Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 (edited) See you are trying to change the subject whilst failing to provide the name of anyone on here who is dead set against saints improving... No. I really do feel sorry for you if you really cannot recognise the negativity on this forum and spot the negative posters. Try and have a really hard think. I am sure you will be able to come up with a few names, Edited 13 March, 2013 by Tamesaint
The9 Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Whatever the9, I'm MLG for the night. Ish. If you have any questions about rusty steal just put them forward. Otherwise stop spamming up the stadium thread with non stadium/non rusty stuff. Btw - did you mean to put "no being out-pendanted" or did you really want to put "not" instead or whatever? There are two typos in that quote, only one of them is deliberate. Ok, ok, you can be MLG.
The Kraken Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 can't you let mlg have his sunshine tho kraks? he's having a hard time of it, i hear that the new fm match engine is not v.good. Sorry Bear, but I just can't help myself. His drivel has got worse and worse in the past few months; since Crystal Palace-gate, in fact; he's on a downwards spiral with no sign of reverse, and its just too much of a tempting target to wade in and correct his numerous errors. I should rise above it, I know. Its a weakness. I need help.
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 No. I really do feel sorry for you if you really cannot recognise the negativity on this forum and spot the negative posters. Try and have a really hard think. I am sure you will be able to come up with a few names, That wasn't what you were saying though was it. You said there were posters who were dead set against saints improving. There is a big difference. I think there are probably quite a few posters that you would class as negative but absolutely none that are dead set on saints failing.
Bearsy Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 That's ok kraks i know ur heart is in right place. It does make me feel bad sometimes tho when it's big gang rape on MLG, prob I'm too sensitive bout arguing but he is after all just wanting things to be nice for Saints. When he goes too far it would be nice if people could just pat him on head & humour him like you would with small child or retard.
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Remember krakers said Bearsy was a try hard? That was Lols. Bearsy actually cried, I mean actually cried. No lies.
Barry the Badger Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 I miss that slight fear of death that used to come with attending a football match, was very exciting! Maybe they could make the brown bit a nostalgic crush area where you could get crammed in with loads of other people and somebody could **** on your leg. Rather that than a banqueting suite.
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 No. I really do feel sorry for you if you really cannot recognise the negativity on this forum and spot the negative posters. Try and have a really hard think. I am sure you will be able to come up with a few names, Will be interesting to see if you actually own up to your error now or just ignore what you said and run away. Still waiting for you to name a single poster that is dead set on saints improving.
The Kraken Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 That's ok kraks i know ur heart is in right place. It does make me feel bad sometimes tho when it's big gang rape on MLG, prob I'm too sensitive bout arguing but he is after all just wanting things to be nice for Saints. When he goes too far it would be nice if people could just pat him on head & humour him like you would with small child or retard. I think MLG loves the bants, really. He's just not terribly good at it.
Bearsy Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Remember krakers said Bearsy was a try hard? That was Lols. Bearsy actually cried, I mean actually cried. No lies. It was "i don't know why people put up with this unfunny try-hard". Edit: I mean or something like that it's not like 6 months later I still cry myself to sleep. Sometimes a whole day goes past and I've hardly even thought about it.
The Kraken Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Remember krakers said Bearsy was a try hard? That was Lols. Bearsy actually cried, I mean actually cried. No lies. The perils of over indulging in rioja and deciding it's a good time for forumming. Me and Bear have become chums after all that bother. Haven't we, Bear? Bear? BEAR?!?!
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Sorry for getting it wrong bear. Tamesaint do you want me to represent you as well? I will happily name someone who actively wants saints to lose... Mack Rill! Ha! In your face hypo.
Bearsy Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Me and Bear have become chums after all that bother. Haven't we, Bear? Totes! I feel a bit battered housewife tho, I'm very careful with my behaviour cos you never know what might unleash kraken on another drunken rampage
Bearsy Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Sorry for getting it wrong bear. Tamesaint do you want me to represent you as well? I will happily name someone who actively wants saints to lose... Mack Rill! Ha! In your face hypo. Glad to see that settled so amicably! +1 reputations points!
