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Best Facebook status ever yesterday.


'What gets me if some of the knob heads who were saying last night 'lets get on the street and kill every Muslim' are playing candy crush tonight'

Best Facebook status ever yesterday.


'What gets me if some of the knob heads who were saying last night 'lets get on the street and kill every Muslim' are playing candy crush tonight'


Perhaps Candy Crush is the gateway to world peace.

As an experienced politician such as Galloway, it's hardly impressive that he can easily get one over a few working class folk who've had a beer and called up a late night radio phone in on talksport - hardly anything to be impressed about?


Galloway has managed to "get one over" on a lot of people. In fact, you can buy a collection of his best performances on iTunes for £7.99.




His remit is slightly wider than racist housewives.


Tommy Robinson talks a lot of sense in the interview he did the other day.


people don't understand what it's like for the white English people who grew up and live in places like Luton , it's the large number and concentration of Muslims there that has resulted in low integration and the establishment of Islamic life in the town. English folk no longer feel at home there

Is that you bletchy?


No Toke, that's Pat; my evil, gay, Jewish, apostatic twin.


I've got a feeling that brother Pat may also grow to become offended by the term fatwā.

Posted (edited)
Galloway has managed to "get one over" on a lot of people. In fact, you can buy a collection of his best performances on iTunes for £7.99.




His remit is slightly wider than racist housewives.

All the more reason for not getting all excited by him getting one over drunk racist housewives on a late night phone-in then. Think I'll pass on the iTunes offer, no doubt its a cracking listen though. Edited by Sour Mash
No Toke, that's Pat; my evil, gay, Jewish, apostatic twin.


I've got a feeling that brother Pat may also grow to become offended by the term fatwā.


You are such a tart, bletch. How long did it take you to find the special flat hat version of the a? Or are fatwās the sort of thing you issue often, and therefore have in a clipboard shortcut?

Tommy Robinson talks a lot of sense in the interview he did the other day.


people don't understand what it's like for the white English people who grew up and live in places like Luton , it's the large number and concentration of Muslims there that has resulted in low integration and the establishment of Islamic life in the town. English folk no longer feel at home there


Im sure that like most Islamophobes, xenophobic and racists, you will always be able to pick out the odd semblance of a rational comment amidst the normal diatribe. Whatever the problem, the EDL or other fringe/extremist groups are not the answer (and the same goes for extreme left, radical Islamists, fundamental Christians etc etc etc).


However, I think it would be foolish to ignore the perceived problems (real or imagined) that people feel they have and we should be working together to help resolve, solve or reduce them, but I can say for sure the actions of Robinson and his ilk, along with the Islamic extremists only exacerbate the problem, and certainly are not part of the solution.

You are such a tart, bletch. How long did it take you to find the special flat hat version of the a? Or are fatwās the sort of thing you issue often, and therefore have in a clipboard shortcut?


None taken papster.


Wikipedia, copy and paste are your friends pap.

Im sure that like most Islamophobes, xenophobic and racists, you will always be able to pick out the odd semblance of a rational comment amidst the normal diatribe. Whatever the problem, the EDL or other fringe/extremist groups are not the answer (and the same goes for extreme left, radical Islamists, fundamental Christians etc etc etc).


However, I think it would be foolish to ignore the perceived problems (real or imagined) that people feel they have and we should be working together to help resolve, solve or reduce them, but I can say for sure the actions of Robinson and his ilk, along with the Islamic extremists only exacerbate the problem, and certainly are not part of the solution.


Agree and I think that's the view of the moderate majority. It makes me sick after that terrible murder by terrorists the edl racist thugs show up for no good reason and attack the police and then their fellow race hate Nazi lover leader bnp nick griffin has the nerve to turn up to stir his hate agenda for publicity for his sick views. Hate the Islamic extremists and Nazis who both have the same closed mindsets.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Best Facebook status ever yesterday.


