........but alone.


She had teeth large enough and in great enough quantity to have out goofed the entire Osmund family. She had a problem with talking with her mouth full.....whatever it was full of. These two things combined to make every potential moment of mouthy pleasure a potential phallus shredding nightmare.

Not just wags but any women in the daily grind of life.


For example, in the midst of an argument, said woman will see she is losing and doesn't have a leg to stand on, but rather than hold her hands up (as this will cause a shift in the cosmos and remove all her powers for future arguments) she will:


option 1: choose to take offence to something where clearly no offence was intended

option 2: accuse you of raising your voice (which you aren't), you deny it, she says yes you were, then the argument becomes about that. Classic deflection tactic

option 3: make it about you always having a go at her and she doesn't have to take it


Can see it happening, but no idea how to stop it! Any advice would be much appreciated


Option 4. Declare that she is right, you are wrong, she has decided and the subject is closed and the discussion/argument is over. Then sulks because it's been "proved" you were wrong and strops if you try to say anything more.

I live in a house of 3 of the fairer sex, they say that by some quirk of Mother Nature's sadistic side when the painters rock up to put up the scaffolding up on a monthly basis in a house of Women that synchronisation will develop with this phenomena. In our house Mother Nature decided to wind me up by letting them work as a tag team, overlapping as they go resulting in 2.75 weeks out of 4 weeks being a joy to behold. Thank god for Golf! Or maybe not: one week are you playing Golf on Saturday next week "don't you dare even think about playing Golf his weekend!!???!!".

Thankfully one has gone through the personal summer experience ( however the 'fingerprint' is still there!!), but the youngest has decided she will make up for her Mum by dishing out double the vitriol onto her poor old Pa!


Hang on, have you paid the copyright fee?


You're not allowed to mention Golf on TMS without registering.


Meanwhile, I was lucky, I used to have a job where I could make up a very important meeting somewhere and hop on a plane for 4 or 5 days.

Where you a pilot Phil?


Wow that is AMAZING. How the hell did you work that out?


yes, I qualified for my PPL back in 1992 & logged just over 100 hours in a mix of Cessna's, piper Cherokees & Streak Shadow out of Old Sarum Airfield.


I once even did a Booze run to France.


As for work. Nah. I was an "Our Man in Havana" type for a Nasdaq listed Company. Could always make up a meeting - Regional marketing Strategy, Logistics & Supply Chain review, Oktoberfest, (oops Quarterly Review meeti8ng at Head Office) Factory Acceptance Testing for clients (Galway races). Oh those were the days. 500,000+ Airmiles I had at one time.


Down side was when you got into the meetings you'd tend to find that all the Marketing B1tches with their know-it-all MBA's (More Bloody Arrogant) tended to be suffering the same symptoms. I tended to find solace in a bucket of fresh Guinness or a Schweinhaxe & Dunkel Bier or a Bottle of Effes, round of Golf at Sun City or of course a Saints Away day.


Oh FFS just typed a lovely reply & the interweb crashed and I lost it all.


Will reply laters gotta get out the Free Trade Zone before the mad rush of female office workers try and get through the Security gates


Oh, no I didn't.


Back in THOSE days Tokes we only flew Hosties, not the planes matey


Hostie - flying every part of the world, disorganised sleep patterns. Attention span of 3 or max 4 days.



Not just wags but any women in the daily grind of life.


For example, in the midst of an argument, said woman will see she is losing and doesn't have a leg to stand on, but rather than hold her hands up (as this will cause a shift in the cosmos and remove all her powers for future arguments) she will:


option 1: choose to take offence to something where clearly no offence was intended

option 2: accuse you of raising your voice (which you aren't), you deny it, she says yes you were, then the argument becomes about that. Classic deflection tactic

option 3: make it about you always having a go at her and she doesn't have to take it


Can see it happening, but no idea how to stop it! Any advice would be much appreciated


What, no "burst into tears" option ?

Hi, my name is Brian and my bitch is mental.


*hi brian*


Nah, I ain't got it so bad to be honest. I ain't been seeing her all that long, and she don't even live here officially, tho she's started putting her dumb clothes in MY wardrobe :x Even the stuff people normally moan about don't bother me that much. If she is irritable & we have argument she just fucks off home. If she is not wanting to bone i just have wank. If she is being lazy bitch and leaving dirty plates in sink, well then yeah that pisses me off.


One thing that is annoying is she ain't on pill like a normal bird where you can skip a month by upping her dosage, this bitch is got The Coil. I am terrified of The Coil! I'm terrified that one day I'll go too deep and The Coil will snag on my urethra like a fish hook, or I'll accidentally trigger the release and it'll sever my knob like guillotene.


One thing though, is that if men had periods we would organise them better by calender so they is always on same day of month. Bitches don't do that. That's why you never see it coming. They do it on lunar cycle, like werewolf.



My wifes are getting worse with age and with each kid. I am starting to feel the need to hide, sometimes.


Didn't know you were a Muslim Alps.


How many you allowed over there?


When I first came over I spent 12 months away before I went back home.

So anyways I get home, she makes me a nice cup of tea (bleah Tetley - by then it was too late I was already hooked on Lipton Yellow Label)


(Ex) Wife asks me So what is it like? Living in a land with no beer (this was before the interweb)

Well I said, I've be learning the Teachings of The Prophet (PBUH) and it has helped me through these difficult times. In fact, I have converted.

I'll take you round to meet my other wives this afternoon...


In HINDSIGHT, it probably wasn't the best idea ever coming out with that old joke at the PRECISE moment of the wrong time of the month, but hey, the surgery covered all the scars and it only took them 5 hours to get the deep fat fryer out of my head......

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