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Do I renew my ST if these two ****s are here next season..... I am thinking about it Big Time
Who cares whether you do or you don't? Jeez, I am so ashamed that I actually posted on this latest "look at me" thread! :(
Do I renew my ST if these two ****s are here next season..... I am thinking about it Big Time


If your support for the club is so flimsy and based primarily on your personal opinion of two players (who have, as much as people may not wish to acknowledge it, contributed significant goals and assists to get us to where we currently are), then I would suggest you don't bother.


I am buying one simply to watch them, my fave team for next year


Little Tommy Forecast

Danny Fox







De Ridder





Good money to see that crap.

Do I renew my ST if these two ****s are here next season..... I am thinking about it Big Time


I doubt Pompey can afford them and they wouldn't want L2 football.


No don't bother - you'll only find another two scapegots to whinge about. Crikey - what is it with some people? Never happy no matter what. Two years ago we were playing Plymouth. Next Saturday we are away at Spurs but if that's not good enough then go elsewhere.

Do I renew my ST if these two ****s are here next season..... I am thinking about it Big Time


I feel very sorry for your wife and kids if they come lower in your priorities than this levl of support for saints.

I feel very sorry for your wife and kids if they come lower in your priorities than this levl of support for saints.


haha i thought the same! If i was mod i would change the thread title to "The Wife And Her Sister" for some classic lols!


Ok Fox has been a bit crap this season, but what has Guly done that is so bad it would make you not want to go to games? He's barely played!


I'm now annoyed at myself that I felt the need to comment on this thread.


More to the point, do I renew my ticket knowing I might end up say next to a moron such as you?


I will of course, but I seriously urge you not to renew your ticket. Please


Personally I think more of a reason not to renew is the constant use by people going to the loo at halftime to use the doors which clearly say NO EXIT to get back out !!


I mean, is the queue of people that they have to push and squeeze past to get out not a big enough fkin clue that they should use the other door ??


:) ;)

Oh No...................... I got them again... Thanks Glasgow and Bear, one of my better Wind Ups... anyway back on the Valium and wait for the Infraction ha ha


you must have a f*cking boring life if poor attemps at a wind up like this give you so much entertainment.


If a player is still in the club when you think they shouldn´t surely you should blame the management and not the players?


What should they do. Turn offers down cause they dont think they´re good enough for the club?



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