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Sorry for getting it wrong bear. Tamesaint do you want me to represent you as well? I will happily name someone who actively wants saints to lose... Mack Rill! Ha! In your face hypo. Curses. On a different topic it appears that tamesaint has taken the run away option.
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 No. I really do feel sorry for you if you really cannot recognise the negativity on this forum and spot the negative posters. Try and have a really hard think. I am sure you will be able to come up with a few names, I can't think if any, why don't you just put us all out of our misery and name them.
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 FFS turkish, we've done that, there is Mack, FMDP or whatever, flyer, charlie Wayman, tartan owl and you.
sotonjoe Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Do you think we would have to get another loan to pay for this?
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Curses. On a different topic it appears that tamesaint has taken the run away option. Sorry Hypo. I have a life away from this board. I didn't appreciate that to post on here you have to agree to devote your entire evening to the "mong board." Tokyo saint is a true gent representing me as well as Bearsy. He has certainly come up with a few names without having to think too hard. I can think of a few more. Can't you??? Come on Hypo, think really hard. I am sure that you can come up with a few more names if you think really, really hard.
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Sorry Hypo. I have a life away from this board. I didn't appreciate that to post on here you have to agree to devote your entire evening to the "mong board." Tokyo saint is a true gent representing me as well as Bearsy. He has certainly come up with a few names without having to think too hard. I can think of a few more. Can't you??? Come on Hypo, think really hard. I am sure that you can come up with a few more names if you think really, really hard. Who are the ones you can think of?
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Who are the ones you can think of? Ooh there are plenty of them.
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Ooh there are plenty of them. Name them, it can't be hard if there are plenty, go on, name them.
Dig Dig Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 The mods should stop tamesaint from trolling and being all negative
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 The mods should stop tamesaint from trolling and being all negative Agreed, it's people like him that are ruining this board!
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Name them, it can't be hard if there are plenty, go on, name them. Come on Turkish. Think really hard . I am sure you can think of some people who can always be relied upon to have a negative slant on things and pour cold water on anything positive posted on here. . Why are you so keen on names? You don't have a guilty conscience and think that I could possibly be thinking of you ?
warsash saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 This thread pefectly sums up how sh*t this site is at times!
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 The mods should stop tamesaint from trolling and being all negative lol
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Come on Turkish. Think really hard . I am sure you can think of some people who can always be relied upon to have a negative slant on things and pour cold water on anything positive posted on here. . Why are you so keen on names? You don't have a guilty conscience and think that I could possibly be thinking of you ? Not at all, why would I? come on you're the one with all the tap, tap. Back up your claims and name the ones you mean. What are you worried about?
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Sorry Hypo. I have a life away from this board. I didn't appreciate that to post on here you have to agree to devote your entire evening to the "mong board." Tokyo saint is a true gent representing me as well as Bearsy. He has certainly come up with a few names without having to think too hard. I can think of a few more. Can't you??? Come on Hypo, think really hard. I am sure that you can come up with a few more names if you think really, really hard. So actually you can only think of posters who support rival teams. You can't even name one saints fan.
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Come on Turkish. Think really hard . I am sure you can think of some people who can always be relied upon to have a negative slant on things and pour cold water on anything positive posted on here. . Why are you so keen on names? You don't have a guilty conscience and think that I could possibly be thinking of you ? Earlier I said: That wasn't what you were saying though was it. You said there were posters who were dead set against saints improving. There is a big difference. I think there are probably quite a few posters that you would class as negative but absolutely none that are dead set on saints failing. Yet you seem to be ignoring it. Why is that?
CB Fry Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 For something that is apparently so easy, our friend seems to find it completely impossible to name a single contributor to this forum (who isn't a supporter of a rival team) who is "dead set against Saints improving". Could it be, just maybe, that these people don't exist at all, except for in the ditzy little head of Tamesaint?
hypochondriac Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Well CB he is trying to change it now by using the word negative instead of what he actually said. I'm guessing that he has realised how foolish he has made himself look but he doesn't want to admit he was wrong and apologise.
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 This thread pefectly sums up how sh*t this site is at times! I know, that steel stuff was terrible wasn't it? Which bore was banging on about that and getting in the way of the in squabbling? You should ask for your fiver back.
