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Your opinions are you own, but I reckon you would be one of he first ones to start booing and slagging off players and so on, whether that be subjective or objective....lol


Thats speculation dear boy.

Not at all.



What is that supposed to prove exactly? There are plenty of examples of good and bad atmospheres at both venues. In 36 years the best home atmosphere I can remember is still the cup quarter final at St Mary's v Wolves.


The support of all clubs in the Premier League has got worse since we were last there. There's a lot less singing throughout games which generally only spikes for goals or controversial incidents. Think back 10 years and we'd have chants going for 15-20 minutes. As soon as one stopped another would start. Not now though.


I was in the Chapel yesterday with my son. It's the first time I've sat there for a league game as my ST is in Block 36, but it gave me a good chance to hear exactly where the noise came from. Baggies fans outsang us for long periods (although the Mexican Wave was just wrong and has no place in football) and it sounded to me that most of our vocal support was coming from around Block 38-40 when it used to come from 41-42. I only heard block 1-3 sing once, and the rest of the ground not once. It was so quiet in the Chapel you could hear people 2 blocks away eating crisps.


Our support tends to carry a lot of people who I would say are 50/60+ therefore the majority of our followings end up with supporters sitting down. We've tried creating singing sections away from home for those which wish to stand but stewards become a nuisance and in the end the scheme had it's plug pulled.


Yesterday was just a party day for us. We're having our best season since our great side in the seventies. Our local rivals are both in turmoil with one on the brink of league one football so it was understandable that our chants would be us relishing in their demise. I'm not a lover of Mexican waves but I thought ours was fitting as not only did it get supporters on their feet but it continued the pee take and party atmosphere we intended to create.


I was expecting much more noise from the home fans, however, I appreciate you had nothing to sing about and hopefully on my visit next season, you make up for the noise which was missing yesterday. I was sat in Block 47 and the stand to my left spent most of the time complaining, waving their arms around rather than vocally backing their side - no doubt we would have been the same had the roles been reversed.


People can critcise the Mexican waves by all means but we're not really bothered. We're intent on enjoying one of our greatest seasons and likewise when we head to Norwich, we'll go in fancy dress and be critcised for that too, but the modern way amongst football supporters is that if it doesn't include someone carrying a flare or someone leading some organised chanting with lots of flags and banners then it's considered cringeworthy - this isn't an attack on any of you, but more so the way supporters in this country are creaming themselves over the European fanbase which in fairness, is pretty good but these people need to understand we'll will never have those scenes here.


People can critcise the Mexican waves by all means but we're not really bothered. We're intent on enjoying one of our greatest seasons and likewise when we head to Norwich, we'll go in fancy dress and be critcised for that too, but the modern way amongst football supporters is that if it doesn't include someone carrying a flare or someone leading some organised chanting with lots of flags and banners then it's considered cringeworthy - this isn't an attack on any of you, but more so the way supporters in this country are creaming themselves over the European fanbase which in fairness, is pretty good but these people need to understand we'll will never have those scenes here.


All the 'ultra' b*llocks has no place in English football. Neither do Mexican waves and fancy dress. Flares and smoke bombs are ok and can add to the atmosphere but the organised singing and flags should be kept abroad. English support is spontaneous. If you want to do mexican waves and dress up then why don't you go to the theatre?

All the 'ultra' b*llocks has no place in English football. Neither do Mexican waves and fancy dress. Flares and smoke bombs are ok and can add to the atmosphere but the organised singing and flags should be kept abroad. English support is spontaneous. If you want to do mexican waves and dress up then why don't you go to the theatre?


I remember us beating Villa 4-1 at the Dell and a copper chasing a Villa fan dressed as a chicken round the pitch. Funny as f*ck.


Nothing wrong with fancy dress and Mexican waves.

All the 'ultra' b*llocks has no place in English football. Neither do Mexican waves and fancy dress. Flares and smoke bombs are ok and can add to the atmosphere but the organised singing and flags should be kept abroad. English support is spontaneous. If you want to do mexican waves and dress up then why don't you go to the theatre?


Nothing wrong with either providing they're not done frequently. Our fancy dress is usually our last away game of the season where we have a similar carnival atmosphere to yesterday and as for Mexican waves, bar yesterday I cannot even think of the last time we did it. Probably the last time we did was when Portsmouth tried starting one at The Hawthorns a few years ago in our Great Escape season. Had we participated in a Mexican Wave every week, I would take your point that it's annoying and cringe-worthy but it was something spontaneous yesterday in not only enjoyment at our superb season but the failure and demise at those clubs which are located around us - if we can't enjoy ourselves now then we never will.