'What gets me if some of the knob heads who were saying last night 'lets get on the street and kill every Muslim' are playing candy crush tonight'


Haha, wonderful


Any group has its selection of idiots. Some of you say there's the idiots that attach themselves to football to just have a tear up, well it's the same for the EDL. But what I don't get is how anyone can be against militant Islam? The religion is completely backwards. There are 100 Sharia law courts in England that use Sharia law and not our own laws. For example I think a rape needs to have 3 male witnesses or a woman is instantly convicted of lying. Not even saying I'm in support of the EDL but the message is right, Islam isn't compatible with our ways of life. Hindus, Sikhs etc have all managed to integrate fine. Living in Croydon it's plain to see that there's always a fair bit of tension and the amount of black lads that you now see converting to Islam is going up by the day.


Anyone that doesn't think Tommy is an idiot, watch the documentary on him. The best bit is where he is saying a 'paki' *guy working at the station is "actually alright" while ****ed out of his head holding a 3lt bottle of strong cheap cider. The next day he did his speach in east London. He was late because of his hangover but blamed it on security forces trying to stop him from speaking.


*tommy's words

Best Facebook status ever yesterday.


'What gets me if some of the knob heads who were saying last night 'lets get on the street and kill every Muslim' are playing candy crush tonight'


******** to revenge attacks, i'm pre occupied with trying to complete level 104 :(


I think it's the case that UK law over-rides Sharia law. Recently there was a BBC programme (Panorama I think) investigating abuse of Muslim women and this point was well rehearsed. Unfortunately many Muslim women are too scared to go to the police where there has been rape / abuse for fear of reprisal from their own community.


I think the same concerns exist about Hasidic laws being invoked in this country. Again I think such laws are overridden by UK law.

But what I don't get is how anyone can be against militant Islam?


I don't think you'll find many who are not against militant Islam, particularly the type that manifests itself in brutal atrocities. You don't have to be a part of the EDL to oppose militant and/or extremist Islam.


The religion is completely backwards.


I would suggest some people's interpretation of it is completely backwards, particularly when combined with cultural/tribal contexts & influences. Just as some people's interpretation of Christianity would be deemed by some by being backwards, doesn't mean it all is.


There are 100 Sharia law courts in England that use Sharia law and not our own laws.


I think you'll find these courts, just like the Jewish Beth Din courts & other religious courts supplement our existing civil courts very well.







For example I think a rape needs to have 3 male witnesses or a woman is instantly convicted of lying.


Think you're really confused here, as these courts have no jurisdiction over criminal matters in the UK.


Not even saying I'm in support of the EDL but the message is right, Islam isn't compatible with our ways of life.



Given your ignorance (no offence meant) of some of the issues above, then I can see how you've come to that misguided point of view. The overwhelming majority of Muslims live in peace and contribute to this country. Islam and the UK seems to work very well for them and the communities they live in.


Hindus, Sikhs etc have all managed to integrate fine.


Methinks you might be viewing the past through those rose tinted glasses of yours, as the integration of Afro-Caribbeans, Hindus, Sikhs and other immigrants took time, patience and understanding and was not without its flashpoints and incidents.


I thought we had moved on from Muslims being the bogeymen and progressed on to the Poles, Romanians & Bulgarians, but there seems to be some life left in the Muslim bashing.

Anyone that doesn't think Tommy is an idiot, watch the documentary on him. The best bit is where he is saying a 'paki' *guy working at the station is "actually alright" while ****ed out of his head holding a 3lt bottle of strong cheap cider. The next day he did his speach in east London. He was late because of his hangover but blamed it on security forces trying to stop him from speaking.


*tommy's words


Yes, I remember that, it was embarassing and really made him look like a knobhead. He actually came across quite well early on but the ruined it all with that and lost all credibility.


I used to know a man whose family were German aristocracy prior to World War II. They owned a number of large industries and estates. I asked him how many German people were true Nazis, and the answer he gave has stuck with me and guided my attitude toward fanaticism ever since.


“Very few people were true Nazis,” he said, “but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.”


We are told again and again by experts and talking heads that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unquantified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.


The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars world wide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or execute honor killings. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard, quantifiable fact is that the “peaceful majority” is the “silent majority,” and it is cowed and extraneous.


Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China’s huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people. The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a war-mongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across Southeast Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians – most killed by sword, shovel and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were “peace loving”?


History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt; yet, for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by the fanatics. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because, like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.


Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Bosnians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians and many others, have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us, watching it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts: the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Any group has its selection of idiots. Some of you say there's the idiots that attach themselves to football to just have a tear up, well it's the same for the EDL. But what I don't get is how anyone can be against militant Islam? The religion is completely backwards. There are 100 Sharia law courts in England that use Sharia law and not our own laws. For example I think a rape needs to have 3 male witnesses or a woman is instantly convicted of lying. Not even saying I'm in support of the EDL but the message is right, Islam isn't compatible with our ways of life. Hindus, Sikhs etc have all managed to integrate fine. Living in Croydon it's plain to see that there's always a fair bit of tension and the amount of black lads that you now see converting to Islam is going up by the day.


That might just about wash with UKIP. Spend any time searching their hashtag on Twitter and you will very quickly get the opinions of some of their more colourful supporters. They get away with it because Farage has enough charisma to paper over the cracks. The EDL though? Nah. I look at their leader and am unimpressed. I don't buy the agenda he purports to serve, and he's picking a la carte from a global menu of extremism to characterise what he claims is a British problem.

Yes, I remember that, it was embarassing and really made him look like a knobhead. He actually came across quite well early on but the ruined it all with that and lost all credibility.


My thoughts exactly. He may brush up reasonable well, put his hair in a side parting for questions on Sunday or whatever and like all good fascists has a few half decent points. However deep down he is just one cider away from ****ing his pants in the local park.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.


I stopped reading your post after I got to this point, because it is utter, utter b8lllocks and displays a truly astonishing degree of ignorance. What you, and so many other it seems, seem completely unable to grasp is that Islam is not one single entity. Every single person who has either converted to it or was born into it has their own way of interpreting the verses and integrating that which they feel fits with their world view into their lives, in exactly the same way followers of other religions do. Take Christianity for example... If every Christian on this planet followed the teachings of the bible to the letter then they would all be murdering women for the heinous crime of having sex outside of marriage. How many Christians do you know who do that? I'm guessing none.


The extremists no more represent the beliefs of Islam on the whole than the folk at The Westboro Baptist Church do for the rest of the Christian world. This is why I also couldn't bring myself to watch the rest of those video diaries you posted above, because although the guy does make some very valid points (particularly about the rulers of Saudi Arabia) he seems, as you do, utterly incapable of separating the person from the whole. This is summed up so much more eloquently than I could put it in this article...



That could never have been written by Brett from Camden. There are proper sentences, paragraphs and full stops.


We've seen many depictions of the Dark Knight over the years. For me, the most authentic actor to play the role is Kevin Conroy, who took the reins for the animated series. After that, Christian Bale is probably your best Batman, even if he is a bit raspy. Michael Keaton was a good mix of warmth and darkness. Val Kilmer phoned it in a little, George Clooney's batsuit had nipples on it! Nipples!


Even Adam West, who most people admire for his work on Family Guy, was a bit of a joke when evoking the tortured orphan avenger.


All of them are better portrayals than SaintsWeb's Batman. I wonder if the real one solves crimes like that. "There's a bank robbery in progress in downtown Gotham, Robin. Suspects are caucasian".


"Holy racial profiling, Batman. Does that mean..."


"Yes, Robin, all white people are evil".


Can't see that selling many copies to be honest.

The bloke speaks an awful lot of truth. A very sensible response to events and he's bang on about our foreign policy.


What a poisonous neanderthal racist you are. I would gladly have you deported and 1000 Muslims allowed to join our community if it meant you would stop spreading your poisonous bile.

How thick are these tossers attacking mosques.

The islamic exremists can have electrodes attached to their gonads and be flogged to death with a knotted rope as far as i'm concerned, but mosques aren't filled with them.

They are thick to attack mosques, but I'd imagine they've had enough of Islam taking over their communities, not surprising that snaps at some point.

Well, I'd say the thick idiots, attacking mosques and innocent people in the name of the English, represent you and me in the same way the lunatics who killed Lee Rigby in the name of Islam represent Muslims.


Shouting out that they are defending England doesn't mean that England is nasty, violent, thuggish country, any more than shouting Islamic slogans makes Islam a murderous religion.


