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And to get back on subject :-


Oncoming drivers who overtake parked cars on your side of the road and glare at you if you don't give them room, even if there is none to give, it's my right of way arsehole!!

Oncoming drivers who turn right on my side of the road and then glare at me because I'm correctly positioned to turn right, I've paid my road tax too arsehole!!

People in the left hand lane of a two lane roundabout who cut across my lane because they're too lazy to go round the roundabout, arseholes!!

Drivers behind who gesticulate because you won't block a pedestrian crossing in stationary traffic, read the highway code arseholes!!


And it seems we have a consensus on arseholes who don't turn their fog lights off when it's not restricted visibility, arseholes

What the hell does that mean?


In English layman's terms


so even I can understand it


People who are searching for things on sites like Twitter. Using the # means you can search Twitter for people talking about a similar topic.


For example, people were using #bostonmarathon so that you could search for incoming news from people you may not be following.

People who are searching for things on sites like Twitter. Using the # means you can search Twitter for people talking about a similar topic.


For example, people were using #bostonmarathon so that you could search for incoming news from people you may not be following.


I dont follow anyone or use twitter ?



I might stalk Barry Sanchez but thats about all

I dont follow anyone or use twitter ?



I might stalk Barry Sanchez but thats about all


I really am not that interesting or exciting to follow to be honest, I bore myself half the time, twitter is marmite and I do not like it but many do, for me its a place of lost souls and identities.



People who abuse sickness absence schemes when there is nothing wrong with them, The bad backs, Stress and upset stomach brigade


The GP's who sign sick notes as they are too scared to challenge the employees claim for fear of getting sued


People who drive at lower or half the permitted speed allowed on roads.


Oh and English shops and staff that will not take Scottish Bank notes. WH Smith one of the biggest offenders.


Harry Redkrapp and Sam allardyce , Phil Brown Roy Hodgson


Microwaves, we have had them for thirty years now and they still haven't managed to make one cook food at the same temperature throughout. There i am tonight, eating what I thought was a mildly hot meal, when unsuspectinglly the next mouthful was liquid magma. Basta rds


Just had a cracking microwave curry, what really naffs me off is when I am behind a slow driver and they stop on the road where there is no overtaking for a few miles, to let a slow lorry out and then the car turns at the next junction, and I am left crawling behind the bl**dy lorry. arrrrgggh




Feck me, they've no big roads in Northern Ireland. This means that if you live there for any significant period of time, you get to do a run to the airport. Occasionally, you'll have a tractor in front of you for ages. The bugger won't move over. There's a queue of cars behind him that snakes into the Republic, but he doesn't care. It is honestly one of the most stressful experiences going, and even if there are no tractors, you live in fear of tractors.

I thought they were owned by Siemens now?


Nah, two different entities


Schneider are doing a great job of buying pretty much any electrical company up (HV/LV) and contractors, they then proceed to have no knowledge of the products that they have 'inheritted' v v tiresome

Nah, two different entities


Schneider are doing a great job of buying pretty much any electrical company up (HV/LV) and contractors, they then proceed to have no knowledge of the products that they have 'inheritted' v v tiresome


all those little contactors with Siemens on are not originally Schneider products then?

all those little contactors with Siemens on are not originally Schneider products then?


Maybe, they may have bought them aswell, Siemens still has a successful arm in HV protection etc through Reyrolle though, amoungst other things such as Sw/gear etc

Begging charity adverts on tv.


Dicks who ask you to sponsor them to run a marathon, then don't complete it, or provide you with docs to prove they finished the race. Hasn't even bothered to return texts since monday. :wave:

i mean wifes or girlfriends yo!




Some of the American fellows I work with refer to a software program called the Work Order Generator using the same term.

People using words like chuggers that I have no clue as to it's meaning


"Charity Muggers".


The annoying people wielding clipboards who grab you on the high street and insist that you sign away £x per month to save the children/animals/geriatrics/disabled etc.

"Charity Muggers".


The annoying people wielding clipboards who grab you on the high street and insist that you sign away £x per month to save the children/animals/geriatrics/disabled etc.


I've been paying £20 per month to something called Mungos since 2008. I don't even know what mungos is. I'm imagining retards or something.

I've been paying £20 per month to something called Mungos since 2008. I don't even know what mungos is. I'm imagining retards or something.


mungos is a charity for the homeless. So at 20£ a month since 2008 you've probably contributed enough to buy a luxury model cardboard box..

"Charity Muggers".


The annoying people wielding clipboards who grab you on the high street and insist that you sign away £x per month to save the children/animals/geriatrics/disabled etc.


Cheers for that I can now agree with the person who first posted it.


Any reference to Messi on the main board.


"Some of our fans wont be happy unless we sign Messi"

"If Messi had scored a goal like that, everyone would be talking about it"

"That Messi bloke looks alright, HCDAJFU lolz!!

Swiftly followed by

"He's not as good as Puncheon FFS!"


Repeat endlessly.

People who abuse sickness absence schemes when there is nothing wrong with them, The bad backs, Stress and upset stomach brigade


The GP's who sign sick notes as they are too scared to challenge the employees claim for fear of getting sued


People who drive at lower or half the permitted speed allowed on roads.


Oh and English shops and staff that will not take Scottish Bank notes. WH Smith one of the biggest offenders.


Harry Redkrapp and Sam allardyce , Phil Brown Roy Hodgson


Scottish bank notea are not legal tender in England.


I hate pedantic arseholes who pont out every little flaw in an argument.

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