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Well CB he is trying to change it now by using the word negative instead of what he actually said. I'm guessing that he has realised how foolish he has made himself look but he doesn't want to admit he was wrong and apologise. Apologise? Apologise to whom?? I haven't named anybody have I?? Or like Turkish do you also have a guity conscience??
Bearsy Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Well CB he is trying to change it now by using the word negative instead of what he actually said. I'm guessing that he has realised how foolish he has made himself look but he doesn't want to admit he was wrong and apologise. Not sure anyone's coming out of this looking sensible hypo.
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Apologise? Apologise to whom?? I haven't named anybody have I?? Or like Turkish do you also have a guity conscience?? Why would I have a guilty conscience? Come on, name them. Name them, name them, fu cking name them.
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Just say it Tames why do you care. I reckon alps prefers it when he has something to moan about. His posts go right up when we do badly so stick him on the list. Baz seems to be a premier league moaner, Delldays likes a bit, add dalek dic to the list. See, I'm smashing a few out already, this is easy. Do don't need to prove nothing, just throw it out there.
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 (edited) Why would I have a guilty conscience? Come on, name them. Name them, name them, fu cking name them. Read what Bearsy just wrote, calm down and go to bed. Hopefully your conscience won't keep you awake. Edited 13 March, 2013 by Tamesaint
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 (edited) Lol me and you are the sensible ones bear, that must be the first time ever! + 5 rep points to us. Quick lets have a party before nightshirt mod comes and closes this jibberish or worse, flushes it to the muppet show for a slow and undignified death. Edited 13 March, 2013 by Tokyo-Saint
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Just say it Tames why do you care. I reckon alps prefers it when he has something to moan about. His posts go right up when we do badly so stick him on the list. Baz seems to be a premier league moaner, Delldays likes a bit, add dalek dic to the list. See, I'm smashing a few out already, this is easy. Do don't need to prove nothing, just throw it out there. Dull drums has retired from here, for now.
Barry Sanchez Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Just say it Tames why do you care. I reckon alps prefers it when he has something to moan about. His posts go right up when we do badly so stick him on the list. Baz seems to be a premier league moaner, Delldays likes a bit, add dalek dic to the list. See, I'm smashing a few out already, this is easy. Do don't need to prove nothing, just throw it out there. Cheers ta, I have just folllowed through and I am made up thats how self deprecating I am, it keeps me going..........
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Read what Bearsy just wrote, calm down and go to bed. Hopefully your conscience won't keep you awake. I'm calm, my conscience is clear, I just wonder why you won't name them after all your claims and it being so easy.
Tokyo-Saint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Too negative for him? Or was it getting in the way of the breakfasts?
Dig Dig Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Dull drums has retired from here, for now. Evidence that the good posters are being driven away by the likes of tamesaint
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Evidence that the good posters are being driven away by the likes of tamesaint They are and you can see why!
Tamesaint Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 Evidence that the good posters are being driven away by the likes of tamesaint if only I could take the credit for driving away Delldays! That would be a claim to fame.
Turkish Posted 13 March, 2013 Posted 13 March, 2013 if only I could take the credit for driving away Delldays! That would be a claim to fame. You think it's good that a long term poster feels he can't post on here anymore due to all the bullying and trolling on this site? Shame on you.
hypochondriac Posted 14 March, 2013 Posted 14 March, 2013 I'm calm, my conscience is clear, I just wonder why you won't name them after all your claims and it being so easy. It's because as he well knows he made a flippant remark about a load of posters who are scared of success but he then realised he couldn't back it up with any actual names.
Pilchards Posted 14 March, 2013 Posted 14 March, 2013 Blimey how childish has this thread become? If only I could get you all in my dojang with a set of boxing gloves to sort yourselves out.
dubai_phil Posted 14 March, 2013 Posted 14 March, 2013 Blimey how childish has this thread become? If only I could get you all in my dojang with a set of boxing gloves to sort yourselves out. Well, if the Mods don't keep them on topic and they get nasty then there is only one course of action. Send in the TMS Bomb Disposal Squad
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