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Can't make any sort of judgement without knowing exactly what he did. "Charges dropped" and "found innocent" are two different things, so the chances are he deserves it.


Saw it this afternoon.He looks like a weirdo...think they're just trying to portray the club in a negative fashion as per...probably skate producers.It's too one-sided...a non-story.

One side only.


He says not many of the Stewards have CRB checks. All SIA qualified have CRB checks.


The only SIA staff as he says are the ones that do the suites / hospitiality. Normal everyday stewards are not. But I know where he comes from, a lot of the stewards havent a clue as just drafted in from anywhere etc. It has deffo changed since I was one and a lot of the seasoned stewards who knew what they were doing have now left.


Been going to Saints matches for about 15 years and the only time I've ever had a run in with a steward was when I deserved it so, coupled with the complete lack of information in that piece, I'm not overly sympathetic.

Can't make any sort of judgement without knowing exactly what he did. "Charges dropped" and "found innocent" are two different things, so the chances are he deserves it.


I'm sorry?


Charges dropped usually suggest there's not enough evidence to support a prosecution. That probably suggests he's innocent, rather than guilty of anything.

I'm sorry?


Charges dropped usually suggest there's not enough evidence to support a prosecution. That probably suggests he's innocent, rather than guilty of anything.


Tbh it sounded to me like the club dropped the charges and just banned him instead.

I'm sorry?


Charges dropped usually suggest there's not enough evidence to support a prosecution. That probably suggests he's innocent, rather than guilty of anything.


I think you can rule out the 'probably' bit, unless they've changed the 'innocent until proven guilty' bit of British Law....


I have known D C for a long time, he is a local business man of many years standing and you could not wish to meet a more pleasant bloke.

I have known D C for a long time, he is a local business man of many years standing and you could not wish to meet a more pleasant bloke.


Ask him why the piece had absolutely no detail about what the facts behind the banning were.




Pathetic, I mean the poor bloke has had numerous runins with stewards and who hasn't.


Oh yeah thats right iv' been going 30ish years and never had a run in...so he's an idiot as far as i'm concerned.


It would probably have helped if the reporter had actually followed the story through - covered why he was actually banned - or talked to the club - or both. As it is, there's so little information in the report, it's hard to see who is right and who is wrong.


It's a little sad to see people here jumping to the conculsion he's in the wrong on the flimsiest basis possible, though. I know "Innocent until proven guilty" is an unpopular concept in the UK right now, but it's still the law.


It's odd... The club cancels a few free bus tickets and posters on here are up in arms. Yet the club bans a fan from actually getting in the ground (on the basis of something that doesn't seem strong enough to actually make it through court) and people are happy enough to assume that it's alright because it's somebody else's problem. What a strange perspective...

I have known D C for a long time, he is a local business man of many years standing and you could not wish to meet a more pleasant bloke.


Toomer, I appreciate you must take everyone as you find them and not prejudge, however, I know Derek has acted in a wholly inappropriate manner in the past because emotions ran high on the subject matter, that gained negative publicity for him and if the club responds, which I believe it should, it too may paint him in a different light.

Toomer, I appreciate you must take everyone as you find them and not prejudge, however, I know Derek has acted in a wholly inappropriate manner in the past because emotions ran high on the subject matter, that gained negative publicity for him and if the club responds, which I believe it should, it too may paint him in a different light.


Then you should tell us exactly what happened and likewise Derek should put his side as well..

In the meantime we're dealing with second/third hand accounts and judging the man on it. If the man is guilty then he deserves banning. If he's not then some people on here owe him an apology....

Toomer, I appreciate you must take everyone as you find them and not prejudge, however, I know Derek has acted in a wholly inappropriate manner in the past because emotions ran high on the subject matter, that gained negative publicity for him and if the club responds, which I believe it should, it too may paint him in a different light.


i think i know what you're on about but can't see it on the echo site, though it was (i think) front page about 2 years ago...

Then you should tell us exactly what happened and likewise Derek should put his side as well..

In the meantime we're dealing with second/third hand accounts and judging the man on it. If the man is guilty then he deserves banning. If he's not then some people on here owe him an apology....


The incident I refer to is not football related but reflects on the man himself, public records hold information on the incident and would probably be easy to find.