This was posted elsewhere in response to a very thought-provoking article about the situation, and the author of it has requested that it be shared everywhere in the hope that it can help others to reflect on the consequences of the actions of the EDL and their ilk. I fully appreciate that the thought and emotion behind it will be lost on most of them, but it deserves everybody's attention.


My Personal Experience of Terrorism


20 years ago my family were hit by the most traumatic event we had ever faced. My young brother , he was 26, was murdered whilst on active duty in Northern Ireland. He was murdered by the IRA. He left his wife and 18 month old daughter with us.

Up until that point in my life I thought I’d felt pain and heartache…..I had no idea. The pain I felt instantly turned me into a person who could for the first time in her life, truly say she felt hate…pure unadulterated searing hate. I even remember my Mum say to me “I always told you all to never hate anyone, you may DISLIKE but never HATE…..I just feel HATE”….


We’re the kind of family, a family huge in numbers, who were taught to deal with EVERYTHING with dignity and strength. Therefore we all pulled together, and I mean ALL, friends and family….and we got through bringing him home and saying goodbye.

We did this with our heads held high, because once again when our heads dropped…especially on the day of his funeral, my Mum told us “Get your heads up, we will not give them (IRA) the satisfaction of seeing us cow-towed or getting anymore satisfaction from the pain they’ve caused.”


And we did it….if she, his Mother could do it what right did we have not to??? So I’d like to suggest that everyone screaming for revenge should show Lee’s Mum the respect of deciding how people should behave by following her and her families lead.

However, as the months passed I got increasingly angrier and angrier, the pain just grew and grew. I began to notice that if I heard an Irish accent I’d clench my teeth, my body would tense and the hairs on the back of my neck would stand up, the rage would begin to pump through me to the point I would start shaking some times and would have to leave wherever I was as quickly as I could. I’d be thinking…”Was it you….or do you know who did it…..”


Then one night whilst lying in a bath I really became aware of what I was thinking……I was lying in the bath, planning how I could find out who did this, this “being” who had inflicted this pain on my family and who ripped from me one of the most precious people in my life. To the point I was visualising getting a gun and putting it to this persons head……the image shocked me so much I remember my eyes flying open and me sitting bolt upright in the bath and sitting there shaking.


I was stunned that me…someone like me….those of you who knew me before we lost him can vouch for the type of person I was and hopefully am again…who would never dream of hurting another human being (unless in self defence or to protect my family) had actually went through that thought process. Of course my own children also came into my head.


I was now thinking in a way that could have the most devastating effect on my kids, therefore, again the terrorist wins and my children would be without their Mum and my Mum would be without her daughter. How ridiculous would that be????

I have never discussed this with anyone before now.


At that moment I realised, I’d become the same as “THEM” the people who had murdered my brother. I felt ashamed…totally ashamed…..and my brother would have been ashamed of me too…I was turning into the very type of human being he was trying to defend people from.


This was also the moment I decided that in fact, I could not let them win again…they would not in essence destroy the person I was as well as taking my brother’s life. I decided that I would make a real effort to speak to people from Ireland…ridiculous eh?


I realised that I had to stop how I was thinking, I needed to connect with the reality of people from Ireland, be that North or South, no matter what religion. I have to say that at this time I was angry with both sides of the Troubles….you have to have 2 sides to have a conflict. I had to stop this and turn it round…ME! No-one else could.


Our family already included many Irish people and we had Irish friends. However, this resulted in me meeting two wonderful Northern Irish ladies who have been there for me and I hope I’ve been there for them. We keep in touch on FB and I love seeing the family posts and watching Joanne’s daughter grow up into a beautiful young lady, hopefully in more peaceful & safer surroundings than her mum did. I thank you both for doing that, it in some way adds some salve to wounds still very raw, it gives me hope that my brother didn’t die in vain. The only true memorial to all who lost their lives. I can only hope.


What I’m about to say next is not meant in any way to diminish the horrific and appalling death of Drummer Lee Rigby, and the respects I feel his family should be extended.


I have to ask this, yes, people were upset and angry when my brother was murdered, but I don’t recall a huge majority of people screaming racial hatred at the Irish or demanding we had marches to show our outrage at the Terrorism being inflicted on our own people. Does this mean my brother’s life was in some way less valuable?


