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I'm a nutter what can I say. Just love living on the edge. They'll be more crazy outlandish statements like this in the future.


Here's a taster... I think Lambert is as likely to play for England as John Parkin.


I think I'd have started supporting Wales if The Beast had ever played for England.

I think I'd have started supporting Wales if The Beast had ever played for England.


Possibly the most out of shape professional footballer of the modern era

I think I'd have started supporting Wales if The Beast had ever played for England.


You might as well England have as much chance of winning the World Cup as Wales.

I'm flattered that you remembered a post I made from June last year, truely flattered, now take that sentence, include it in the rest of the paragraph i wrote and put it in context with the rest of the post and there you gave my whole point. As thick as a whale omelette aren't you princess.


Don't be too flattered, it only stuck in my mind because you were being such a ***t.

Don't be too flattered, it only stuck in my mind because you were being such a ***t.


Which is why none of your posts ever stick in my mind, as its the norm for you.

Possibly the most out of shape professional footballer of the modern era


I saw him play once on a random trip to Hull; his beer gut was simply staggering. You just had to stand back and be impressed that a man so patently at odds with the traditional professional footballer's image had made such a career for himself.

I saw him play once on a random trip to Hull; his beer gut was simply staggering. You just had to stand back and be impressed that a man so patently at odds with the traditional professional footballer's image had made such a career for himself.




What an athlete...



If teams continue with the same current form for their remaining games - teams with 8 games left gain the same amount of points as they have over the last 8, those with 9, the amount of points they have gained over the last 9.


The final table will look like this...


Newcastle 45

Norwich 42

Aston Villa 41

Saints 40

West Ham 40

Stoke 39

Sunderland 37

Wigan 36

QPR 32

Reading 27


Safe as West Ham, therefore as safe as Man U? ;)


Current form quickly changes - Aston Villa look good due to winning last two games against Reading and QPR.


Also takes no account with how easy or hard games left are (not that ours is logical QPR/Man C/ Liverpool?)


Don't think that will be that close to how it will ends but shows -



all those teams could easily be dragged into it - lose two games in a row now and pressure will be on for any of us.


37/38 will probably be enough.


Dont be complacent just win games FFS

Top seventeen is what I meant to say and I note you still dont get it. Me saying West Ham won't go down (top seventeen) is not the same as saying West Ham can win the league (top one) which was your pigsh it thick interpretation of what I said.


My point is your "reverse anology" was senseless garbage. My point, you see, is fundementally based on something that will actually happen (WHU staying up).


Your "reverse analogy" is not and is nothing more than a banner as high as the moon saying "Good God Wes Tender is a freaking moron."


There's some English language for you which I am sure you are too dumb to comprehend.


Did I get under your skin? You sound mighty annoyed. Diddums

Top seventeen is what I meant to say and I note you still dont get it. Me saying West Ham won't go down (top seventeen) is not the same as saying West Ham can win the league (top one) which was your pigsh it thick interpretation of what I said.


My point is your "reverse anology" was senseless garbage. My point, you see, is fundementally based on something that will actually happen (WHU staying up).


Your "reverse analogy" is not and is nothing more than a banner as high as the moon saying "Good God Wes Tender is a freaking moron."


There's some English language for you which I am sure you are too dumb to comprehend.


You'd stick everything you own on that would you?




Can't be that certain then.

Did I get under your skin? You sound mighty annoyed. Diddums




I do get aggravated by stupidity, yes. And you being dogsh it thick does get under my skin.


People who equate "this team are staying up" with "this team are going to win the league" really are special little guys. I shouldn't be angry with you. Just to show sympathy.

Posted (edited)
The only hilarious thing is this forum's deranged obsession with West Ham. Pathetic, bitter small time mentality. WHU fans don't give us a moments thought. But there's a rant about them on here every single day.



...and right on cue, this:




Complete mentalists.


I do wonder if CB Fry suffers from some sort of Tourette's syndrome.Take yesterday's offerings on this thread for example'


This forum has a pathetic, bitter small time mentality.Pingwing is a complete mentalist. Wes Tender is a bellend.Wes Tender is spectacularly dumb. Wes Tender is too dumb to understand the English language.People who disagree with him are spanners. People who disagree with him are the lifeless, dumb brigade.


That is just one day's offerings on one particular thread. This is to fans of the same football team that he supports. I dread to think the abuse he would give to fans of other clubs.


Let us all hope that he finds the treatment he clearly needs.

