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Do You Want Cortese to Stay?  

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  1. 1. Do You Want Cortese to Stay?

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IMO. The lieberrs would like input into the serious decisions eg manager change or large transfers. NC wants to be able to do what he wants. What remains to be seen is if NC and the Lieberrs can find some common ground.

I honestly can't believe the Liebherr family can be happy with how money has been spent to date and the results gained. As I mentioned yesterday, based on what Pochettino has so far achieved, both here and previously, I wouldn't trust his ability to bring in decent players. His choice of squads, and players involved and leaving out others, leave big question marks on his capacity. If it were my money, I'd be asking a lot of questions, calling into question the Stooge on the board and his finger in too many pies. You can't say we're not getting results due to Fox and Gaston not being available. We aren't getting them because Pochettino's tinkering has resulted in lack of ability to score as we were doing previously.


Please explain how you bring in decent players if you have NO money to spend that were literally the case for him at Espanyol?


Do you rub your knees and see what might happen or how do you do that?

IMO. The lieberrs would like input into the serious decisions eg manager change or large transfers. NC wants to be able to do what he wants. What remains to be seen is if NC and the Lieberrs can find some common ground.


I personally doubt the Liebherrs want such input, but are more drawn to the table position and bank balance.


Imo they are probably not too happy with what has transpired since the last transfer window, on- and off-field, and with the return we've got out of Gaston.

There are many rich people who COULD provide the money. I didn't say would, that is mere hope or faith in NC. The point was changing the source of money and keeping the man in charge for 3 successful years seems like a good thing.
So if they wouldn't invest money its a pretty irrelevant point.
strange to have a 5 year plan for the club and then not be here to oversee it


League 1

League 1



?????????? leave and do something else?


Quitre common most CEO's of large companys rarely last more than 3 years if they are good they move on to better things and if bad the share holders generally get rid of them.

I posted a while ago (after Chelsea game I think) 2 rumours.

One, that Cortese was going in the Summer because the family did not like the way Adkins was treated (came from a promiment supporter) and

two, Ramirez was going to Fiorentina because his wife was not happy.

It seems my source has been spot on twice!


Haha. Why is that? Because neither rumour has been shown to have any substance.


Pochettino has predicted Ramirez will be a big player for us next year.


Cortese has confirmed that if the Leibherr family's interest in Saints wanes (not that there was any sign of it when he made the statement) that there were other big financial backers who would be intersted in taking their place. Either way, my view is that Cortese will still be here.


My view is that he currently has carte blanche on all final decisions. The Leibherr family are probably right to think as most of the money comes from their fathers trust they ought to have at least some say in how the money is spent. The discussions must surely be about how that influence will be built in to the day to day mechanics of running a club. Not a dispute, just a need to get the governance arrangements settled in a way that Cortse and the Leibherrs are all comfortable.


I think that with the vast amounts of money coming into play next season, who ever owns the club wants more of a say/control.


god knows, but I get the feeling that this story is from NC himself in attempt to use the media to get his way. And in a few weeks we will probably have something else to talk about

Quitre common most CEO's of large companys rarely last more than 3 years if they are good they move on to better things and if bad the share holders generally get rid of them.


Then they turn up somewhere else a year later on loads more money.


Can't be bothered to read the thread, but I believe the only thing that they may be disagreeing on is the amount we're to spend in the Summer. The Liebherrs would be utterly mental to get rid of Cortese, he has made them A LOT of money with Saints under his stewardship.


No, this seems to me to be Cortese playing some games and using the press to ensure he gets the investment he wants.


The five year plan was supported by Markus wholeheartedly and, presumably, accepted by the trust without modification following his death. We are now a little ahead of the curve and perhaps NC wants to advance things and spend rather more than was in the plan to which the trust are saying no.


Storm in a teacup - I hope so.

Will a compromise be reached - I think so.


It wouldn't be so bad if NC had to modify his management style here and there to get what he wants.

Can't be bothered to read the thread, but I believe the only thing that they may be disagreeing on is the amount we're to spend in the Summer. The Liebherrs would be utterly mental to get rid of Cortese, he has made them A LOT of money with Saints under his stewardship.


No, this seems to me to be Cortese playing some games and using the press to ensure he gets the investment he wants.


BBC guy saying its not about investment, but control.

I personally doubt the Liebherrs want such input, but are more drawn to the table position and bank balance.


Imo they are probably not too happy with what has transpired since the last transfer window, on- and off-field, and with the return we've got out of Gaston.


Unlikely Alps NC has given them a 10 fold plus return in investment in a very short period they will be far more concerned about that than whether or not Gaston has made a contribution! It is in my own humble opinion more likely they now want to consolidate and go slowly to protect what they have but NC wants to spend big and make the next step promising them yet another doubling in their asset value. i.e. NC is a confident risk taker and the family are not. They want more say he sees that as cramping his style and he calls their bluff, They will either reach a workable compromise or not! given what he has achieved already I would be surprised if they dont ultimatrely find an acceptable compromise. NC is in the far better negotiating position!