Obviously I am relieved that this is not the way people behaved but I think it’s a fair question for me to ask. And if it was less valuable…..WHY????


At this point I’d like to say to people having a go about how soldiers aren’t heroes and if they didn’t sign up then there would be no war... My brother passionately believed in what he was doing. He joined the Army truly believing he was going to be protecting people. His intentions were honourable, as I believe are the VAST majority of soldiers. Do we get “bad” soldiers, ones who join up for the wrong reasons, of course we do…but that’s true of every other occupation. Your normal “Squaddie” truly believes and are prepared to lay their lives on the line for people they feel need protecting…that in my eyes makes them heroes.


I will say that I disagree with our armed forces being in Afghanistan etc….but that does not diminish the admiration and respect I have for these men and women who patrol the streets truly believing they are there to protect people. Is this what we have become ….a species who sneer at others who realise they are putting themselves at great risk in order to protect more vulnerable people? As much as I can understand your anger…..I feel you’re directing it at the wrong people.


Also, the people demanding a March against Islamic Extremists and to “Take back Britain”…..do you realise that these acts also put our serving army members at risk. Marches like these only incite more hatred, anger and, water any seeds sown by other factions…so you are in fact creating and feeding a situation that is already very precarious for the men and women you purport to be supporting and defending.


Please stop and think about what situation you may create and who will have to deal with it, yet again putting themselves at risk………please, please stop and think.


I would like to at this point give my opinion of the Muslim Community, which I feel I have the right to do as I worked within this community for quite a few years. The families I worked with, quite a significant number, treated me with the utmost respect. They welcomed me into their homes and showed great appreciation for any support I gave them.


They celebrated Christmas and Easter with me and were just as delighted as any other Mum when their kids got a part in the nativity play. They appreciated the opportunity of learning more about me, my culture and my family. The community included me in all their own celebrations. I was shown nothing but care and love from this community and learned many things. I still count many as my friends.


I also witnessed some attacks both physically and verbally that these ladies had to endure after 7/7. It didn’t matter that they were as horrified and as terrified of what happened as everyone else was. I also had someone spit in my face and call me a “Paki loving bastard” at one point…..My answer? “Better a Paki loving bastard, than an ignorant, disgusting excuse for a human being”….he got a bit of a shock at the retaliation and scuppered away…you see he was used to picking on the most weak and the most vulnerable. I do wonder however, upon reflection, where his hatred had stemmed from. A personal experience, or spoon fed the shameless propaganda from all sections of the media, both main stream and Social media that serves the most horrendous agenda…..


So I hope everyone reading this understands how disgusted and angry I am at the MSM and the Government’s handling of this heartbreaking and appalling incident and why I feel sick to the pit of my stomach when I see the Racist and inflammatory comments directed at a Community who have as much control of individual behaviours within their community as I have of mine.


When you start behaving as your enemy does…your enemy has won.


My wee brother would not want me to keep silent this time, he just wouldn’t…it’s not what he died for.


Drummer Lee Rigby, may you Rest In Peace young man, and be assured you are in good company and by all accounts so is my brother tonight.


Much Love x x

Posted (edited)
Might help you to look at the title of the organisation .it might give you a clue


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


Are you a member? Like a few on here, yourself include they only seem interested in having a go at the EDL. You'd have though they might have marched against Islamic extremists given then events of the last week though wouldn't you.


However they only seem to be interested in white groups. It seems the UAF are racists anti facists!

Edited by Turkish
Might help you to look at the title of the organisation .it might give you a clue


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Do you not feel the views expressed by some of the fundamentalist muslim groups can also be described as fascist?
Do you not feel the views expressed by some of the fundamentalist muslim groups can also be described as fascist?


I would say its a extremist ideology. and not based on race


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Are you a member? Like a few on here, yourself include they only seem interested in having a go at the EDL. You'd have though they might have marched against Islamic extremists given then events of the last week though wouldn't you.


However they only seem to be interested in white groups. It seems the UAF are racists anti facists!


What utter rubbish .what help did the Edl thugs turning up after a murder achieve.if the toy town racists had any guts they would join the army and fight a real war in afghanistan rather than the sad life's they lead.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I would say its a extremist ideology. and not based on race


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I think you need to check the definition of fascism and race.

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