Nothing wrong with either providing they're not done frequently. Our fancy dress is usually our last away game of the season where we have a similar carnival atmosphere to yesterday and as for Mexican waves, bar yesterday I cannot even think of the last time we did it. Probably the last time we did was when Portsmouth tried starting one at The Hawthorns a few years ago in our Great Escape season. Had we participated in a Mexican Wave every week, I would take your point that it's annoying and cringe-worthy but it was something spontaneous yesterday in not only enjoyment at our superb season but the failure and demise at those clubs which are located around us - if we can't enjoy ourselves now then we never will.


Fair play, I should think we might be in similar spirits had we had your season, all the best and good luck for the rest of the season. Hopefully next year we'l give you at least one better game, maybe even two! ;)

Nothing wrong with either providing they're not done frequently. Our fancy dress is usually our last away game of the season where we have a similar carnival atmosphere to yesterday and as for Mexican waves, bar yesterday I cannot even think of the last time we did it. Probably the last time we did was when Portsmouth tried starting one at The Hawthorns a few years ago in our Great Escape season. Had we participated in a Mexican Wave every week, I would take your point that it's annoying and cringe-worthy but it was something spontaneous yesterday in not only enjoyment at our superb season but the failure and demise at those clubs which are located around us - if we can't enjoy ourselves now then we never will.
Your support reminded me of a lower league team getting excited at a big day out at a Premier League side. Free travel club coaches, away end mainly sat, Mexican waves and fancy dress. Your team were excellent though.
If you want to do mexican waves and dress up then why don't you go to the theatre?


Thats right because the theatre is full of fancy dress wearing Mexican wavers. Mate you must be embarrassed by that line.


If only we could go back to circa 78: steel cages separating seething, surging, packed-in mobs of opposing fans, hurling abuse, spit and missiles at one another in the Archers. Fancy dress = doc marten high leg variant boots.

We have a boring middle class support, been saying that for years, I only go 3/4 times a year and that is out of love for the Saints not for the atmosphere, its crap, the Island dwellers have got it about right I hate to say.

The Dell was will always be the place where the atmosphere was, sitting down certainly does not help.


so true.


I blame the fans trying to sign gastons song at every chance, yet we hardly sing SRL song now, league one days when we sang it before every game was quality, he appreciated this, lets go back to singing his name when were waiting for KO.


Lets keep singing OWTSGMI if a team scores and at the start of the game, lets stop singing so many anti skates songs and think of better songs for MP and other players.


Even the atmoshpere at the Dell declined with the creeping extension of seated areas.


First the debenture benches along the sides, then, gradually, the whole lot seated. An incremental erosion of atmosphere with each seating addition. This, combined with the yuppiefication and tourist quotient of the fanbase are to blame.


I think some people need to stop moaning. Of course the atmosphere isn't going to be great when the players look like they've only just met and stumble round the pitch making the wrong decisions for the entire match. The atmosphere started off sounding pretty good, then the poor display drained the will from the supporters.


Standing areas it's inevitaly easier for the louder folk to congregate and once you've got a solid group making some noise you'l find more join in, simple critical mass theory ;)


Maybe post super stadium expansion we can chuck some "safe standing" (I love the fold up fold down ones used in Germany) behind one goal like at Dortmund and group together some of the more vocal lot.

Some people's stupidity knows no bounds! I f*cking love this forum :lol:


Have you ever tried starting a mexican wave at the theatre? Dont half get some odd looks during Hamlet!


Its obvious away fans are going to outsing home support.

Chelsea and the once raucous Anfield, to name but 2, were both

sterile and devoid of atmosphere this season and with s/t prices

only going one way its not going to change. West Brom 's away

support is a million miles away from that of the Hawthorns.


Our support isn't an embarrassment, far from it, although we do need a few more songs. OWTS is good for a maximum of about 5 times a game, and agree with one poster we need to sing RLSGM before the game again (this isnt helped by us not reading his name out last anymore.)


Tbf I did hear the Schneiderlin one just about get going on Saturday.


Thank F*&^ our supporters didn't join in that Mexican Wave, although I was expecting the little turds in the Northam do exactly that.

Thats right because the theatre is full of fancy dress wearing Mexican wavers. Mate you must be embarrassed by that line.


Some people's stupidity knows no bounds! I f*cking love this forum :lol:


I meant a pantomime or something. The point still stands. Fancy dress and mexican waves are for c*nts.

I meant a pantomime or something. The point still stands. Fancy dress and mexican waves are for c*nts.


so at mexico '86 when the mexican wave was first shown to a world wide audience, they were all c*nts? The Mexicans have been at it for years at football matches, not a pantomime or theatre!

Works better with the Scottish play.


In which seen do you start the mexican wave and when does it end or is it continuous throughout its entirety? Thats committment to mexican culture right there!


OK our support wasn't that good against WBA but if we get a entertaining or a result match against Spurs we can get a good atmosphere for Sunderland and I will try to come up with some new songs and get them started but if any one has any sensible new chants for that game + future home games then I will take suggestions.

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