Edited by Tamesaint
I do get aggravated by stupidity, yes. And you being dogsh it thick does get under my skin.


People who equate "this team are staying up" with "this team are going to win the league" really are special little guys. I shouldn't be angry with you. Just to show sympathy.


.... and it continues today. Dogsh it thick is the latest offering.


For your sake CB, please get some treatment.


Let us all hope that he finds the treatment he clearly needs.


Hear hear, it would make this forum a better place without this dumb****.


Btw I have put £10 on West Ham to get relegated because it gives me a 10% chance to **** myself with laughter if it happened, I could not believe the bookies guy when he said 'Better chance of Utd getting relegated.'


Wow it might of been CB's double?

If West Ham are indeed 100% safe then CB Fry would happily offer all of us idiots a bet on the propect of relegation? Let's say a tenner each at 1000/1?


You missed his post from this morning otherwise you wouldn't have made this comment, expect the wrath of CB Fry to come soon number 85!

You missed his post from this morning otherwise you wouldn't have made this comment, expect the wrath of CB Fry to come soon number 85!


I saw he'd edited a post, what did he say?


What's funny is that West Ham have actually become less safe since he said that whilst Man Utd, well they were already safe but I suppose you could say they have become 'safer'.

I saw he'd edited a post, what did he say?


Something like you are the 84th person to say this, I don't remember exactly, but you must admit he's having a great time winding posters up!

Something like you are the 84th person to say this, I don't remember exactly, but you must admit he's having a great time winding posters up!


Indeed, he's becoming one of the worst trolls on this forum

You'd stick everything you own on that would you?




Can't be that certain then.


If I gave you a million pounds with the proviso that you had to bet it all on West Ham staying up or West Ham going down what would you do?

West Ham are not mathematically safe but Man U are. Even I think West Ham are unlikely to go down but you're repeating a set-in-stone comment that is factually wrong.




And how intelligent do you think it is to claim that the probability of relegation is identical when comparing one club that is 6 points above the relegation zone and have lost 5 of their last 7 games, and another club that is 47 points clear and are mathematically impossible to go down?


Seriously, if you dig yourself into a hole stop digging.


As for claiming other posters are demonstrating just how spectacularly dumb they are when they disagree with you, not long after you yourself post crap like this http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?43653-Le-Tiss-running-his-mouth-off-again&highlight=trolling


that's barely anything more than trolling.


Just because you don't understand the point of a post doesn't mean it is trolling.

If I gave you a million pounds with the proviso that you had to bet it all on West Ham staying up or West Ham going down what would you do?


As the money would be provided so generously by you, I'd put it on them going down, as those odds would give a better return if that happened. I'd have nothing to lose, would I?


If you allowed me to place it on either West Ham or Manchester United (being as how they are as likely as each other to go down -Trademark CB Fry), I'd put it on United staying up, but unfortunately the bookies wouldn't give odds on that, even before the start of the season. ;)

Whilst I think cb is an excellent poster and hope he continues to post, I have to say he is wrong on this issue...


I'm 180 degrees on this; he is a far from excellant poster but he is right on this issue.

I'm 180 degrees on this; he is a far from excellant poster but he is right on this issue.


he really isn't. the fact that bookies will give you odds on Wet Spam being relegated but not Man U proves it. FWIW I don't think anyone thinks that Wet Spam will go down but there is still a small possibility that they can.

If I gave you a million pounds with the proviso that you had to bet it all on West Ham staying up or West Ham going down what would you do?


If I gave you £1m and said you can put it on either WHU or MU to stay up on exactly the same odds which one would you put it on?

There really are some absolute f*cking knobs on this forum and that really is a




There are absolute knobs in every walk of life. A forum of 000's isn't going to be any different.

There are absolute knobs in every walk of life. A forum of 000's isn't going to be any different.


I really can't believe that months after the original point was made, that Niether Man United or West Ham will go down, there are still people debating the odds of which one is more likely and completely unable to grasp the simple point being made. What is the opposite of a troll? An innernezzzz f*cktard or similar?

I'm 180 degrees on this; he is a far from excellant poster but he is right on this issue.


As far as I can tell he is saying goes west ham are as likely to go down as united. That clearly isn't the case. For a start it is still possible for west ham to go down whilst it is not for united.

As far as I can tell he is saying goes west ham are as likely to go down as united. That clearly isn't the case. For a start it is still possible for west ham to go down whilst it is not for united.