This was always gong to happen once we were safe and next years TV income was secured! it is normal board room politics!


Let's face it, he probably is a very good CxO level person, except without an unblemished track record of handling HR; there have been various people who have come and gone in the last couple of years.


However it is odd that the owners/investors don't have someone else on the inside to make sure that a) their investment/money is being handled correctly and b) to report back to them on the general well being of the company.


I suspect they would like someone else in one of the boardroom/CxO level jobs to act as their sanity check to everything Cortese/the CEO wants to do. Why are we doing that? Is there a cheaper way of doing that? Can we do this more quickly by spending less on this? etc etc etc.

I reckon if the liebherrs have to spend a load this summer they want to make sure it isn't just cortese who says who we spend it on.


Possibly. As a Saints fan this would be the best reason for the barney but they have shown no desire to get involved in "football matters" before - can only assume they would employ another person to "help".

I reckon if the liebherrs have to spend a load this summer they want to make sure it isn't just cortese who says who we spend it on.


Probably this, or NC wants to go all Man City/PSG in the summer.


Considering everything Saints FC related rarely gets out in the media unless Cortese wants it to be there I think he's done this on purpose to put pressure on the owners.


Phew! I no longer have to keep this to myself.


Anyway, the following is purely my opinion: 1. Cortese is seriously ambitious and the Champions League target is genuine; 2. he feels that Katrine Liebherr is unwilling to provide the necessary investment to achieve this; 3. he contacted The Times himself in an attempt to force her arm; 4. he will leave if the club is not sold to someone more willing to spend to achieve Cortese's goal.


Interesting development, lots of theories being banded about without any real proof...will be an interesting few weeks anyhow..and I was wondering what to read once the season had finished!

I reckon if the liebherrs have to spend a load this summer they want to make sure it isn't just cortese who says who we spend it on.


There is already a transfer committee.


If this were the issue then I would not be as worried as I currently am.

Unlikely Alps NC has given them a 10 fold plus return in investment in a very short period they will be far more concerned about that than whether or not Gaston has made a contribution! It is in my own humble opinion more likely they now want to consolidate and go slowly to protect what they have but NC wants to spend big and make the next step promising them yet another doubling in their asset value. i.e. NC is a confident risk taker and the family are not. They want more say he sees that as cramping his style and he calls their bluff, They will either reach a workable compromise or not! given what he has achieved already I would be surprised if they dont ultimatrely find an acceptable compromise. NC is in the far better negotiating position!


This was always gong to happen once we were safe and next years TV income was secured! it is normal board room politics!


Agree - and the compromise could be anything from NC reporting more regularly to the Liebherrs (light touch) or the Liebherrs installing another person on the board (more heavy-handed). There's an endless spectrum of choices which leaves me confident that an agreement will be reached.


Not sure if NC is in the better negotiating position - he has sunk 4 years of his life into the club and is professionally and emotionally committed to it. Now that he's got us to the premiership and established us, the fun is arguably just beginning for him. It makes it much harder for him to up sticks and move on - but its precisely this kind of dependence which makes him the best man for the job.

Posted (edited)
IMO. The lieberrs would like input into the serious decisions eg manager change or large transfers. NC wants to be able to do what he wants. What remains to be seen is if NC and the Lieberrs can find some common ground.


This is my take on the situation, too. There's clearly a power struggle here, and Cortese is his own man and has a good perspective on the situation.


Remembering his 10 years banking experience as financial adviser in the Sports sector, he clearly knows his way around, and whereas Marcus had fun spending his " coffee money " on the Saints' buy out, the Liebherr family may well be " amateurs " in this area.


There can be few Prem.chairmen who understand money as well as NC does - and that is surely a good thing - when looking at the financial state of some of the other clubs around.


Now that Pochettino is " Cortese's choice " and his (soon) his 4 year reign (as Chairman) has been successful, (if somewhat contraversial), he seems to knows what he's doing, and wants a " free hand ".


If NC is looking at a " management buy-out " that may solve the problem, on the other hand ....if there is to be " a bl**dy fight " over the ownership, it will only breed distrust and fear amongst the club's personnel.


I know what I'd like to see...........

Edited by david in sweden
Unlikely Alps NC has given them a 10 fold plus return in investment in a very short period

Not sure that's true, they've converted around £35m of "loans" to equity - somehow I can't see them selling the club for £350m.


Could be about both investment and control. If Cortese wants to spend money but has been told that no more will be coming from the family, he might have indicated that he intends to take out further external loans, which the trust might in turn have argued that he cannot do on his own authority.

I really doubt the Liebherr's look at the performances of Gaston Ramirez or the tactics of Pochettino too closely.


Maybe Lallana's recent poor run has pushed them over the edge?

There is already a transfer committee.