The decision by SFC or indeed any venue to bar an individual must remain with those who have a duty to ensure the safety of all employees and users of their venue and not on the criminal justice system. If the burden of proof required by the criminal justice system were applied to all decisions made by those who have a duty of care for such venues then all the venues would be shut down within a week.

The incident I refer to is not football related but reflects on the man himself, public records hold information on the incident and would probably be easy to find.

Not really interested in trolling public records. Just tell us what he's done and we'll draw our own conclusions. If the man is guilty of what he's accused of then fine, ban him, but don't leave hints of what he may have been up and then direct us towards public records...

If he's in the wrong then fine but someone needs to state exactly what happened...

Not really interested in trolling public records. Just tell us what he's done and we'll draw our own conclusions. If the man is guilty of what he's accused of then fine, ban him, but don't leave hints of what he may have been up and then direct us towards public records...

If he's in the wrong then fine but someone needs to state exactly what happened...


You couldn't find anything either then.

Not really interested in trolling public records. Just tell us what he's done and we'll draw our own conclusions. If the man is guilty of what he's accused of then fine, ban him, but don't leave hints of what he may have been up and then direct us towards public records......


Your missing my point Daren, I stated the incident I refer to is not connected to this, I know nothing of what 'he's done' I only know of what he is capable of based on another incident and to that end, in my opinion, he is pond life and not a person I would like to stand side by side with on any terrace.


on a side issue to this.Last season there was a big thread about a fan who had trouble with the main steward in the car park something about abuse or pushing a grandson.I heard no more is this conneced to this?If not does anybody know what happened?

Your missing my point Daren, I stated the incident I refer to is not connected to this, I know nothing of what 'he's done' I only know of what he is capable of based on another incident and to that end, in my opinion, he is pond life and not a person I would like to stand side by side with on any terrace.


No I'm not missing your point mate, I just want you or someone to put up some evidence of what he's like or better still, what he did. Chocco has, you put your side and let people decide...

There seems to be a lot of assumption and character assasination but very little actual proof...

I don't care either way but if he's not guilty of anything at SMS then the ban is wrong...

I just want you or someone to put up some evidence of what he's like .


2 Years ago a couple who owed him money were burying their 11 year old daughter, Caplin drove past the church throughout the service beeping his horn and shouting, he was convicted on harrassment charges.

If I were the family he would have had to use his upholstery skills to sew limbs back on.

Thats what he's like

2 Years ago a couple who owed him money were burying their 11 year old daughter, Caplin drove past the church throughout the service beeping his horn and shouting, he was convicted on harrassment charges.

If I were the family he would have had to use his upholstery skills to sew limbs back on.

Thats what he's like


Yes I remember that now you bring it up.

I have known D C for a long time, he is a local business man of many years standing and you could not wish to meet a more pleasant bloke.


2 Years ago a couple who owed him money were burying their 11 year old daughter, Caplin drove past the church throughout the service beeping his horn and shouting, he was convicted on harrassment charges.

If I were the family he would have had to use his upholstery skills to sew limbs back on.

Thats what he's like.


Doesn't sound too pleasant to me.

2 Years ago a couple who owed him money were burying their 11 year old daughter, Caplin drove past the church throughout the service beeping his horn and shouting, he was convicted on harrassment charges.

If I were the family he would have had to use his upholstery skills to sew limbs back on.

Thats what he's like


That is blatantly nasty and I think he's lucky that nobody took greater umbrage at his behaviour.


However, slimy though he may appear from that story, there has been nothing detailed here for us barrack room lawyers to judge him on. Nobody can decide their opinions of him in this situation without hard evidence. The club may have made a mistake, but without such evidence who are we to judge?

Would it be true that the club, or any 'entertainment venue', can reserve the right to withold entry for no given reason?

2 Years ago a couple who owed him money were burying their 11 year old daughter, Caplin drove past the church throughout the service beeping his horn and shouting, he was convicted on harrassment charges.

If I were the family he would have had to use his upholstery skills to sew limbs back on.

Thats what he's like

Without wishing to discredit your story, would it be possible to find some reporting of this on t'net so I can justfiably call him a few names?


Oh, and so I can be sure that's not a libelous statement.

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