FFS don't you start.


i've got the percentages and odds here turkey, if you still don't get it.


by the by, can someone look hyperbole up in dictionary for me pls?


Wow, what a thread. Weird that someone would wake up and bother to carry on a pointless argument on a football forum before 7am.


Maybe stay in bed and have a w ank instead tomorrow?

Posted (edited)
Wow, what a thread. Weird that someone would wake up and bother to carry on a pointless argument on a football forum before 7am.


Maybe stay in bed and have a w ank instead tomorrow?


It could be a) I woke up especially to post on this thread or b) I was on the sh* ter and its something to do before work.


You decide. In fact you can bet a million pounds/your life savings/£10 at 10,000 to one etc etc on the correct answer. Which I will reveal at about ten to seven tomorrow.

Edited by CB Fry
If I gave you a million pounds with the proviso that you had to bet it all on West Ham staying up or West Ham going down what would you do?


One event being more likely than the other doesn't make that event certain :rolleyes:


Nor does an event actually happening mean that it was certain at the time the prediction was made, for that matter.

It could be a) I woke up especially to post on this thread or b) I was on the sh* ter and its something to do before work.


You decide. In fact you can bet a million pounds/your life savings/£10 at 10,000 to one etc etc on the correct answer. Which I will reveal at about ten to seven tomorrow.

No you should definitely desist from posting on here and have a w ank tomorrow. MASSIVE EGO.

It could be a) I woke up especially to post on this thread or b) I was on the sh* ter and its something to do before work.


You decide. In fact you can bet a million pounds/your life savings/£10 at 10,000 to one etc etc on the correct answer. Which I will reveal at about ten to seven tomorrow.


In fact you have turned out to be one of the biggest and largest p-r-i-c-k-s on this whole mongboard and that's quite a feat (Turkish)



If teams continue with the same current form for their remaining games - teams with 8 games left gain the same amount of points as they have over the last 8, those with 9, the amount of points they have gained over the last 9.


The final table will look like this...


Newcastle 45

Norwich 42

Aston Villa 41

Saints 40

West Ham 40

Stoke 39

Sunderland 37

Wigan 36

QPR 32

Reading 27


Safe as West Ham, therefore as safe as Man U? ;)


Current form quickly changes - Aston Villa look good due to winning last two games against Reading and QPR.


Also takes no account with how easy or hard games left are (not that ours is logical QPR/Man C/ Liverpool?)


Don't think that will be that close to how it will ends but shows -



all those teams could easily be dragged into it - lose two games in a row now and pressure will be on for any of us.


37/38 will probably be enough.


Perhaps moving on from CB's mistake...


Three things I think this shows to me..


1) people saying Wigan's form will keep them up..its probably not good enough yet. Wigan/Reading/QPR look the most likely both on league table and how they are doing.


2) Sunderland, not included all season when discussing relegation are now highly risky.


3) not one team in bottom half can relax and think they can cruise home.

No you should definitely desist from posting on here and have a w ank tomorrow. MASSIVE EGO.


In fact you have turned out to be one of the biggest and largest p-r-i-c-k-s on this whole mongboard and that's quite a feat (Turkish)


Pretty sure this is evidence of "forum tourettes" that you need to get "treatment" for, according to Tamesaint who I am assuming is a doctor.

Hear hear, it would make this forum a better place without this dumb****.


Btw I have put £10 on West Ham to get relegated because it gives me a 10% chance to **** myself with laughter if it happened, I could not believe the bookies guy when he said 'Better chance of Utd getting relegated.'


Wow it might of been CB's double?


I'd say this is forum tourettes as well but I know Pilchy already needs help with his compulsive lying about "inside info" he claims he has which turns out to be garbage time and again. So presumably already on some medication as is.


Well. I guess most of the above posts were made by people when ******ed. If not, they really need to get a life and grow up.


This is what the forum has become. jeez.

In fact you have turned out to be one of the biggest and largest p-r-i-c-k-s on this whole mongboard and that's quite a feat (Turkish)


Don't look for my approval to your judgement, I like Frys posts. I'm glad to see the ever increasing use of the word 'mongboard' though, a gift I gave to you all about 9 months ago and appears to now have entered everyday language on here, which pleases me.

Don't look for my approval to your judgement, I like Frys posts. I'm glad to see the ever increasing use of the word 'mongboard' though, a gift I gave to you all about 9 months ago and appears to now have entered everyday language on here, which pleases me.


Nice to know that there has been some benefit from your 18,000 posts on this (mong) board ! :-)

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