If this were the issue then I would not be as worried as I currently am.


The transfer committee is internal to the club and given Cortese has more or less unlimited decision-making power in the club, he can decide on the composition of the committee - and indeed whether or not to have one.

So its somewhat different.


If for four years you have been the sole decision maker, changing that to having to get the okay for Big Decisions from others less involved in your day2day... It's tough to take. It's effectively becoming second-in-command.


Could you imaging trying to argue the case to get rid of NA? The extra links in the chain, rumours escaping, crap being stirred, factions being born?


Nightmare scenario


Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Am told public spats with Benali and Le Tissier have NOT helped NC's case with Liebherrr family who are considered about image of #saintsfc


Alex Goring Crook Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 5m

Have made a few calls and it seems the Liebherr family are keen to wrestle some control back from Cortese on day to day running of #saintsfc

Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Am told public spats with Benali and Le Tissier have NOT helped NC's case with Liebherrr family who are considered about image of #saintsfc


Alex Goring Crook Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 5m

Have made a few calls and it seems the Liebherr family are keen to wrestle some control back from Cortese on day to day running of #saintsfc


That would show that they are not wanting to sell if anything....

Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Am told public spats with Benali and Le Tissier have NOT helped NC's case with Liebherrr family who are considered about image of #saintsfc


Alex Goring Crook Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 5m

Have made a few calls and it seems the Liebherr family are keen to wrestle some control back from Cortese on day to day running of #saintsfc


Wow. Some posters with egg on their faces now. It seems that for the liebherrs it isn't win at any cost...

Wow. Some posters with egg on their faces now. It seems that for the liebherrs it isn't win at any cost...


then, if they get some control back and more image savvy, and NC reaches an agreement, then this could be a great thing for SFC

That would show that they are not wanting to sell if anything....


Yes, but its a mistake imo.


The public punch-ups with the Echo, MLT, Franny, etc do not reflect well on the club. This is true.


But NCs drive and single-mindedness (OK, dictatorship if you want to use the word) has been instrumental in our resurrection.

then, if they get some control back and more image savvy, and NC reaches an agreement, then this could be a great thing for SFC


I totally agree. The business savvy of cortese without the pr gaffes and court cases? Sign me up.


Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Good news is I am told the Liebherr family are not actively looking to sell #saintsfc but would be open to offers if they came along


Cortese has upset an awful lot of people - so why should he exclude the Liebherr family and the trust?


This rumour has been around for at least two or three months - ever since Adkins got summarily dismissed. the rumour is that the family did not like the way this was done and the general level of discourtesy that Cortese shows to all and sundry. They want to clip his wings and try to get him to stop falling out with everyone - perfectly understandable I would have thought.


Saints existed before Cortese and will continue to exist after Cortese too.

Wow. Some posters with egg on their faces now. It seems that for the liebherrs it isn't win at any cost...


Wonder who these few calls are to. This guy not exactly a big fish in the world of journalism. He has basically concluded what many of us have and I doubt knows any more than that.

Wonder who these few calls are to. This guy not exactly a big fish in the world of journalism. He has basically concluded what many of us have and I doubt knows any more than that.


Careful. Posters didn't like what they heard as early as this morning so completely dismissed it only to look silly a few hours later.

exactly this. A lot of people are dimissing all this sort of stuff as being irrevelant but it certainly wont be irrelevant to an organisation that pride itself on its good name. If they're wanting to improve this side of things and want to bring someone in or take this side of things away from Cortese then it can only be a good thing. Regardless of people on here thinking it doesn't matter it's about the reputation of the club which also reflects on the families name.


Well if the article is true, which it seems to be and they are thinking about changing the day to day running of the club then it suggests they aren't happy with something and this would seem to be an area that is most obvious. I cant imagine the owners are happy with their name being dragged through the mud.


Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Good news is I am told the Liebherr family are not actively looking to sell #saintsfc but would be open to offers if they came along


Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 3m

Am told public spats with Benali and Le Tissier have NOT helped NC's case with Liebherrr family who are considered about image of #saintsfc


Alex Goring Crook Alex Goring Crook ‏@alex_crook 5m

Have made a few calls and it seems the Liebherr family are keen to wrestle some control back from Cortese on day to day running of #saintsfc


Looks like i was right then and the court room and public spats are not as irrelevant as some would believe.

Wow. Some posters with egg on their faces now. It seems that for the liebherrs it isn't win at any cost...


And we were told none of this mattered and was all totally unimportant.

Posted (edited)
He's really looked ****ed off over the past 6 games when the cameras have zoomed in on him during games. Maybe they're holding back on the Transfer Chest and unprepared to spend out more based on recent results.


Find it difficult to believe that MP would have taken the job if there was a problem with funding for any reason.

Edited by Saint Billy

@kristemple: RT @willcope: My understanding is that the Liebherr children/estate have NEVER had the same belief in Cortese that their father did #saints.

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